Archive for August, 2002
Word from the Holy Spirit, August 24, 2002
[This word was poured out of Brother Freedom in the car as we were in transit home following a Rescue Mission Service.]
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Rescue Mission Message August 24, 2002
I want to say that I love each one of you in the Name of Jesus. I don’t love you with the love that the world has. But I have the love of God. God is so rich, so full that HIS love abounds within HIS people.
And I CARE for each one of you here tonight in a very special way. And my desire is this night that you might be TOUCHED in the very crown of your head to the very sole of your feet; that your life would be flooding by that miraculous power of the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit, which ever way you want to call it. It’s the same: the Holy Spirit of God that dwells within us.
The Bible plainly says, “…greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [John 4:4b]
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I’m not really anything. But, I know Someone who is everything! And I learned that when I decreased HE increases. Oh, Glory! I’ve seen a lot of men come to Jesus Christ over the years, a lot of women too, by the power of God’s Spirit. And I believe in the Spirit. I’ve seen many Caterpillar machines that God totally healed. Hearts have been healed and lives have been touched. And I believe in the move of HIS Spirit. The Bible says, “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” [2nd Corinthians 3:17] And, there is peace, there is joy.
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