Archive for June, 2004
Word From the Holy Spirit, June 10, 2004
[Dear ones, this is Brother Clint adding an important note. Today is February 11, 2016, but the prophetic word just below was given on June 10, 2004. Way back then God spoke through Brother Freedom telling us many things. But near the end of this word God foretold of the times we would face. It is all coming true, just as God spoke it through Brother Freedom, by the Holy Spirit! Please read this very, very carefully! If you are in a hurry to get to the section I’m speaking of, scroll down and you will see a mark in this color of type where that section begins. -brother clint]
For I would say to thee MY people, many, many, many of MY people who have known ME, and I have blessed them, and I have given them many, wonderful gifts. I have graced them with wonderful homes. I have blessed them with wonderful jobs, and all the things that I have given them in this Land.
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