Archive for September, 2003

Word From the Holy Spirit, September 30, 2003

I say before this World, those ones that do not include ME, and those that do include ME, ALL are faced with the element that is upon this Earth. And I say there is an element upon this Earth that is coming in. It is directed by the adversary.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, September 27, 2003

…to give over themselves to what I have for them. And thou must pray. Thou must seek ME! Thou must work in MY vineyard as only I can let you, help you and direct you, because I say many souls are at stake this night. Many have FORGOTTEN the Way. Many have gone in the old man. And I say many at that encounter, as when they met ME in that day as Lord and Saviour. Truly, what the Word went out this night, they made a direction, and they have NEVER advanced forward. They have lost ground, actually.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, September 19b, 2003

…My family would not be naked. I say many of My people, because of the sin that is upon their lives, because of what they are doing: they are sewing discord in their own selves. And through that I cannot look upon them. They are such as naked.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, September 19a, 2003

…MY chosen ones, MY chosen ones who have decided, who have tried to walk where I have called them to walk, find themselves in this last days not looking for MY coming. They are looking for a way that they know of. And I say the way that they are looking for does not come through the ability of man, by man’s intellect, by his knowledge, by his understanding. But I say these things that I have just spoken, by the intellect the knowledge, actually interrupt MY work many times, saith the Spirit of God.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, September 17b, 2003

Behold I would say to thee this day, MY beloved, MY ones that I love, saith the Spirit of God, My people today are living below their privileges. I have given them a place, and a height, and a depth that they might walk IN MY BLESSINGS. But I say MY people are walking BELOW what I have given to them.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, September 17a, 2003

But I say, MY people that have called on MY Name, have sought ME and have accepted ME, many, many, many are BOUND! They are bound to the things of this World.
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