Archive for October, 2003
Rescue Mission Sermon Oct. 2003
This is another fantastic message poured through Brother Freedom at the Rescue Mission in our area. There were about 100 street people present and God came down and obliterated a terrible heaviness off of the service by the power of the Holy Ghost. Read this message and be touched! — brother clint
God is good! [The congregation responds “All the time!”] God is forever, surely blessed beyond anything that we can imagine. HE is beyond any description that we have! You know that is a wonderful [thing].
I was reading the Bible today that talks about all the things that God is. But HE is SO special! And God is very special to me this night. And I love the Lord with all my heart. But I appreciate each one of you here tonight.
I pray that God might reach out and touch you this night. And if there is needs here tonight I pray that in your heart you will seek God for whatever that longing is. Whatever your need is God is the answer!
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Weekend Warriors or Combat Hardened
This sermon was preached at Faith Hope and Love Ministries, October 22, 2003
I appreciate God for HIS goodness. I don’t know how many more years I have, if God doesn’t come before. But especially this last year has been beyond imagination, what God is doing. I can’t even tell you all. Brother Clint and I know some things that is only between our hearts. Brother Gary you know some of those things. I don’t want to boast. I never want to boast. That is one thing that we cannot do, because God is ALL sufficient. And we glory in HIM. We don’t glory in anything that we do. We just glory for HIM, with HIM. Because boasting makes us ugly. And we don’t want that.
That is what God spoke to me this day, yesterday, for about a week. And this is one of the things that saddens God’s heart. And I hope I can give it here tonight with love, with joy.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, October 4, 2003
(This was released in the Restaurant, suddenly and quietly)
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