Word From The Holy Spirit, February 29, 1996
This is the first mention of the “Mechanical Church” in the prophetic words poured through Brother Freedom.
Yea, I AM here to encourage thee, MY ones! For I say, many of MY people which are called by MY Name have grown very mechanical. They have become as a time piece. I say, at certain times they observe ME. And I say, even in their places of worship, at a certain time they sing songs. At a certain time they pray. At certain times they dismiss. And I say, MY people have got very mechanical in these last days.
They have got like the things in their houses. They become as those same things, that are mechanically moved upon, in their own self, in their own flesh, in their own hearts they become, planning-their-own-ways.
They plan their own achievements to the living God, even though those, they [who] have come to ME, many of MY children are still planning their own activity! They are planning their own desires. And they are planning to serve ME, in THAT time.
But I say, through that planning of self will, there is always something that takes that planning from them, because they cannot come against the powers of darkness within their own self.
And I say, they are always lacking. They are always not understanding! They are always, many times, in confusion. Many times they are discouraged. Many times they have no joy, because I say, MY joy is MY fruit! MY joy comes as thou engage thyself in destroying the old man! And the new man might have love, joy peace, goodness, meekness, temperance, patience, godliness. That MY people might come BEYOND the cares of this World, that MY people might exhaust [remove] the old man, the self indulgence, the old wayward man, the selfish man, the heart of old identification, and the one that has his own haughty way, the one that wants to make himself known as an achiever in this World.
But I say, I wish for a people that will hide themselves in ME, that will hide themselves in MY mighty Spirit, for MY mighty Spirit shall encourage those ones. And aye [yes], in this last days, even though many, many, many have proclaimed in these last days that they know the work of the Spirit, I say, in reality they might proclaim this, but THEY DO NOT KNOW ME! They do not KNOW ME! I AM God, saith the Spirit of God. And am HE that arrests and I AM HE that touches MY hearts of MY people!
For I say, do NOT say that you know what I know! But I say, MY people must resist the enemy! And they must draw nigh to the SPIRIT that engages them! It is MY Holy Ghost, MY Spirit that dwells within MY people, in these last days.
For I say, many have promoted that MY Spirit no longer is needed in these last days. I say, many achievements are coming out, yea very soon, that they do not allow MY Holy One to come within their stadiums, within their great festivals. I say, it is a work of people, coming together with one cause to do MY work!
But I say, I wish for those in this last days [that] will address themselves with the mighty power of the Comforter from Heaven. And I would speak through MY Spirit, to MY people! And MY people will no longer be identified as their own identification! But, they would lose that! And they would rest totally in ME! That if ye abide in ME and MY Words abide in you, to those:– that they would ask, and they shall receive. For I AM calling forth a people that will live above the cares of THIS World, one that will pray, and pray in the Spirit.
I say, MY people, I have given thee the Baptism of the Holy Ghost that when thou prayest in the Spirit, you become STRENGTHENED! You become, no longer wounded! And when you become [one who is] praying in the Spirit, continually, there becomes a power, there becomes an anointing upon you. And there becomes a blessing that becomes upon you. And ye start KNOWING! You start hearing from Heaven, because as thou will pray, and call upon MY Name, through the Spirit, I the Lord thy God shall openly move upon thee. And the enemy will not KNOW the message that I have given thee!
I shall come into thy heart. And thou will not hear this message as the normal man, as a normal women. But, thou will hear it through the inner most parts of thy belly! And thou will hear from ME! And MY Word will be as the Spirit. And it will be moved upon as MY Word! It will NEVER go against MY Word! [It never disagrees with the Bible.] It will go side by side with MY Word. And they will be one! And they shall cope with the powers of darkness!
For I AM calling forth a people in these last days that they will come against the sin in this Land. And they will come against the curses in this Land, that MY people might divorce the problems that are around about them. And they might steadily– see MY Face, that MY people might learn to repent, to call upon MY Name, to be EARNEST about their own soul, be EARNEST about the conditions.
I say, many of MY people see the hardness that is within them, but still they will not repent! They see the plight that the enemy has put them in. They have no joy! They have no peace! They have LOST many of MY blessings! And through that they become sidelined! They are on a sideline. And I say, on that sideline they cannot be used by ME!
And I say, on that sideline, because they are not moving, the enemy takes great advantage. And he comes and peers upon them. And he smears to them! And he hisses against them. And many times they are moved upon and they become very anointed. And they anoint by the power, but they find themselves helpless! They cannot cope with the powers of weakness.
For I wish that MY people would come so close to ME, in these last days, that they would be a police force in these last days, that they might POLICE and do MY work, on a power within them. That they might have a righteous activity, that they might have a righteous anointing, and they would SPEAK power! And they would speak peace! And they would speak deliverance, to those that are bound!
And as they pray and call upon MY Name, through their prayers, through their effectiveness through ME, and their dedication to ME, and through their wanting to serve ME with all their heart, with all their soul, TO THOSE THAT WILL CALL UPON ME AND DO INTERCESSORY PRAYER, THROUGH THEIR *PRAYERS OF FAITH*, I THE LORD THY GOD SHALL DO A GREAT WORK!
For I AM calling all those in these last days that will INVEST their time in MY Spirit! And through that they will come away from the shady deals, the shady things, that they have allowed themselves. For I see the heart, oh man! I have seen thee in thy dealings! I have seen thee through thy not giving all thy alms to ME. I see the secret place in thy heart! I have seen, and I AM very concerned with MY people.
I see MY people here this night, that thou should pray for those around about thee. I say, these conditions around this City. MY people here this night, ENGAGE THY SELVES!
I AM not putting thee upon a place of judgment now! But I AM seeing to thee, that thou would see the need! That thou would occupy until I come. That thou would be a prayer warrior. That thou would seek MY Face. Does not thou see the need in this City??! Does not thou see the need in this State??! Does not thou see the need in this Country??! Does not thou see the wickedness around about thee??!
And MY people should be ACTIVE praying without ceasing! Call upon ME! And MY people would learn to be wise, harmless as doves. Oh, but WISE AS SERPENTS, allowing MY Spirit to be upon them in a very courageous way.
I say, many, many, many of MY people that have once known ME, yes, they laugh at this message tonight. They laugh at the messenger. They laugh at anything that is spoken to them, because they believe that this is impossible. BUT I SAY, THIS IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE!
I AM calling forth a people that will COME OUT FROM AMONG THE LAND OF THE WICKED, that MY people would come out of Egypt, that MY people would go on to Zion! And through Zion they would be a spokesman, a leader in these last days.
I say, very soon through the clouds of the North, through the skies of the North, I say there is approaching a Heaven that is coming through the eons of times. And it is coming! And I say, very shortly, they are going to see this marvelous work. I AM coming through the clouds of glory.
And I say, the enemy cannot STOP MY power! And they cannot stop MY will, IF I have a people, one person that will call upon ME. Yes, that one person will seek ME, and trust that I AM the living God, yea it would be MY delight, for that one soul, to shade that one, to protect that one, to love that one.
But I say, MY people, they get wayward, *WAYWARD*! They become disobedient. And then they get far from ME! And then they cannot understand why their prayers are not being answered. They cannot understand why they are going through troublesome times. And they say, many times it is ME! [They blame God.]
But I say, many times it is because the behavior is such, the enemy has taken advantage of them! And he is bringing them down. And through their own PRIDE, through their own yielding to the old man, through THAT old man, they are brought down! AND THEY LOSE THAT ONCE INHERITANCE that I have given them! And they have forgotten that I, the living God, will dwell with those that will commit their lives totally to ME, everyday of their life, seeking ME, and growing deeper, not lesser and lesser.
I say, man is growing weaker and wiser. And I say, that is spiritually, saith the Spirit of God.
But I AM looking for those that will invest in these last days, and they will grow deeper and wider in MY Spirit, that they would COMPEL and they would be compelled by Me, that they would walk in victory. They would walk in one rank, that I the Lord thy God should choose them. And I shall bless them.
I say, the enemy is close. MY people, this is the REMEDY, to keep thee, from the hour of temptation. Come! Abide in MY Spirit. Call upon MY Spirit! Pray in MY Spirit! Seek ME! And if thou shall do this, ye shall find ME!
But I say, MY people, become very lazy! They hear messages like this, and they forget tomorrow. They forget the next day. And they are back in their own selves! And through THAT they become disobedients. And through THAT they become failures.
But I wish MY people not to be failures. I wish MY people to come close to ME, desire that they can have the touch of the living God. But I say, the touch of greater-is-HE-that-is-within-them shall abide within their bosom. And I the the Lord thy God shall speak to them. And I shall give them joy and peace, even through the times of confusion, through the times of discouragement, through the times of lowliness, through the times of troublesome time, through the times of great evil.
Yet, through that one, through all those that they will face, yea, I the Lord thy God, to THAT one, THOSE ones, if they shall come together, yea, greater things shall take place.
But I say, MY people are SO lonely. MY ones that serve ME, are very lonely. There is just a few, here and there that really seek MY face. I wish MY people to become ACTIVE, one to another, that one for another would greet one another. And you would bless one another. And you would pray for one another, until you get ON FIRE, by the Spirit that lives within you.
Come, MY people! COME! And seek MY face. And I shall fight thy fight, if thou shall come and seek MY face. For I loveth thee MY ones. Come close! For I AM here, saith the Spirit of God!
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