Archive for November, 2002
Word from the Holy Spirit, November 23, 2002
For I say, to thee MY ones, I say, the way is growing harder. I say, the way to eternal life, few that be that find it. Come to that ONE, to the Reservoir. And I shall fill those that will come and seek MY face.
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Rescue Mission Sermon, November 23, 2002
God has spoken to my heart, if HE “…be for us, who can be against us?” [Romans 8:31b] And I believe God is GREATER than any problem, any situation, anything that stares us in the face. Many times all of us are faced with problems we don’t understand. But the Bible says, “…greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [1 John 4:4b]
And I believe the God of Heaven, that loves us so much, is getting ready to take some of HIS people home with HIM one of these days. I really believe it!
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