Archive for February, 1996

Word From The Holy Spirit, February 29, 1996

This is the first mention of the “Mechanical Church” in the prophetic words poured through Brother Freedom.

Yea, I AM here to encourage thee, MY ones! For I say, many of MY people which are called by MY Name have grown very mechanical. They have become as a time piece. I say, at certain times they observe ME. And I say, even in their places of worship, at a certain time they sing songs. At a certain time they pray. At certain times they dismiss. And I say, MY people have got very mechanical in these last days.

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A Word From The Holy Spirit, February 24, 1996

…I say unto MY people, yea, I AM a very jealous God. I loveth MY own, SO MUCH, so intensely! And I say, the enemy has robbed ME from MY beloved. And I say, he has taken from ME ever since the very beginning. And I say, he has robbed ME from the days of MY Son until now!
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Word From The Holy Spirit, February 22, 1996

Be very careful what thou says. Be careful when thou visits. Be careful who thou speaketh for or who thou speaketh against! I say, do not give that one God’s speed, unless it is ME that giveth thee that message!
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Word From The Holy Spirit, February 18, 1996

Thou shall also reap MY people, yea, this is true! I say, whatsoever thou soweth, it shall come to pass! I say, if thou sows prayer, it shall come to pass! If thou sows the good things, it shall come to pass! But I say, if thou sow evilness, it shall come to pass, unless thou changeth, saith the Spirit of God.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, February 17, 1996

I say, there are various roads, numerous avenues. And many of these are geared by MY people, that are called by MY Name. And I say, there are so many roads that I say, the World is confused! I say, they don’t know where to go! They don’t know whether to go here or there, because, I say different messages are coming from different places. And I say, the messages are NOT the same.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, February 15, 1996

Many times, many come to receive healing. And I say, they come that one time. And many times I touch them. But, yet, through the interference of the enemy, they go back. And they will not come back to where they are touched. And through THAT, they lose that healing! They lose THAT! And then they say, “There’s nothing to that!”
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Word From The Holy Spirit, February 10, 1996

There is a Land, but I say, many [have not developed it]. There is a Land that has not been developed. And I say, THAT Land is in the heart of MY people. MY people have never learned to move through the Spirit. I say, very few of MY people have learned to receive MY Spirit with the promise that I have called, and the identification that I want to move within THOSE.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, February 8, 1996

There are times: I say, before thee there are times of judgment! There is times of Job’s sorrows. There is a time of Daniel’s troubles. There is a time that has never been, upon this Earth. It has been recorded in MY Word.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, February 4, 1996

[A revelation concerning prayers of the past, the break down in the spiritual covering and the solution of how to live in these new, dangerous times.]
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