Word From The Holy Spirit, February 15, 1996
Many times, many come to receive healing. And I say, they come that one time. And many times I touch them. But, yet, through the interference of the enemy, they go back. And they will not come back to where they are touched. And through THAT, they lose that healing! They lose THAT! And then they say, “There’s nothing to that!”
But I say, I test MY people. I say, every time that I heal one or those many: they are tested. All the times through this life, MY people, thou must learn that thou must realize, that thou must be a good soldier! Thou MUST be faithful! And thou must be WITHOUT wrath. Thou must walk ABOVE the moves of this World. The love of this World, thou must come above that.
But I say, MY people,–MY people, yea, they come to feel ME. And, yea, they come, and I bring healing. And I say, they do not come back! And I say, through THAT, they become worse and worse and worse!
And I say, many times, MY healing is all that I give them. I say, a miracle is instantaneous. And many times, I have healed many, in this building. And I say, they will NOT come back, the next night. They will not come back! And I say, THAT was the beginning of their healing! But, because they did not want to choose to come back, they lose THAT! And I say, they get worse! And they lose out!
MY people, remember, I AM faithful to those that ARE faithful to ME, saith the Spirit of God.
MY people, I say, I have called multitudes. I have sought for millions! And I say, this night, many, many of MY people that I have cared for, and have saved them, this night are looking in that activity: it is things NOT of ME!
They want the gain of THIS World, the love of this World. They are more concerned about THEIR good pleasures than they are of ME! They are more concerned about their own immediate families than MY family! They are more concerned about their own problems than they are concerned about their brother, their sister.
Many of MY people which are called by MY Name are NOT concerned about the unsaved! MY people are not concerned about those that have once known ME, and need to come back and have that new experience that they once had, that rebirth that they once had.
But MY people, many, are very slothful! They do not take time to pray. They are unwise, as unwise as many as the wise servant, than the unwise.
I say, MY people need to take The Oil this night. And the Oil is MY Holy Ghost! It is the Oil that I have given thee, that thou might be a profitable people, that thou would no longer invest in the cares of this World, or the things of this World, or the imagination of this World.
But I say, I AM looking for a people that will come BEYOND the place of just being a good person! I say, most of MY people feel as long as they are just good, that is good enough! But, I AM looking for a people that are holy, without reproach, above sin, above the things of this World. And also, ones that will be waiting upon ME to speak for them, waiting on ME to give them a new assignment, waiting on ME to give them a new direction, waiting upon their LORD that I might love them, that I might caress them, that I might gently touch those ones.
And I say, MY people are so busy within their own vain words, that they speak so much vanity and high praises of man’s praises that they cannot understand MY loving kindness! And they forget about ME wooing them and loving them, and very concerned about the condition of their heart.
I say, the condition of MY people has went to a place of GREAT wantingness! I say, the balances have been given out, and I say, there is great overweight of the powers of darkness. I say, the overweight has come,– and to take great weights of obligations against many of MY followers.
I say, many of MY followers, who have once known ME, and loved ME, I say this night have taken great weights of the enemy upon them and there is strife within their camp. And I say, there is envy within their camp. And I say, there is haughtiness within their bodies, in their beings. I say, there is vain words. I say there is great gain of monetary values, that are beyond description. I say, they care more for the life of this World; they care more of the pleasures they have, than they do of ME. For I say, OF SUCH WILL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN!
Does not MY Word say, that I say, thou must come out from this World, be separate? I say, thou must take up thy cross and follow after ME. And I say that cross is being different. That cross, THAT CROSS, that cross is the cross of holiness! That cross is a cross of self denial. That cross is a cross of living as a one under ME, with their whole heart, with their whole spirit, with their whole being, that they want to serve ME, that they want to love ME.
And I say, many of MY pastors do not teach this. They do not even encourage it! They tell their people that they are all right, where they are. And I say, THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH, saith the Spirit of God!
I AM looking for a people that will invest their time NOW, that they might take on new life, that they might take on a new determination. That they, through that determination, as they invest in ME, that they, as they take their place with ME, that they in return will expose the darkness round about them. And they will learn to be a warrior for the Lord thy God, that has chosen them. And they will be even beyond [that level], hallelujah! They will be beyond Jonah. They will go beyond, because I insulate THESE, in these last days with the power of MY Holy Ghost. And MY Holy Ghost shall come and under gird MY ones in such a wholesome way, in such a loving way, and such an inspirational way, that those problems that they have had shall be dissolved! And they will not even feel the cares of this World, NO LONGER.
For those that will try, just try to seek MY face. For those, I see that small quiver of fire, just that SMALL, SMALL quiver of the light, I will bring that light, and that light will bring that glow back. That light will shine as a mighty beacon, around about. And that light that was almost put out, I shall bring it back! And that light shall become a vessel, and it will light many other vessels. And that light shall light other vessels. And those other vessels shall light other vessels, with MY heavenly light.
And I the Lord thy God, if MY people would get this message within their heart, it would take very shortly [little time], that I the Lord thy God could do a GREAT WORK, very suddenly, if MY people would realize and respond to MY message that I have been speaking, if MY people would respond to what I have given them! That they might pray without ceasing, that they might do the work of ME, they might learn to be obedient to the Spirit that lives within them.
But I say, many of MY people have learned ME. And I say, through tradition, through times of weariness, those who have once known ME, many years ago, I say through the weariness, the hardship of times: NOW the candle has almost totally diminished!
And I say, there is no quiver of the candle. I say, there is no temperature of the glow, NO LONGER. And I say, that vessel has no light. And I say, the candle has gone out! And through that, there is no eyes, there is no ears, there is no understanding. And I say, that comes back to its original spot, even beyond degree. [They fall back into a worse state than they were at first.]
Yea, I say even more spirits, ugly spirits shall come back, within THAT one. And I say, they shall hide themselves within that religious one. For a while that religious one will think he is well. They [the religious ones] will think it is okay. But I say, many seducing spirits shall get within THAT one and shall abide within that one. And I say, at that time that man, that woman will go out of control. And I say they shall do things that they will not realize what took place. And I say, it will shock those round about them. For ye shall see these things come to pass, BECAUSE MEN HAVE INSULTED THEIR GOD!!!
They have forgotten HE was real! They have forgotten they play with HIM, and turn HIM off and turn HIM on, and do HIS prophets wrong! For I seethe those that come against MY prophets! I seethe those that come against MY pastors! I say, MY true ones, I say those that are now in judgment, yea I say, I shall deal with them. But I say, I have a remnant! And I say, if MY people come against those of MY ones that I put in authority, I will deal with those ones!
And I say, MY people, I say, I bring pressures upon MY people, to move them, that they might be eternally saved! But when I deal with them so long, and SO LONG, and they do not move, then I say at that day, when it comes, and they come upon MY presence, I will laugh at them, in MY presence! And I will hiss them out! And I say, “You workers of iniquity, you have once known ME. And you have once known MY blessings. You have tasted MY food! You have visited ME! I have filled thee with MY wine! I have baptized thee with MY LOVE! I have answered thy prayers! I have answered and seen. I shall cast thee from ME, wicked one! Depart from ME!!”
But I say to those ones [who] though they have lived here upon Earth all their lives in wrongness. I say, in these last hours, if MY people which are called by MY Name shall go out and seek these [ones], these last days. And yea, for just a moment they [these ones] shall come to ME. Yea, if I should come through the clouds of glory at THAT time, they would be saved, even though they did a short work!
And I AM asking THEE, MY people, if thou would invest for lives, these last days, that thou might be a profitable servant! I say, no longer be selfish in thine own whim, thy own ways, thine own cares.
I say, do not consider the things of this World, the wealth of this World. For, what thou art to be [is] a profitable servant, that thou might be an evangelist, thou might be a servant sent out for ME, that thy light would shine and thou would have a smile upon thy face!
And thou cannot smile????
I say, thou art seen! And I say, that frown upon thy face puts thee away! And people know the spirit that is in thee. But I say, MY people must be GENUINE!
I say, I bring a countenance upon MY people. And MY countenance lives within MY one. And that countenance resides within that one. And I shall restore that one. And I say, even though the canker worm has come in past times and has attacked that one, I shall bring healing!
And that one that comes to ME in these last days, and comes to ME and seeks MY face, and pays full attention to ME, and repents of their old ways, there old man, their old habits, and their old cause, and their old cares, and would invest in ME these last days — I AM CALLING FORTH A SEVEN DAY MINISTRY, that MY people would come, as one, together. And they shall do the work of an evangelist. They will do the work of a pastor. And they will do the work of an apostle. And they will do the work of a teacher. And they will do the work of a prophet.
And I shall bring helps, also. And MY signs shall follow them that believe. And they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover! And I AM calling forth a church, right now! And I say, as soon as this becomes moved upon, I the Lord thy God shall bring signs and wonders, among MY people, those that will invest their hearts in ME.
But I say, no longer can thou be selfish! Why does thou come concerned about thyself? And does not thou care about thy brethren? Yea, that brother, thy one, the cities that are in sin, does not thou care, does not thou pray and seek MY face, does thou not take time to call upon ME, that souls will be saved??
For I AM seeing the hearts of MY people! And I say, many of MY people do not see the picture. They are not concerned about souls going out to a devil’s hell.
But I AM looking for those, these last days, that they will pray without ceasing. They will be concerned about the children that are killing one another. They will be concerned about the blacks, the whites, all the colors. For they shall love as one.
I say, when they get to Heaven, they will be as one! And I AM seeing all races, all races. MY people, thou must no longer be judgmental against brothers or sisters. Thou must love and prefer the one to another, that thou would no longer be judge. But thou would love and be esteemed one to another, that I the Lord thy God shall PERFECT thee in holiness, that MY beauty shall be upon thee.
I say, I shall give thee the beauty of blessings upon thee. Yea, that thy glory: the ashes of the old man shall be sent from thee! And I say, only THAT that lives will be upon thee. The OLD MAN will decay! And I say, very shortly, MY people need to be ashes of the old man. THAT will no longer be within their personality, that their personality would be MY CHILD. And MY child, they would be ADORNED by MY blessings.
For I seethe the plights. I seethe the ways ahead of MY people. And MY people cannot understand this! But if MY people would just realize that I AM the God that will bless them day by day. And I will show them about tomorrow. And I will keep them. I will not go off from them. And I will sustain them. And I will keep them through the times of oppression, even though the times of struggles become more intense, I the Lord thy God shall give thee MORE OF MY SPIRIT, that thou would be able to sustain [withstand], all powers, all principalities that come thy way.
And I say, if thou would speak they will all be defeated, if thou can stand in faith believing that I the Lord thy God AM with thee, saith the Spirit of God.
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