Word From the Holy Spirit, February 27, 2004
I AM the Way. I AM the Truth. And I AM the Life. And I say MY Spirit has been here upon this Earth since the time that I [Jesus] left. And I AM coming back through the clouds of glory, saith the Spirit of God. And I AM coming for those who have allowed ME to come and LIVE within them, that I would be their friend. That I would be their keeper. That I would be *GREATER* in their lives than the prince of the power of this air [Satan], that has been *IN* them. That I would be the dominant ONE in their lives.
But I see that this has been a *failure* many times. MY people have drawn away. And they have searched for ME. They have **SEARCHED**, but I have been with them. And I told them that I AM with them. And they *SEARCH*! They say, “That cannot be!!”
They are *SEARCHING* this day. They are *SEARCHING* for that Way. But I have been with them CONSTANTLY. And I have been very *FAITHFUL* to make Myself *REAL* to these ones.
I AM looking for those this day that will re-examine their hearts and life, that they might *WALK* in *VICTORY*! That they might walk in *GREAT* joy! That they would walk in great peace! They would walk in having that assurance that I AM *WITH* them, that I will NEVER flee from them. And I will *BLESS* them! And I shall give them *ALL* power if it need be!
I AM greater in the things, the forces, the struggles, the crises. Everything that is evil, I AM bigger than all these things all put together.
And I say the Heavenly Father has made ME, saith the Spirit of God, that power upon Earth. HE has given ME that saving power to glorify the Son, glorify the Name of Jesus. I AM that ONE to glorify the Son.
And I say there is a Day coming very shortly, I say, when this World is going to pass away. I say this World is beginning [to be] unbalanced. This World is getting tired. This World is getting unfruitful. This World is getting to a place. It is going to come to an end. And I say, the people of this World see it more than MY church sees it!!
I say the unsaved see that there is a problem, [with] the elements of this World. They see that there is tragic things that is going to take place. They see the weather is changing. They see all these things. But I say many in MY church believe a thousand years from now that the church will soon be here. And it shall be a vacated place for MANY, because I the Lord thy God am going to tell them “that Day is coming soon!”
And I say that vision they have will not come to pass, because I AM the Way. I AM the Truth. I AM the Life. And I give MY glory to **NONE**, saith the Spirit of God. For I AM here to glorify the Son, to glorify the Father. And I AM here to lift up the church. But I say MY church is *ABSENT* from ME. They do not want ME in their midst! They do not want MY input in their lives. They do not WANT MY glory upon them. They are AFRAID of ME!
But I say they will be afraid one day when they stand before the Heavenly Father and HE says, “You workers of iniquity, I know you NOT!”
And I say I AM here with MY hands out-stretched to MY people this day. I AM here to encourage them, to strengthen them, to uphold them, to give them *POWER* over the enemy. I AM able to HELP them in this last hour, that MY people would have *VICTORY*, that MY people would have great JOY. That MY people would have GREAT insight. That I can give them knowledge. I can give them WISDOM. I can give them insight. I can give them revelation knowledge over things that is going to take place. I can let them KNOW many, many things, that MY church is *ABSENT* from.
I say MY church is very *CRITICAL* over anyone that goes in these gifts, and they put them OUT from them. They don’t even want them within their midst. And I say they are vacating the power that can save them! They are vacating the POWER that can cleanse them! They are vacating the power that can give them *JOY*. They are vacating the gift from Heaven that is able to KEEP them from all harm.
And I say they are putting these things away! And teaching others that this is NOT godly, this is NOT for them to do. And I say, even many of MY young believers believe in these things of ME. And they have had a touch from ME. And I say, shortly after they go through the walks, through their place, they are encouraged to leave ME! [The Spirit of God] They are encouraged to put ME off, because they are *TOLD* that the people who have ME are not very stable, that the people who have ME are NOT in the will of God!
But I tell you this day, saith the Spirit of God, those people that walk in MY Spirit, I say there is some, YES, that have fulfilled and come against ME. And I say there IS many counterfeits. Yes there IS, saith the Spirit of God! But there is many, many genuine ones that **KNOW** ME! But I say that number is getting fewer and fewer, because of the VAST works that is coming against them!
I say there is PROBLEMS that is focused to those that have been filled with MY Spirit. And I say they have been detailed out. They have been named. They have been put out.
But I see these things, saith the Spirit of God. And I say, very shortly, MY coming is very soon. But I AM going to wash MY church, MY remnant, with MY GLORY in this last hour. And I shall bathe them with MY love. And I shall FEED them beside the still waters. And I shall go WITH them. And I shall be ABOUT them. And I shall ENRICH them. And MY church, the remnant, shall come forth. And I shall have a mighty people, even though it may be a few, saith the Spirit of God. They will walk *MIGHTILY*!
And I say the dead in Christ shall rise. And I say many of them shall come forth. And I say at that time there is going to be a GREAT fellowship that is in Heaven. And I say MANY that have seated themselves *WELL* at the congregations of this World are going to be missing. And they will be STILL upon this Earth at that time.
And I say when plagues come, when powers of whoredoms come their way many will even take their life because of the powers that is coming against them.
I say NOW is the accepted time. Now is the Day of salvation. Now is the time to make it right. Now is the time, when I AM still with thee, saith the Spirit of God. MY church needs to pray as they never prayed before! And I say MY pastors will not let MY people pray in the Spirit! They thought it old fashioned. They thought it not really what it should be. Many have been fooled by the powers of the enemy. And they have said, “You know, don’t let this thing happen in your church, or you will lose your people!”
But I say what they are going to lose without that Spirit. They need MY Spirit! Yes, the old fleshly spirit, I say, they need to get rid of that! But they need MY Spirit *WITHIN* them.
I say man has a spirit within them. Woman has a spirit within them. But it determines what spirit it is. I say it can be an evil spirit, or they can be a righteous spirit. And MY church, that is what it is all about, that MY church that had people that had unruly spirits within them, wrong spirits within them, **THAT THEY WOULD BE CLEANSED**.
And they would grow in MY love. And they would have, and gain, a righteous spirit within them. That they would take off the “old man.” And they would put on a “new man” on, a new woman on. And they would be victorious. And they would GROW from the time that they accepted ME as Lord and Saviour, to the time that I would take them home to Heaven. And they would grow as an infant into a mighty man, a mighty woman for ME, saith the Spirit of God. And they would be filled and adorned with MY glory.
And I say when they would face death, that they would be so full of ME that they would *KNOW* that they would have no fear within their lives. That they would be victorious over death, grave and Hell. And they would beckon that time. They would be **READY** for that Day, because I would *BLESS* them in a way.
But I say My church has *FAILED*!! They do not have enough growth. They have growed in knowledge. They have growed, yes, knowledge. They even know MY Word. But I say they have forgotten *MY* *SPIRIT*! MY Spirit brings forth life! And MY Spirit needs to *MIX* with MY Word! And when they mix together, I the Lord thy God do GREAT and MIGHTY things!
I say they *BLEND* together. And it does a work from Heaven! It does a work *FOR* Heaven! And it is done *BY* Heaven, in MY people, that MY people might receive that crown, that they might see that blessing, that they might be suited up for righteousness, that they might have the *WILL* to live for ME, that they would walk in MY presence, they would walk victorious on this last hour, that MY church would **NO** **LONGER** go through the pitfalls of the things from the enemy, that they would be *BEYOND* him, be *ABOVE* him. And they would live victorious, until I take them home.
But *REMEMBER*, *I* *AM* *THE* *CARRIER* of MY people, saith the Spirit of God. I AM **HE**!
MY people need to reverence ME, that I AM not GOD [the Father], but yet I AM here within them! And I AM not the Saviour. I say the Son become the Saviour. But I AM here to KEEP thee until that hour. And the Father has reserved this, saith the Spirit of God, that I would be that KEEPER of MY people.
MY people do not see this! MY people think that I AM a little, sort of just a *LIGHT* part that comes in the church. But I say I AM the Way. I have been very instrumental in all these activities. And I know what MY church needs. And I know what MY people need. And I know all about MY ones. MY ones need MY Spirit and they need to walk in holiness.
I say, when a man has problems in his walk, he needs to realize he is NOT full of ME! Because where MY Spirit is, they get full of ME, they will automatically, these problems will DROP from them. And I say MY church needs to be *TAUGHT* this, that when they start from a child, yes this happens. But when they get full of ME, these gripping problems, these gripping lusts, these spirits that has been upon them will drop from them, because they [the evil spirits] cannot stand MY light!
MY light is within them. And if MY people should just work to get ME in them, work for ME because when MY light is IN them, the ***GLORY***! I cannot be in an unholy vessel! So if MY people keep desiring ME, is it not the Father’s will to *BLESS* that one?? They have it all backwards, saith the Spirit of God!
MY people need to realize when they get problems, that if they will seek ME, I AM able to dissolve that problem! But when they get out here and they teach their people that they must defeat the devil, an defeat all these things within themselves, THEY ARE IN A DEFEATED STATE! And that deceit and that defeat brings forth a condition that brings forth PROBLEMS of GREAT despair!
MY people must realize in this day that this takes place almost every 100 percent of all lives! That there becomes a time, even after they know ME, the Son, Jesus, that there becomes a defeat at times. And that is the time to teach your people that they must call upon ME, that they must be filled with the Spirit from Heaven. And as they put ME on, they will learn to *WALK* by faith. They will learn to walk, not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh. But they will walk in the fullness of the Spirit of God, that those that are lead by the Spirit of God are the **SONS** of God!
MY Word definitely declares this and it is *POSITIVE*, **RIGHT**, saith the Spirit of God! I DO NOT MAKE MISTAKES, saith the Spirit of God! The Heavenly Father makes **NO** mistakes. Jesus, the Son, makes NO mistakes! God will not allow nothing that HE has, with HIS Name, to make mistakes! For men make mistakes! That is why they need **US** **WITHIN** **THEM**!! They need God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost **IN** them! And they should shun the very appearance of evil. But until they can stand up they should cry “ABBA FATHER, Lord, we need YOU this day. We don’t understand YOU. But just come! We desire that. I’m going to pray! I’m going to seek Thy face. I’m going to sacrifice myself until YOU come into my heart.”
And I say, saith the Spirit of God, WE will come *SPEEDILY* to their lives! And *DEFEND* them, to overtake them, to *CLEANSE* them, to move upon them as only the Spirit of God can do! And I AM here this day to bring *JOY* to MY people!
I say this Country that thou livest in is falling, day by day. And I say it is going to fall many ways, saith the Spirit of God! I say that money is going to fall! There is too many problems in this Land! And I say there is going to be things that you need MY Spirit, if that Day should not be shortened!
I say if I did not shorten that Day, MY *SAVED* ones need to realize that they need an insulation from the powers that is going to come upon them. And it comes as they accept the Spirit of God within them, the anointing from Heaven, that they would no longer be deceived. But they would walk in *VICTORY*! Moreover they would walk with the promises within their heart and lives, that they are MORE than conquerors through the ONE that SAVED them, that loves them, that they would be victorious over death, grave and Hell. And they would be *WAITING* and expecting for that Day. That the trump of God shall sound and time shall be no more. And they would be *READY* to meet their God from Heaven. That they would be judged at that Day, they would NOT be *WANTING*. And they would have the approval from Heaven, in the Name of Jesus. Amen! *GLORY TO GOD*! Thus saith the Spirit of God!
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