Archive for May, 1995
Words from the Spirit, May 25, 1995
Not Man! Man is not reverent. But I say, I AM HE. I AM holy saith the Spirit of God. And I wish to move through MY people. As MY people come close to ME, and desires as to ME, and come into that corporation and the holiness of MY Holy One, the power of the Holy Ghost, I the Lord thy God, if those who will come in and ask of ME, I the Lord thy God, if they ask of ME a fish would I give them a stone? No! No! No! I will give them even better than a fish! I would give them the best that I have. I would give them beyond imagination says the Spirit of God.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, May 18, 1995
And I AM here. I AM a jealous God saith the Spirit of God. And I say many people, yea they think that whenever they call upon ME that I AM a daddy of love. And yes, I AM the God of love! I have given all things. But I say, I want more out of MY people than just that. I want them to realize, because the Word says: “if ye love ME ye will keep MY commandments.”
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