Word From the Holy Spirit February 27-B, 2003

For I would say to thee MY ones this day, if I would take thee strolling with ME this day, if I could show thee the grandeur, the glories that thou could see, and I could show thee what is taking place where thou livest, yea thou would be afraid.

But I say remember I have JOY. I have peace. I have the glory of love upon ME, and those round about thee. Remember MY ones, I AM coming to prepare for thee an everlasting home.

And I say MY Word declares that THAT home is beyond description, because MY Word declares, as it is written eye hath not seen, neither ear heard, neither has it entered the heart of man the things that are prepared for them that love God.

I say did not MY son, oh on the day of Patmos, John the Beloved, see that City coming down, 1500 mile City saith the Spirit of God. And I say it is coming forth. It is being built. It has been built, of pure GOLD, its streets beyond description.

And I have come that thou might have ABUNDANT life! And I say MY people, throughout the beginning of time have, everyone, faced problems. And I say MY people learn through hardness of life. As they struggle they learn of ME. As they go through heartaches they learn of ME. And the problems they face, they learn of ME.

But I say this is given that MY people will recognize that THEY need a Saviour. And that Saviour *IS* the Son of God, Jesus Christ the righteous, who was given for MY propitiation of all sins. For Jesus, MY SON, the glory of God would say, HE is come down that thou might have life, and thou might have life more abundantly.

And I would, through the gift of MY Son, saith the Spirit of God, I would give thee *ALL!* I would furnish MY church with the blessings. And at the early beginning, the Day of Pentecost, yea I poured out MY Spirit upon MY church. And there was a GLORY upon MY people! They spoke with the heavenly language. And they seen how MY Spirit moved. And I moved out through these ones. And I say there was a oneness, in ONE belief, in one knowledge that they went forth, and they did GREAT and MIGHTY things, saith the Spirit of God.

They had a work, a cause. And I the Lord thy God would have a remnant that would live with ME in that Heavenly Home. And I say that Heavenly Home was being built. And that Heavenly Home was being finished, that MY people would live for ever and ever and ever with ME, without end! That MY joy would be in their hearts and lives, that they would receive the ATONEMENT for all the things that they have gone through, that they might receive that crown of life, that they might have that Name above all names, that they might have that JOY.

They have to have that joy now that they will have that joy then. And MY people must know ME NOW to know ME then. For I say many, many, many of MY people are so far from ME this day. I say MY people do not really know ME. And I say they are afraid of ME. And I say it will separate them at that last day, saith the Spirit of God.

For MY people must *KNOW* ME! And MY people must be taught that MY people must KNOW ME and HAVE ME, and to know that I AM with them, and that I will never leave them, and I AM beside them. And I AM their Saviour. I AM the ONE that loves them. I AM the ONE that keeps them. And I shall keep them into that Day that I shall take them home.

But I say that Day is very short, saith the Spirit of God. That time is very close to coming to pass. And I say at that Midnight hour, when I come through the clouds of glory, the dead in Christ shall rise first, then ye that remain shall be caught up to meet ME in the air. Forever thou shall be with ME, saith the Spirit of God.

And there shall be a banquet. There shall be a time of joy, of GREAT joy. There will be a time of great happiness, a time when bodies shall be healed, when hearts shall come. And there will be no more fear. There will be a time of joy that the World has never seen. And that time is VERY CLOSE!

But I AM saying before that happens there shall be an awfulness, and evilness that shall come upon this World, that will SHAKE the axis of this World. And I say that evilness shall come like a flood. And there shall be a time of those predicted years that there shall be an avalanche of evilness upon this Land.

And I say MY people in Jerusalem shall stand at that time. And I say at that Day, that last day, I shall come back through the clouds of glory. And I shall bring MY saints with ME. And I say there shall be a time of blessing. There will be a time of fulfillment.

But I say before that is to address MY saints will come down, and we shall DEFEAT those ones in that great valley. And I say there shall be whoredoms of souls that will come at that hour. And the blood shall flow through that time. And that blood shall be there for that distance of time, that I have pronounced, that I have spoken it.

But I say it has not been MY desire for this to take place. But I say from the time, from the beginning to the end is the time that I chose to get man, that some men would live for ME, that some women would live for ME, that these ones that love ME would live for ME for ever and ever and ever. And that is what this is the reason for, saith the Spirit of God, that men and women, from boys and girls, from the time of Adam and Eve until NOW would have an everlasting home, because I LOVE MY people.

I love this World! I LOVE this World, saith the Spirit of God. I have given MY ALL. I have given thee MY best! I have chosen thee, that thou might be a righteous people, that thou might be a holy people, because I wanted you to desire to be like ME!

And MY people don’t want to look like ME, saith the Spirit of God. They are ashamed of ME. And they go back in their old evil ways, and they want ME, but yet they go back and live in the evilness of this World.

And I say I AM looking for a people that will love ME so much that they will desire to look like ME. That they will take on MY nature. That they will take on MY desire. That they will *LOVE!* That they will come forth as what I AM made of, that they will have within them. And they will have love, joy peace, goodness, meekness, temperance, patience, godliness, ALL these BLESSINGS shall be upon MY people.

And they won’t be desirous of the gifts that they have, but they will desire to be LIKE ME! And through that being like ME, I will gift them then of MY gifts. And that is what I desire in this last hour, that MY people would come to ME, loving ME with their full, there whole heart, with all their being. And with that love, that first love, that through that, that I shall pour out MY glory upon them, for this short time, that MY people might be FIT for these last moments. Because I realize it is very hard times in this last days. It is very difficult for anyone that lives. But for that I have made a WAY, through the Spirit of God that they shall be suited.

And I will overtake them. And I shall cover them with MY protection. As long as they stay under MY covering they shall do great and mighty exploits, saith the Spirit of God.

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