Archive for May, 2012
Example of a Sudden Word
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Sound file: 20070508bSUPER77.mp3 Time: 2:04
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Brother Freedom doesn’t control the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit controls him. Here is an audio sound byte of one of those precious times when the Spirit of God takes over Brother Freedom’s lips. Our service is over. I have turned the digital recorder off. But, suddenly Brother Freedom is overcome by the Spirit of God and begins to speak powerful words from Heaven. I grab the recorder and turn it on, missing a few words. But what is captured is so short and so powerful. You can feel the very heart of our Glorious God Almighty. Listen and be changed by a Word from the Throne Room!
Cause God Is God, HE’s a Caring Father
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Sound file: 20120527.mp3 Time: 32:49
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Scripture Reading 2nd Corinthians 1:3-4; 2nd Corinthians 6:16-18
This message brings out the amazing love and care of the Heavenly Father. You will learn of some of the tricks of the evil one. Most believers do not understand how fantastically brilliant the evil one is, how he can so easily take a human being out. Satan’s IQ is so far beyond that of a human being that we are so unwise to try and take him on in our own ability.
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Asleep with Map & No Compass
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Sound file: 20120503_777.mp3 Time: 36:20
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Scripture Reading: Exodus 23:20-30; Deuteronomy 4:14-20; Hebrews 5:9-14; 6:1-6; 13:21
The message opens with some preliminary comments on the fact that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is asleep. They have had a bad stroke. This message will get them back on track if they will listen. Brother Freedom feels how the powers of darkness are so strong upon the earth in these later times. But when he is in the living room to minister the anointing of the Holy Ghost comes upon him and he is touched mightily Nothing competes with the presence of the Spirit of God! Every believer has a unique and individual calling of God.
This is a watershed message. It is spectacular!
The church is asleep! The church has lost its first love for the Lord God. God wants to re-instate each believer, to bless them.
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