Archive for March, 1996
Word From The Holy Spirit, March 14, 1996
For I AM here to work within thee, MY people. I AM here to encourage thee this night. Why does thou look so gloomy? Why does thou hesitate, oh man? Why does thou get so concerned?
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Word From The Holy Spirit, March 9, 1996
I say, many of this Land are not looking [at] the time, the season, which the door and the hour are pertaining to! I say, there is a door, an entrance into another room, into another time. But I say, through the blindness of hearts, through the blindness of lives, through the subjections of many vain thoughts, of many vain imaginations, I say, few are looking for that Day, when the Savior shall come through the clouds of glory.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, March 7, 1996
…MY men, be not afraid. Do NOT look to numbers. But, look to ME! For I AM the sovereign God. I know all things! I understand all things. I seethe thy plight. I have seen it before thou was even born! I know the end. And through this time that thou finds thyself upon life’s journey, thou art walking every day questioning. Thou does not know. Tomorrow there will be a day that you have never seen before. But I say, THAT is life’s journey!
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Word From The Holy Spirit, March 2, 1996
Come to ME, all ye that are weary laden and I shall give you rest. Come close to ME! Come, seek MY face. Come to ME. Cry upon ME! Seek MY face! And see if I will not give thee a blessing. Call upon ME! See if I will not give thee a blessing!
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