Words From The Holy Spirit, September 30, 1995
Come to Me. And I AM here. I beckon with thee this night. But I have been moving upon thee MY ones. But I say, MY people, ye must yield to ME! MY people must move to ME, and no longer order ME to move to them.
For I AM calling a people that will submit to MY will, not ME to submit to their will. I AM calling forth those that will join the ranks of praising ME and loving ME, that I the Lord thy God will do a great work upon MY people.
For I say perilous times are before MY people, yes before this World. I say there is hard, there is trying times! There is a time of discouragement, and I say it has already come upon MY people. MY people are living with gloomy lives. They are living in despondency. They are living with no joy. They are living with no peace.
But I AM here to grant *THAT* to MY people! Let them know that I AM real. I AM faithful! I AM a loving God, that I love MY people! But MY people must come and surrender to ME. And if they surrender, I the Lord thy God will do a great work for those that will come and surrender to ME, that their lives might be used and moved upon by MY Spirit.
But I AM here to touch thee, to love thee. For I say the time is very short. MY coming is very soon. I say the World does not see this. But I say, many of MY people do not see this! But I say MY coming is very soon. I say through the times of glory, I say that time is about to arise. But I AM coming through the clouds of glory. And men must be ready. MY people must be ready. But I say, even if that did not take place, I AM able to even take thee out this night, saith the Spirit of God!
Thou cannot know the day nor the hour, or the time when I shall take thee from this World. At that time thou shall be responsible. Thou will be responsible for all thy actions, with all thy criticism, with all thy blessings that thou hast put upon thee, all those things. There is a judgment, even though MY people know ME. MY Word declares that there shall be a judgment. But, what has been said upon with My people? [But, what have HIS people heard concerning HIS soon coming and the judgment that is to come?]
MY people must realize that they must come to ME. For I AM HE that giveth all things. I AM here to give thee life and give thee more abundant life. I AM here to prosper thee, to move upon thee, to give thee joy and peace. I AM here to heal thee, MY ones! But thou must respond. I have paid the blood of thee, saith the Spirit of God.
I AM here to touch thee afresh and anew. Yea, you think many times I have spoken to thee. And thou say, “Yes, this is another time that man is going to speak.” But I AM here this night to identify MYSELF. It is not this man who speaks, but I speak in him saith the Spirit of God. And I AM here this night to teach thee MY ones that I AM coming through the clouds of glory. And I have a way for each one of thee. I have an instruction for each one of thee!
And I say the powers of darkness is coming against MY people. And if thou could see, if I would allow thee to see this night, that I would say many of MY people this night are very wounded. There are many of MY people this night [that] are very weary. And I say, they have lost their first love. They have lost their first estate. And this is not MY will, saith the Spirit of God!
I say there is many that have learned and have walked the way of MY invitation. I have called them and I have spoken to them. And I have spoken many times. But this night they are very far from ME! And I say, many of MY churches, I say they do not allow MY Spirit to move. They do not allow ME to testify through MY Spirit! And I say they have a form of godliness, denying MY power. But I say from such turn away.
I AM calling forth a people in this last days that will invest their hearts in ME, that will invest in MY Spirit. And I the Lord thy God shall move upon them. And if they can trust and believe that I AM HE that liveth and HE that giveth thee all things. If thou can believe this, with all thy heart and with all thy soul, yea, I the Lord thy God, for such a man such a women, I the Lord thy God shall move upon them. And I shall do a work upon them. And I shall set them upside down. And I say, I shall turn them over. And I shall move upon them as they have never been moved upon before. And I shall bring out a new creation within that one. And I shall cause them to walk in victory. And I shall cause them to walk in faith. I will cause them to walk in MY blessings. That I will cause them to walk in MY love. And they will no longer fulfill the lusts of the flesh. But they will walk with perfect harmony with MY Spirit. And they will move as I command them to move. And they shall move in a very special way: as MY Spirit directs.
For I AM calling those this day, that they will walk in victory together. And, they will not break forth ranks. And they will walk through [by] the leadership of MY Spirit. For with MY Spirit there is love, with MY Spirit there is power. There is strength through MY Spirit!
But I say, man wants to get in the picture. Man wants to take away from MY deity! Man wants to take away from the ONE that caused this work to be carried out! And I say the carrier-out of MY work has been the Holy Spirit, saith the Spirit of God. HE has been the ONE. I say I gave MY Son Jesus. And I say, many in this last days, yes they accept HIM [Jesus], but they do not accept, they do not believe this miraculous power which I AM talking about, saith the Spirit of God. They do not want that!
And they want to speak to MY Spirit, they want to put HIM down! And they want to question HIM. And they want to put HIM out! And when HE gets up to speak, or HIS man, the one that I choose, they will put that one out!
But I AM calling forth in this last days, but they are denying themselves of their touch [what the Spirit has for them] of their own flesh. And they will not allow ME to move within them, that I would grant to them a new creation in MY Spirit. They would be granted MY love! They would be granted MY peace! They would be granted MY salvation! They would be granted MY blessings upon them! And they would have power to come against the powers of the enemy. And they would love the unlovable. They would love the one that is detestable. And that one that would even come against them, they would love them!
For I AM here with that gentle love. I AM the gentle shepherd, saith the Spirit of God! Jesus said, I AM the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father, but by ME. I AM here, this night, to tell thee, MY ones, that thou might come. For thou might suffer. For many times thou must deny thyself of that thing. But in doing so, thou shall grow. And, ah, thou shall grow as a mighty tree.
Does not MY Word say that thou shall be like a tree on the banks of a mighty river? But I say, even though the heat would come thy way, I say the roots will go down. And they will take nourishment. And they will take healing to thy life. And they shall take blessings to thy heart. And through that thou might live, even through the tests of time that would come against thee.
I say, even though the enemy would come, even face to face. But I have that much power within thee, MY ones, that thou could stand if thou would stay and walk in MY faith. If thou can believe **ME**, yea I say, that even thou can come against him, if thou can believe, in faith!
But MY people are very lax in this last days. MY people do not walk in victory! MY people do not walk in faith! MY people walk in the least lines of resistance. They go in the way that is an easy path. But I say, many times MY people must go in a hard path, that through that pathway they would do a great victory. For I send MY people to go out through the mountains, through the treacherous places, that they might disturb the powers of darkness, that they might do the will from the Father, that they might be directed in a very special way!
I say, many people do the least way. But I AM calling forth a people that would be led by ME, that will be directed by MY Spirit, that they would no longer fulfill the lusts of the flesh or the promises of their own selves, by their own wishes and their own families to their own hearts desires. But that they might grow and know ME as their Savior. They would walk in perfect obedience, that they would walk in MY blessings, that I would walk in them, with them, and would keep them through their whole being.
And when they come before ME, at that time, that last day, I will say, “Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter into the rest.” But I say, at that day there will be many that will say, “Have we not…? We prophesied in thy Name? Have we not done these many wonderful works?” He says, “Ye workers of iniquity, I know ye not! Depart from Me!”
I say, challenge those round about thee! Challenge them! Tell them that I AM real, that I AM HE that liveth. And I AM HE that liveth forever! And I AM HE that granteth MY Son. I AM HE that granteth MY Spirit! And I say, many have put them down [the Son and the Spirit of God]. And I admit that many have stomped upon them. And I say, many have lost that first love. But MY people must regain the ground that they have lost! They must come to obedience, by MY Spirit, that they might understand that I AM calling them for a work, a standoff in these last days, that they will stand against the powers of darkness, that they would stand at that time in victory.
For in that last days I AM calling forth a people that will do as I predicted. That they will come into perfection. And they will walk in true obedience. And they will make the enemy bow! And he will be pushed back, through MY Spirit, before I come, saith the Spirit of God.
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