Word From The Holy Spirit, December 21, 1995
For I say to MY people: behold this night, many are laying in the balance. And I say many in the balances are wanting. I say, the balances of the evil one has out balanced MY goodness! And I say, many people, I AM not saying here to MY people to judge THEE this night, but THOSE round about thee, thou knowest of those. And if it fits THEE this night, TAKE IT ON, MY people!
But, I say, thou must realize that I AM weighing the sights. I AM weighing the hearts. I AM weighing the issues within the heart! I see what has been placed within the minds. And I see what continually comes into that mind. And MY people, thou can NO LONGER allow evil thoughts to come into thy mind. Thou can no longer watch movies and TV that is directed by the enemy, for, thou will be deceived!!
Thou must watch only the clean things. And I say, thou must be very moved upon BY ME! Thou must be very selective of the things that thou would watch in these last days! I say, if a brother comes with thee, with a hateful heart, and he will not surrender, I say, very long, and he continually comes to you, and you allow it, HE WILL BRING YOU DOWN!
MY people, thou must be very thoughtful what thou will take heed [to], and thou would not entertain any bad spirits from the enemy. MY people must arise above the occasions in this World. I AM calling MY people to come to a higher level. I AM calling MY people that MY people might move out through MY Spirit this last days, that they will no longer profess, and have, and possess the gifts of the enemy!
But, I would possess MY people! And they would come under MY leadership, and MY calling. For I AM calling a people that would move out through MY Spirit. And MY people must learn to pray! MY people must learn TO REPENT! And I say, when I speak to you to repent, THAT MEANS REPENT! I say that thou does not have to openly say [it], but thou would speak to ME, that thou wanted to change thy life!
But I say, there comes a time even if thou shall confess ME before men, I will confess THEE before MY FATHER which art in Heaven! And I say in these last days, MY people must come CLEAN, in these last days. Or, MY people shall be deceived! MY people will be deceived and I say through that if they are deceived, I say the enemy will take them at will.
And I say, in that last days, even though they have lived for ME many years, and they have walked with ME many years, they have talked with ME many years. And I say, at the last hour they move back, out of MY direction, and out of the leadership of MY SPIRIT, YEA, they will be lacking in that last days!
And I say, when MY SPIRIT comes through the clouds of glory, and draws MY ones and MY Spirit to them, and I shall broom them together, at the twinkling of an eye. And I say, the trump of MY trump shall be sounded, hallelujah! And MY Son shall come back as a bride, they shall reunite. And there shall be a time of preciousness, of blessing that you have never seen, MY people.
Thou cannot imagine what I have given to thee MY church! I have given thee, MY church, that thou might be a holy people, that thou might be a blessed people, that thou will no longer entertain the evilness of this World. But, thou would entertain ME, the Savior of thy soul! You would entertain ME, the Leader of thy life! You would entertain ME, the One who would stay within thee, that thou would no longer ponder the things of this World, the evil devices of this World, that thou would set your heart in order this night, that thou might be an overcomer.
And I say, to those that know, those round about, should hear this, that they must come out from among this World, that they might be a separated and a holy people! Do not I the LORD thy GOD choose MY WORD? AM not I able to bring forth to finish out the course? I AM able to bring forth an end at that time.
And I say, MY people have fought a good fight, MANY! But I say, MY people must finish the course! They must keep up the good work! They must walk in victory. They MUST WALK! Hallelujah!
And I say, MY people, the first time, many times when thou loses thy joy to thy self, thou should PRAY! Why does thou lose thy joy? Why no longer, oh man, oh woman? Thou hast lost that joy! I say, that joy comes from serving ME! That joy comes as you submit to ME! That joy comes as you resist the enemy, and flee from him! And I the LORD thy GOD, if thou shall resist him, and praise ME and seek MY face, I SHALL GIVE THEE UNLIMITED JOY! And I shall give thee peace that shall abide within thee!
And thou shall be a people of standings above THIS World, above the characters of this World. And thou shall live a life above reproach, that thou would live a life wholesome as unto ME, that I the LORD thy God, in this last days, can move upon MY people, daily, to the time that they will grow to such a level that they will know, and they will feel MY COMING!
And, MY coming will not be as a surprise! But, in their spirit, I will not tell them, but they will know. They will feel, because I will move upon them! And I say, if MY people, thou will live in this kind of manner, yea, if death should come to thy door, you will not feel it! For I say, I shall disturb the death angel. When it comes upon thee, I shall clad [clothe] thee, that thou shall feel the joy. And it shall be exciting times when thou shall leave this World.
I say, MY people dread this coming of facing ME. But I say, MY people must be ready. But, for those that are ready it is going to be the most glorious, the most special time, hallelujah MY people! YE should rejoice this day, if you know ME! You should rejoice, hallelujah.
But, for those who do not know ME: you should pray for those! You should pray for those that do not know ME, this night! You should pray for those that do not hear ME this night! You should pray for those, and THAT should be the ministry of MY people, that they should come in constant prayer, praying for those that is downcast, for those that have been moved upon, stepped upon by the enemy, that they could be moved upon and set free by MY Spirit!
For I AM challenging you MY people! I have given thee a work, and that work can be done by thee IF thou shall SURRENDER to MY mighty hand! For I AM able to complete the task that is before thee! I AM able to minister to thee as only I can. I say, select the good things, the wholesome things, the good things that come out of MY WORD!
And I say, be very careful what thou readest, from another man. I say, be very careful, because MY WORD is able to speak to thy heart. MY WORD is able to work upon thee! MY people, take very long thought about reading MY WORD, but yet, they read words by people, that say they know ME. And I say, do you know where they really know???? Is not that [what they have written] THEIR words??
But, I say, MY WORD, if ye shall read MY WORD [the Bible] you will not get in trouble, NEVER! Because, I say, if ye shall read MY WORD, you will get close to ME! And, through the reading of MY Word you become CLEANSED!
Does not MY WORD say, by reading the WORD that you are clean by the reading of the Word? [See Ephesians 5:26] It becomes a cleansing, but MY people must be moved upon, that they would no longer be stained by the powers of the enemy. When you read MY WORD there becomes a wholesomeness of MY SPIRIT on you, that arrays MY glories. And when you stay full of MY WORD, you become a “moved upon” [one] by MY SPIRIT!
And those areas, if you will be moved in MY WORD, you [will] be moved upon by MY SPIRIT. If you pray in the SPIRIT, I THE LORD THEY GOD SHALL SATISFY THEE! And I shall give thee the GOOD things! And I shall show blessings upon thee! And I shall give thee mercy! And I shall give thee strength! And I shall give thee favor in these last days, that thou would walk UPRIGHT before ME MY people.
But, thou must work out thy salvation with fear and tremblingness. Thou must pray as thou has never prayed before. Thou must read MY Word, and eat MY Word, and study MY WORD, that thou might be efficient in MY WORD, thou might know MY WORD!
And, thou MUST PRAY IN THE SPIRIT, that thou would not be overtaken by the power of the enemy. I say, when thou prays in the SPIRIT to thyself, I say, if thou will go in thy closet and pray, did not I say that I would reward thee OPENLY, that [if] thou would pray in thy inner closet? Yea, I the LORD thy GOD shall move upon this City. And thou shall see the brightness of MY glory, coming down. And thou shall see A REVIVAL, if thou can believe this night, saith the Spirit of God!
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