Word from the Holy Spirit, March 31, 2001
MY people, thou must come and learn to wait upon your God. Thou must not come unto thine own wishful thinking, or processing the thinking of thy life through thoughts. But I say this day, MY people must come and trust *ME*, because I say before this people, yea those that are in this room, and those round about this World today, are living in very perilous times. I say, you will look to the right, to the left, that you will see that there is lovers of flesh. There is parents that do not really, truly love their children. And vice versa: there is children that do not love their parents.
You see murders. You see problems that is upon this Land. And I say, the police departments, and ALL the authorities try to control these situations. But ALL these situations are non-controllable without *MY* Spirit.
But I say, because that Day is so short [near] that those times of problems will come to pass. For I say, MY Spirit has been moved back because of TIME itself. I say, yes, I could call those that would pray, and I could cause this Land of America to be brought under *MY* authority within one second, saith the Spirit of God!
But I say, because of the plan in this World *IS*: that this process shall come to pass, as has been spoken by MY Word, in MY Word, that there should be perilous times that will come. There shall be an anti-christ. There will be situations that shall come upon this Earth. And there shall be curses upon this Earth. There is going to be devastations upon this Earth. There is going to be violence upon this Earth. There is going to be willful sinning upon this Earth, that thou has never seen. And thou shall see, yea, even that the pastors, the churches shall go into willful sinning and proclaiming [it] as MY will.
But I say, in this last day that MY people must learn that they must be overcomers. They must be overcomers, of [or by] MY Spirit this day. And that is why I wish to baptize MY people again, and afresh, everyday; that MY people would walk in heavenly places; that MY people would not walk according to the course of this World; that MY people would walk in the instruction of MY leadership; that I should call upon them; and I would dictate to them the course of their world, THAT DAY, and they would follow ME!
I AM calling this day that MY people would not wait no longer on their senses of their body, the sense of touch, all these senses that is in their body; that thou would come HIGHER; thou would trust the living God, that is able to bring all these things to reality.
For I say the curses is coming upon this Land. I say many, many, many shall be deceived in this last day. I say there is coming a time that: the wages of sin is death. But, there shall be an avalanche of sin upon this Land. And there shall be failures in this World. And I say, men, because of failures, they will take their lives. And I say, ye shall see plagues that shall overcome this Land. And thou shall see things that shall come forth, in this last hour, that the World will look for a one to deliver them. And, I say, that deliverance shall come in through the anti-christ. And he shall bring PEACE upon this Land, for a short order, for a short time.
But, I say, MY people must live in MY covering in this last hour. MY people must come into a new place: under MY covering. For does not MY Word say, that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall *ABIDE* under MY shadow? Am not I able this day to shelter MY ones in this last hour? Am not I able to keep thee through the times of destruction? Am not I able to *PROVIDE* for thee! Look up! Look up, MY ones! Do not, no longer, look at the things that are seen! For I say, thou must look for the things that are NOT seen. For the things that are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal, **ETERNALLY** ETERNAL!
There is an eternal weight [a curse] upon this Land. And I say, many do not see it! Many DO NOT SEE what I AM speaking this day! They do not see that I SAY [or speak] to MY churches. They do not understand that I AM able to speak through MY Word. I AM able to speak in thy hearts, this day. I say, they think it is from the enemy. But I say, this day, I want to tell you it is from *ME*, saith the Spirit of God! For I AM calling those, in these last days [that] will NOT be under the curse of this Land, no longer. And they will be set free! And I say, the enemy shall not be able to overtake them, because I shall cover them.
And, I shall lead them in a straight path. And I say, even men upon this Land, that is taking forth this day; I say, as thou has seen through the Internet, saith the Spirit of God, there is [a] coming together, in this last hours, and it shall bring thee forth as one PEOPLE!! And ye shall walk forth and not be direct! Your path shall be as ONE! And I shall direct thee!
And I say, be not afraid of the elements that shall come upon thee. For those that will bring judgemental thoughts against thee shall criticize thee! Yea, just let it go off thy brow. Don’t let it bother thee! For remember, your inheritance is NOT in this World. But your inheritance IS in Heaven. That inheritance shall live on forever! And I AM here this day to incorporate upon thee a blessing! I AM able to incorporate upon thee, brothers and sister, LOVE that you have never had before [so] that you will have the UNITY! That you WILL HAVE A UNITY in thy house. Oh, and that unity will be of *ME*! And I the Lord thy God shall come upon thee. And when thou prayest for the sick, they SHALL recover! And thou will have a boldness! And thou shall have a FAITH, believing, that whatsoever thou speakest shall come to pass. For, I shall ordain it, saith the Spirit of God! And I shall COMPLETE it with *MY* presence.
Be not afraid! Be not afraid! *BE NOT AFRAID*! Look to *ME* this day! For I AM thy Strength! I AM thy Shepherd! I AM thy Healer! I AM thy Way-Maker! I AM thy Alpha, the Omega! *I AM ALL*! And I have completed thee this day! I shall perfect thee, perfect within thee [that] which is lacking, if thou shall come to *ME*!
And I say, DO NOT, no longer, let that one judge thee, oh man! But I, say, thou will rest in MY presence. I shall keep thee. And I say, be careful what thou confesses. Confess not the things [to others]. But I say, bring them before *ME*. Bring them before ME, in MY presence, confess that to *ME*. And I shall openly forgive thee. And I shall grant thee a crown that no man can take from thee, or no woman. And I shall grant thee a ring upon thy finger. And I shall give thee a garment, a wedding garment. Yes, saith the Spirit of God. For I say that coming is *SOON*!
And I say, the Holy Ghost is going to take MY people. And HE is going to bring them to *MY* Son, saith the Spirit of God. In that day there shall be a reunion! There is going to be a REUNION! There is going to be a reunion! There is going to be a *REUNION*, saith the Spirit of God.
Come! Believe! And I will touch thee, MY ones, says the Spirit of God.
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