Word From The Holy Spirit, June 22, 1995

I AM here this night. For I AM a jealous God saith the Spirit of God. For I know the hearts of MY people. I know the hearts of everyone in this World.

Yes, I say, YES from the day [of creation] to now, I say, 6,000 years, saith the Spirit of God. And I say, very soon, aye [yes], the seven thousandth year shall start. And I say, the time of Millennium shall come to pass.

And I say there’s many scoffers saying “where” is MY coming? But I say, “I AM coming!”

They say, “Well, we serve YOU in our synagogues.”

And HE says, “Where’s MY Spirit? Where is MY Spirit? What have you done with MY Spirit???”

And they say, “We do not know of Your Spirit.”

He said, “The Spirit of God!”

And they said, “Where??”

And He says, “Where is MY Spirit? How have you grieved MY Spirit? How have you touched MY Spirit?”

And did not I tell you in MY beginning, yea saith the Spirit of God, even MY Son, Jesus, yea did not HE say, “Grieve not that Holy One whereby ye are sealed in the day of redemption?!”

Grieve Not!! For it will not be forgiven those ones who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit from heaven. And I say it has been done through this Land. And they blaspheme MY Power! They blaspheme, and I say MY Spirit is here this night.

I see their hearts; and their hearts are hardened. Their hearts are getting hard! And their hearts have a spirit of religion, a form of religion. And they do not know ME! They cry unto ME, MY Name.

It is just like in MY Old Testament, saith the Spirit of God. I dealt with MY people in that day.

But I have given MY people MY Son! And I have given them a gift of eternal life. I have given them the power of the glorious Holy Ghost. And I have given them the gifts. And they threw MY gifts, and they threw The GIVER out from their services!

For I AM here this night to call upon MY people to REFRAIN FROM DOING THOSE THINGS! REFRAIN your hearts and lives. Come to ME this night with thanksgiving, with praise; allowing *ME*, that MY joy shall be in thy bosom evermore.

For I the Lord thy God shall take council: move upon thy heart in a very special way. For it is MY desire to touch MY people, that I would anoint MY people through the times of trouble.

For I say yes, there is times even of Job’s trouble, a time in this last days that perilous times shall come. And I say there is going to be perplexities. There is going to be heart aches. There is going to be tidal waves. And there is going to be hurricanes. There is going to be tornados. And there is going to be a change of weather. There is going to be a problem that man has not seen.

But I AM coming through the clouds of glory very soon. And I say be prepared, MY people. Be a prepared people! And I say those who are prepared, yea, I AM coming for them in a time even when the World thinks not. Yea, I AM coming and MY people must be ready this night.

It must be like the five wise virgins. Their oil was in their lamp. And they must keep THAT, and seek MY face! And they must be yielded to ME. And they will not allow this World to bring them down to the World’s standard, no longer!

And they must develop their lives in ME this day saith the Spirit of God; that they would walk upright in a perfect heart, in a perfect desire, led of MY Spirit. For I loveth thee MY ones! I loveth thee!

And I say this message, many, is not to thee this night. But it is allowing you to know, MY people: this is what is taking place around in thy synagogues, in thy churches. And I say MY people must come, and best be a separated people saith the Spirit of God.

For I speak to MY people. And, I *WILL* speak to MY people. And I speak truth to MY people. And MY people will join in MY truth saith the Spirit of God. For I AM here to testify that I AM the living God, that I will not forsake thee. For I AM HE that is honest. I AM HE that is true. And I know all things. And I prophecy all things. And I AM moving with MY mighty Spirit.

And I say, very shortly, very shortly, I AM coming through the clouds of glory. And I bring forth MY reward. And that reward is with ME. And I AM calling forth those that are yielded: MY saints.

And they shall be clothed. And there shall be a day of feasting. There shall be a holiday that you have never seen saith the Spirit of God: a day of rejoicing, a day of the marriage feast. And there is going to be a day of the marriage feast, saith the Spirit of God.

Yea, MY people, I say the enemy knows this day is coming. And that is why he tempts MY people. And that is why he has done this wicked thing to MY people: he has allowed MY people to be drawn to another place; and allowing NOT MY Spirit to be the ONE, the focus. And he has left out part of the message saith the Spirit of God.

But I say this night, thou must take on MY WHOLE WORD and know that MY Word is truth, and MY Word does not lie. And I move with MY Spirit saith the Spirit of God. And I bring great evidence with MY Spirit. For MY Spirit is truth. And I work through MY people.

For I have called thee for a great work until I come. Be ready! Position thyself with MY Spirit. And I shall use thee that MY glory would not be poured out upon those that do not hear MY Spirit. For I loveth thee. Come close! Seek MY face! And I the Lord thy God shall loveth thee! And I shall move in a mighty way with thee forevermore, saith the Spirit of God.


MY people are walking in fear. MY people are walking without MY comfort. They are walking without MY joy. And they are walking with their heads bowed down.

And I say, the World sees this. And they see, that their [the believer’s] being is lifeless. They see no desire to become what they see. And I say this witness is damning MY work saith the Spirit of God.

It is not MY desire to see people bowed down to the degree that they are walking in extreme poverty in all the things. Their heads are so bowed down. But I have called MY people that they would arise above every situation, that MY joy should be their strength, whatever situation they are in. That they would not be concerned of the things that are seen around about them. But, they would move in victory, realizing these days are very short. They are only for a few moments.

But I say, I the Lord thy God shall move in a great work. And I say these days are only for a short time. It is just a short work. But I say, then eternity is forever, and ever, and ever.

MY people must realize that this work is right now. It is not going to last. But while you are here, MY joy is able to make thee: that thou would have comfort. And thou would comfort thy brother. And thou would comfort thy sister. And thou would know that MY Spirit is comfort.

And I the Lord thy God say there is hard times in this World and people find there is no comfort. There is a time of Job’s troubles that we have never seen saith the Spirit of God.

And MY people must realize that I AM the power. And I AM the ONE that can raise them up to a higher standard, to a higher position. And I AM able to elevate them up to the heavenly places.

Does not MY Word say blessed be the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus? Is that not in MY Word saith the Spirit of God? Is it not I, the Lord, who speaketh to MY people? Am I able to be greater than the powers about thee?

Come close to ME! And I say, if thou shall trust ME with all thy heart: Does not MY Word say, trust in the Lord with all thine heart, lean not unto thine own understanding? In all thy ways acknowledge ME and I shall direct thy paths? Did not most everyone of thee know THAT, saith the Spirit of God? If thou knowest that, stand upon that one scripture! Stand upon that! Trust with all thy heart. Lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge ME and I shall direct thy paths.

Be not wise, no longer, in thine own heart. Fear the Lord and depart from iniquity. Depart from evil! Come out from among this World and I the Lord thy God shall raise thee up in heavenly places. And I shall move upon thee, MY people, in a mighty way!

Come close to ME! Call upon MY name and seek MY face. And I the Lord thy God, if thou shall seek from ME, yea I shall be found within thee. For I AM looking for those that will call upon MY Name.

I say the enemy forces himself against thee continually. Does thou not see? Does thou not feel his time, when he pushes against thee? I say, you must speak to him! And tell him to “bug off” from you! And call upon MY name.

And I say, does not MY Word say resist him and draw nigh unto ME? If thou shall draw nigh unto ME in that time and resist him, in MY Name, in the Name of MY Son, Jesus, in that Name I shall give thee power! And I say when thou doest that Name, it will not be long! He will stay from thee!

I say exercise thy words. Exercise thy vocabulary! Exercise thy love to ME! And I the Lord thy God shall do a great work.

I say, MY people do not know ME with their first love. Many of MY people are very distant. And I say I wish to know MY people.

This night, MY people, come seek ME. Know ME even better than you know thy spouse, thy husband. Know ME more than thy daughter, thy son-in-law, even thy pastor. Know ME greater! And know MY Word!

And I say, many times, many people say, when I speak to them, they do things under the Spirit that do not go [to] the beat of men. But I say that is THAT test that I put upon MY people. I say many times I test MY people and allow them, when I do that, even if it goes against the grain.

And MY people that are true believers, they will respond to ME even above man. They will respond to ME in every instant above the things of this World. And I say, for I bring MY people into test continuously. And many times they fail continually because they go to the lesser power.

And that lesser power is the works of man. And that lesser power will bring thee down. And you will bring thee down to a man’s level. And it will bring thee down to a level that will not be moved upon by the Spirit of God.

I say this is what happens to MY people after I have baptized them with MY glorious power. It is not very long and they do not have any relation with ME. They lose that relationship. And they come down to man’s level.

And I say through the process of time, their hearts are even harder than the day BEFORE they received the glorious power of MY Holy Ghost. And that is why MY Spirit is here that thou, MY people, might be alive! And they might have a joy. That is why they must continually fall upon their knees and call and seek MY face that their joy should not remain in them as: OLD JOY.

But, have the joy of the Lord, DAILY! Have that manna. I say did not MY Word say of the manna of old that they could not re-store? And I say that is why, daily, thou must seek MY face daily for that new manna. And I say tomorrow that thou must seek MY face for that manna for that day.

And that manna is your joy! It is your peace! It is the long suffering of MY Spirit upon thee! And I say thou must strive and work out thy salvation with fear and with heavy tremblingness.

I say, MY people, the days of ease: and they do not know the toil of hard work. And I say they take what is easy. And I say that way of easiness will bring them to a devil’s hell! And they will miss the coming of the Spirit of God.

For I AM calling forth those that will endure as a good soldier. That they will plan in their lives that they would serve, as a soldier would serve his country. And be yielded to the call of that ONE who is in authority.

I wish that MY people were that same way; that they would totally be lead by MY Spirit. When MY Spirit speaks that they would move even if they were laughed upon, even if they were not understood. And MY people cannot take that criticism. MY people cannot take THAT, saith the Spirit of God. And that is why they are failing ME. They do not want to be an individual standing out by themselves!

But I say this World is far from ME saith the Spirit of God. Even MY people are renouncing MY Spirit! And MY people must come out from among them, be a special people, a holy people, a people desirous to know that I AM the living God.

And I will work within thee. I will work with any man, any woman that will call upon MY Name, that will mean business, that will seek MY face. But I say MY people don’t even know ME! MY people are so distant from ME.

They think they have to go through a man as a priest. I say thou must know ME as your own! Thou must know ME as: I AM your Savior! Thou must have a one to one relationship to ME, to make Heaven, to make the Rapture. I say if thou does not have a one to one relationship for ME, you will miss that Rapture, because of that old man!

Do you not know, maybe, the one you are thinking of, he may not make it saith the Spirit of God. Thou must know ME! And know that I liveth, and I reigneth within MY people. And I try [test] the hearts of MY people. And I try their spirit. And I trust them daily saith the Spirit of God. And I will honor those that will seek MY face.

And I say even though they make mistakes, I the Lord will forgive them because [of] their [righteous] desires. And I say MY people, that is the way they learn. MY people must walk in MY Spirit that they will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh thereof no longer. For I, the Lord thy God, AM here this night to touch thee, to help thee saith the Spirit of God.

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