Word from the Holy Spirit, July 20A, 2003
My child I have seen thy cry and I know thee and I know in MY heart. And I the Lord thy God shall come upon thee. And I shall ARREST those ones that come against THEE! And I shall bless thee. Be not afraid for I the Lord thy God shall come upon thee in a mighty way. And I shall HELP thee.
To those that will seek MY face, and those that will cry out to ME I the Lord thy God will NOT deny them a blessing. I will not deny them my power upon them. I will not deny MY scepter to be in their hands, that they will voice great and mighty things.
For it would be MY delight to strengthen those who will have their trust and belief in ME, that they will walk in MY path that I have led before MY people. And they will NO LONGER wander! They will no longer be skeptics. They will no longer be troubled by the pathway of this World. And they will NO LONGER be captive and captured by the enemy, because I will set them free. And they shall be delivered. And MY blessings shall be upon them. And MY anointing shall upon them.
And they shall have a real touch, a wholesome touch. And they will see MY GLORY unveiling before them as like a mighty scroll that will go before them. And it will roll out as they roll upon the carpet of MY Spirit.
I say that carpet of MY Spirit will roll out before MY brothers and MY sisters, those that love ME, MY family saith the Spirit of God.
And I say the wayfaring man, the old man that has sought his own path, he will not even see that carpet that is laid before MY saints. Those that will wait upon ME and endure to ME, I the Lord thy God shall open them a carpet that will not be able to be SEEN by the visitation of the eyes of this World!
But I say MY saints will know that it is before them. And they will not be afraid because they will walk out by FAITH. They will walk out like nothing is before them, and under them. And they shall be lifted up. And I shall keep them from falling! And I shall help them. And they will NEVER fall! They will NEVER fail!
I will undergird MY church with a mighty power. And MY blessings shall be upon them. And it would be MY delight in this last hours, when there is great and mighty troubles upon this Earth, where there is whoredoms of wrong doings, where there is a visitation of the enemy at all corners. And I say even MY church has been put down to the degree that they thought everything out. They know everything. BUT THEY DON’T KNOW MY SPIRIT, saith the Spirit of God! And through that MY Spirit is going to move mightily through those who will take time just to wait upon ME.
I don’t ask MY ones to know anything, just to seek MY face! And I shall educate them. And I shall bless them. And I shall encourage them. And I shall give them MY love! And I shall give them MY peace. And I shall give them MY joy! And I shall rain upon them MY blessings. And I shall fill them with the overflowing cup, that their cup will overflow, like a mighty river! It will flow out like a mighty artesian well! And I shall bless those ones.
And I say when thou speaketh, thou will KNOW it is from Heaven! And when thou speaketh you will know that your thoughts are being directed by Heaven’s shore. And I wish for a people, saith the Spirit of God, that will learn to walk upright before ME. And not have to know, their own self worth, their own self gain. But they will venture out and say they do not know, they DON’T CARE, for they want to be in the hands of their Lover, their ONE that loves them, the God that MADE them. They want to be in HIS will. They wish to walk as HE would have them walk. They no longer want to plan their own plan. But they want to walk victorious. They want to have the blessings of God upon them.
And I say those that will come in this fashion, I the Lord thy God shall NEVER fail them. And I will never let them wander. I shall keep them, even though they are a minority, I shall bless them. And I say, even right now for a season they may feel that they are losing out. But I say when I come through the clouds of glory, those that are led by MY Spirit are going to be drawn up from this evilness. And they are going to be READY, because they are not looking for man. They are not in tune, no longer, with the cares of this World. They are not in tune with some man. They are not in tune with someone. But they are in tune with the Spirit of God! They are in tune with the God that they love!
And because they are in tune with ME, I the Lord thy God shall touch them and they will no longer be crippled. They will no longer have their voice leaving them. And they will have a clearness in their hearts and life. And I know, MY people, right now through this time that you FIGHT the battle of faith, even MY ones. But I say there is a day coming when thou shall be lifted up to a higher realm, to a higher place. And I say for a short time, at the end time before MY coming, I say I AM going to put a blessing upon MY people. And they are going to go forth for a short time and do a great work for ME, saith the Spirit of God.
But I say many, many, many are going to be absent at that day. Many are absent this day that have *KNOWN* ME. They have forsaken MY Spirit. They have forsaken the pathway that I have started them on. And they have went back to their own ways, and they have planned their own sermons. They do their own things. They do their own speeches. They think about what they are going to pray, what is going to be sounding good. And it is like coming to ME as a tinkling symbol! It has lost it’s meaning! It has lost what they have counted it to be!
That bell no longer rings with a true ring. It has got a dull sound, and that is what is happening in MY churches. They have *forsaken* the right way. They have *FORSAKEN* MY Spirit. Now they have taken after the ways of Baal! They have taken after the evil ways. And they have imparted unto themselves GREAT SWELLING WORDS. And MY Word says in the last days there will be those that will have great and mighty teaching, and to bring great and mighty, swelling words upon their own lusts! And it shall bring them down to a place. It will bring them to an everlasting Hell, saith the Spirit of God!
For I AM going to move in a mighty way for those that would choose to love ME, SERVE ME. And they will come to ME. I will in no wise cast them out! And I shall strengthen them. And I shall touch them. And I shall minister MY love to them. And they shall be *QUALIFIED* in that Day. They shall be **QUALIFIED!** And I the Lord thy God shall bless them. And I shall enrich them. And I will incorporate MY power upon them. And I shall SPEAK to their hearts. And they know that I AM the KING of Kings, that I AM the Lord of glory, and I have not forsaken them, even though they feel alone in this last hour, because they feel so few. Because I say there is very few that *REALLY* move through MY Spirit, saith the Spirit of God.
**FEW** MOVE THROUGH THE SPIRIT. But I say I AM seeking for those that WILL. And did not I say that if I did not shorten that day that the very elect would not be saved? And I say there is whoredoms of wrong spirits that is coming into this Land. And I say, MY ones this day thou must be CAREFUL what thou saith, what thou taketh in to thyself. And be CAREFUL because your life is worth ALL, if it is in ME! But I say if thou forsakes ME, and thou misses out on that great and mighty Day, thou will be **WORTHLESS!** But I say thou shall live through Eternity and thou shall *HURT* the rest of thy life, at thy time, because there is **NO** way of escape from that thing!
But I have made a way for MY people to escape the grips of Hell. I have made them a way of escape, that they would know ME as their Saviour. And I would incorporate MY mighty Holy Spirit upon them. And they would be BLESSED. And they would feel MY cushion of MY mighty blessings upon them. And I would keep them through MY mighty hand.
But I say they forsake that! They go into TRADITION. They have forsaken the power that can save them. They have forsaken the ONE that can keep them! They have forsaken the ONE that can heal them. They have forsaken that ONE that can keep their minds freed from evil. They have forsaken that RIGHT pathway for the way of the World, that they might be well known among this World.
And I say there is many that is well known! And I say there is many that is well liked. But I say I wish for MY people, it would be better that they just have a dish rag over the corner and have MY Spirit, than have all the wealth of this World, and lose out on that mighty Day! For I AM saying what can be PAID for your souls, saith the Spirit of God? For your soul is worth **A** **LOT**. And I see a value in the soul, saith the Spirit of God.
I bankrupted Heaven. I sent MY Son, saith the Spirit of God, that HE might PAY IN FULL that ALL people can be saved, All could be redeemed. And then when HE left I told them that I would give them MY Spirit. MY Spirit would be by their side. And MY Spirit would live with them. And MY Spirit would guide them. And I would comfort them through MY Spirit.
And they have forsaken MY Spirit! And they become in these last days very *WISE* in their own eyes. And they have forgotten that they need MY presence. They have forgotten that I the Lord thy God am a jealous God. And I wish to lead MY people. And I say as the Israel wandered in the desert, MY churches are wandering this day. They are *wandering*!
They are going out for great and mighty teachings. They are going out for great and mighty things that are well pleasing to their minds. But I say it brings no healing to their life. It brings no healing to their spirit. It brings no *HEALING* from what they have went through. And when they come back the next day they feel like they are dragged out again. And I say there is no salvation for what they are looking for. I say the only thing that they need is MY presence. They need the Spirit of God! And they can name it whatever they want to name it. They can claim it, whatever they want to claim it. But they must have the TRUE, the GENUINE power of God.
MY church needs a GENUINE power of revival, saith the Spirit of God, that they might walk victorious in this last days, saith the Spirit of God.
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