A Word From The Holy Spirit, February 24, 1996
…I say unto MY people, yea, I AM a very jealous God. I loveth MY own, SO MUCH, so intensely! And I say, the enemy has robbed ME from MY beloved. And I say, he has taken from ME ever since the very beginning. And I say, he has robbed ME from the days of MY Son until now!
And I say, when MY Son came, HE came to HIS own and HIS own received HIM not, but to as many as received HIM, HE gave power to become the sons of God! And I say, THAT power I have given, and I say at that time they would not receive MY Son. They did not receive HIM! And I say, they put HIM upon a cruel cross. And they offered HIM up. And through that offering HE became the sacrifice, that MY people might know redemption, that MY people would have eternal life, that I would make a way that men could come and live with ME forever.
And I say, through HIS faithfulness, through HIS steadfastness, through HIS special love, through HIS special living, that HE lived above reproach. HE lived at MY will, saith the Father.
But I say now saith also MY Holy Ghost, yea in this room! And I say, they no longer hear HIM, they no longer want HIM. And I say, MY readers have gotten so educated. They know exactly what they want to do. They know the examinations, of all that come to them. They know every issue! I say, they have become SO wise! But I say, they have become as fools!!!
I say, did not I say, yea, I say that men will grow weaker and wiser. And I say, these last days, I say, they are wiser in heart, but yet I say they are weaker in the Spirit! I say, they are VERY anemic in the Spirit! They are VERY far from ME in the Spirit!
I say, they know MY Words to a degree! And they have known the plight and the things that they have preached on, in their own vain works, because they like to place themselves in long ways of esteem of men. They want to be seen of their peers! They want to be SEEN! And I say, many times, evilness is even in their hearts.
I say, when they view their congregation, many times, through the opposite sex, they see things. It is NOT delightful in MY eyes! I say, it is VERY wicked!
But I say, they allow things! And through THAT they keep going on, even preaching their sermon! I say, even after they feel that adulterous dart that goes through THEIR heart! I say, they do not stop! They just keep on, and expect ME to bless THAT! But I say, that is man’s realm!
But I say, I call MY ones to a different realm! And THAT realm is allowing MY Holy Ghost to be enlarged in MY people! And I say, it is preferred of MY people that they become a candidate, that they might receive the Holy One, that would dwell within their life, that [HE] would plan their life, would be their Companion, while they are here!
And I say, no force, no evil, no darkness, no filth of THIS World, as long as that one they would be companion with MY Spirit, THERE IS NO WAY, NO IMP FROM HELL, COULD TAKE THEM OUT OF MY WILL, if those ones will plan, and seek ME, and call upon ME.
I say, MY people must learn that they have to SEEK ME! They have to learn that they must call upon ME! I wish that I make MY people to defend the place that I have put them in! MY people must learn that they can no longer be slothful, or lazy! MY people must learn to pray and seek and call MY Name, and pray in the Spirit, that they would have understanding from ME, that they through that understanding, they would have insight on the problems that face them at THAT moment! Not just THAT moment, but the next hour, the next day, that I would insulate them as they would be a profitable servant, as they would take on MY garment of MY Holy One, that I would give them the issues of life that would pay their way. And I should give them help day by day, that I the Lord thy God should commission them. And they would no longer walk in wantingness, in deception, being deceived by the enemy.
But, rather, they would speak to the enemy. And tell the enemy to get out of their way! And through that telling him, I the Lord thy God shall remove him from their presence! And if MY people shall call upon MY Name, and live a life unto ME, it is MY delight to change that they always be an overcomer! It is MY delight to clothe them with MY righteousness! And I say, when they speak to the enemy, he will be defeated! And I say, when they pray for that one that needs a touch, yea even before they pray it will be MY delight to already heal that one! It will be MY delight, even, to deliver THAT one! And I will bring spontaneous powers upon MY people! And they will not have to tarry! [Wait before the Lord in prayer] If ye shall tarry now, at THAT time you will NOT have to tarry!
I say, if thou shall work out thy salvation NOW, in THAT time, very shortly, thou will NOT have to tarry! And I the Lord thy God shall be upon thee momentarily, hourly, at all times! And I shall give thee secrets! And I say, those secrets will only be moved upon, as THOSE that will yield to MY Spirit!
For I will not allow MY Spirit to come upon those that become haughty! But I say, if I can trust a man, if I can trust a woman, I the Lord thy God, to THAT one that I can trust, to that one that will mean business with ME. I the Lord thy God shall do a great work. I will refreshen THAT one, this last days!
And I shall put MY Spirit of aroma upon them. And I shall give them perfume that is from on HIGH! And they will no longer smell like this World. And they will no longer ACT like this World! And they will no longer see from THIS World! But they shall not look upon the things that are seen, NO LONGER! But they shall look to the things that are NOT seen! For the things that are seen are temporal. But, the things which are NOT SEEN are ETERNAL!
And, aye [yes], they shall move, MY people shall move through faith, believing that whatsoever they say shall come to pass! MY people, NOW, must come higher! But when thou speaketh, be VERY CONCERNED what thou saith, because I say, there is power in thy words!
And I say, many of MY people are snared by their looseness of their words! I say, they speak, as words of NOT UNDERSTANDING! And I say, MY people must realize that I the Lord thy God shall speak, as they speak, THROUGH MY SPIRIT. They will not need to understand! But, I the Lord shall provide words for them! And they will speak in MY authority, as they commit themselves and yield to: “BY ME!”
Yea, I the Lord thy God shall move upon that one! It will be MY delight in these last days to inspire them, that they might bring forth a commission of MY ministry, these last days, THAT ALL THOSE SOOTH SAYERS, ALL THOSE LIARS, ALL THOSE FALSE WITNESSES, ALL OF THOSE ONES THAT HAVE WALKED IN THE FLESH. And I say to THOSE religious spirits, yea, for a short time they shall see MY power unveiled and they will wonder what is taking place.
And I say, that Coming will be very short, for a very short time. And I say, very shortly those who have come to THAT place [in the Holy Ghost], they shall be inspired by MY presence. And I say, THEY shall leave THIS World, because they died out to this World now!
And those ones: MY glory shall rest upon them! And I shall bring eternal life upon them! As they lay hands on the sick, as they pray, as the old: of the Apostle Paul, or Peter, or John, ye shall do the same, saith the Spirit of God!
For did not MY Word say, verily, verily, he that believeth on ME, the works that I do, shall he do also? And greater works shall he do, because I go to the Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in MY Name, THAT I will do, that the Father might be glorified through the Son.
It has NOT come to pass!! But, if thou shall believe, and believe on THIS, it WILL come to pass, saith the Spirit of God! For I say, very FEW are moving in MY Spirit in this hour! But I wish MY church to grow in MY nature, in MY ABUNDANT life.
And through THAT, MY church shall prosper! And MY church shall be beautiful! MY church shall be clothed with righteousness! And aye, there shall be a white gown upon MY bride! And MY bride shall be spotless! And they shall be whiter than snow!
And even though the World would come, they would be like the things of this World. I the Lord thy God shall remove the spots! And I shall remove the blemishes! And MY daughter will arise in holiness! MY daughter will ARISE walking in faith! No longer walking in unbelief! No longer walking in fear! No longer accompanying herself with the problems of this world!
But MY daughter shall ARISE above this. And through THAT daughtership, she shall become the bride of MY Son, saith the Spirit of God! And they shall be as one! And there shall be a time of praising, a time of worship, through that Marriage Supper. Yea, it shall come very shortly! I say, the time is getting close! And I say, the enemy has come into the place where he is trying to stop the works of MY people! And I say, he has done a great work, against MY people!
But I say, my people must rally, and they must start walking in the Spirit. They must pray as they have never prayed before! They must seek MY continence and MY Name! They must call upon ME! And through that, I the Lord thy God am FAITHFUL to those that will call upon ME. And I shall provide for them! And I shall keep them in comfort!
This night, MY little ones, be not afraid! Be not afraid, but be ye grateful that you have been here this night, thou would hear from ME. For I shall avenge those that come against thee. Remember this night, BE NOT AFRAID MY ONES! For it is my delight to take care of MY little ones!
And, aye, if anyone comes against thee, give it back to ME and I will avenge that one! And I will fight your fight, saith the Spirit of God. I say, no force, no evilness shall be able to pluck you out of the hallow of MY mighty hand. For I loveth thee MY ones. Keep ME! Love ME! Serve ME! Respect MY laws! Respect MY wisdom! Respect MY wishes! Through THAT I will deliver thee, saith the Spirit of God.
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