Archive for December, 1995

Word From The Holy Spirit, December 31, 1995

But MY people must be dedicated to ME; allow ME to re-mold, to restructure. I say, MY people need hours in prayer. MY PEOPLE NEED HOURS in reading MY Word. And I say, many of MY people, it is just a moment here, and a moment there. And then they want ME to really bless them. I say that blessing comes as they serve and come CONTINUALLY, coming to MY well, that MY well pours upon them blessings from eternity, from on high. And I say, MY people must realize the most precious gift that they can give to themselves in this day is devoting themselves to ME.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, December 30, 1995

For I AM here this night to speak to thy hearts of MY people. For I say, many of MY people have been deceived. Many are very unwise. And even though they think in their own selves they are very educated. They think within their own self that they are very understanding; they know all things. And they try to compete on MY level! And I say, MY people, don’t compete against ME! Don’t compete even one to another! But, submit to ME!
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Word From The Holy Spirit, December 28, 1995

For I AM here to shine in MY light, that thou might shine as stars from Heaven. And I say, thy worth is NOT in this World. I say, if thou art part of ME, and thou art part of MY blood line, and thou art the seed of Abraham, and thou art the seed of Isaac, and thou art grafted in by MY love, and thou has been grafted in this night, yea, through that grafting in, I say, MY people must come to a place of higher calling, of a higher place.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, December 21, 1995

For I say to MY people: behold this night, many are laying in the balance. And I say many in the balances are wanting. I say, the balances of the evil one has out balanced MY goodness! And I say, many people, I AM not saying here to MY people to judge THEE this night, but THOSE round about thee, thou knowest of those. And if it fits THEE this night, TAKE IT ON, MY people!
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Word From The Holy Spirit, December 16, 1995

For I AM here this night to show thee, MY people, even though thou art a few. I AM here, MY hand stretched out to thee. I have given thee MY love. I have showed thee MY blessings. And I have given thee and spoken to thee many times. And I say, WILL THOU NOT DOUBT ME??
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Word From The Holy Spirit, December 14, 1995

I AM coming through the clouds of glory. And, I AM coming through the time when men are not looking for ME. Yea, they are looking for their own fleshly gains. But I say, MY people this night need to rally. They need to come and seek ME. They must come and call upon MY Name. They must mean business! They must search for ME! They must call upon ME. And, they must deny themselves of fleshly gain. They must deny themselves of the World, the lusts of this World, the flesh, the lusts of the flesh and the pride of life. They MUST deny themselves!
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