Word from the Holy Spirit, June 1, 1995
…not by the might of men, but I AM here through MY Spirit saith the Spirit of God. For I AM here to move upon thee MY people. For I AM here to call thee this night. Come close to ME. Come to ME this night, and I the Lord thy God shall lift thee up. And I shall help thee. And I shall help thee that thou might be a way [for others], that thou could go as I would direct thee. I say come close MY people!
Before MY people: there is a perilous times before MY people. There is a journey that has never been before! There is a journey of wickedness. There is a journey of haughtiness. There is a journey that the enemy has placed as a pit fall before thee MY people. And I say thou must be wise. Thou must be harmless as doves and wise a serpents.
And I the Lord thy God shall minister MY love upon thee saith the Spirit of God. I shall help thee. And, I say the sweat that comes upon thy brow, yea, I the Lord thy God shall bring it from thee. I shall inspire thee in this last days that thou shalt move in a mighty way.
I say, through MY people thou must come, and come in holiness. Thou must separate thyself from the cares of this World, from the ugliness of the World, the sins of this World, that thou might walk as a rightful servant for ME saith the Spirit of God. Thou would walk in MY holiness, that thou would come close to ME and seek MY face, that I the Lord thy God shall move upon thee as I have never moved before, saith the Spirit of God.
For I AM looking for a peculiar people, a people that is hungry for ME. Did not MY Word say, they that hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled? And I the Lord thy God, if thou shall hunger for ME, I the Lord thy God shall put a work within thy heart. And I the Lord thy God shall move upon thee in a very satisfying way.
And I shall give thee the manna from on heaven. And I say ye shall never thirst. And thou shall hunger no longer. And I shall feed thee with MY Spirit. And I shall keep thee under MY covering. And I the Lord thy God shall profit. Thou shalt be a profitable servant, if thou shall come under MY wings and under MY care. And I the Lord thy God shall cover thee. And I shall protect thee forevermore. And I shall keep thee under MY hands. For I AM here to guard.
And I say that through MY Spirit, I say these last days that many, many do not want MY Spirit to move. But I say it is uncomfortable in many places for MY Spirit to even be mentioned. But, I say it is MY power. And I say, grieve not MY Holy Spirit. Grieve not MY Holy Spirit whereby ye are saved, sealed unto the day of redemption!
I say many of MY people used to say “Holy Ghost.” And this day I say they are even ashamed. But I say I AM the same God. And I AM the God of Jacob. And I AM the same God that brought the Holy Ghost in this World. And I AM here this day to defend THAT, saith the Spirit of God.
And I AM here this night, for I AM a jealous God, saith the Spirit of God. For I AM here that thou might walk in MY love, that thou would walk in MY obedience, that thou would no longer trust in man. And if thou would trust no longer in the ways of this World, that thou would be corporated by MY blessings.
And I the Lord thy God shall minister MY love to thee that thou would faint not in these last days, that thy ministry would be powerful, that thou would no longer be defeated. Thou would no longer be a reprobate. Thou would no longer do damage, that thou would be the opposite. Thou would walk in victory. Thou would walk being blessed by ME, and thou would walk in MY Spirit.
And I the Lord thy God shall use thee and I shall touch thee. And it shall not be thee that speaketh, but it will be MY Spirit that is within thee that will speak. For I the Lord am now calling forth a people, in this last days, that will know the living God, that will trust the living God and bestow MY Word, and eat MY Word, and pray without ceasing, and call upon MY Name.
And I the Lord thy God shall free them from all vexing spirits and they will no longer have vexation, and the powers of darkness upon them, no longer. And they shall be set free that they might do a great work for ME in this last days saith the Spirit of God. For I loveth thee MY ones.
Come close to ME this night. Come close! And I say come with a joyful heart, a heart of thanksgiving, a heart of praise. Come close and I the Lord thy God shall touch thee.
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