Word From The Holy Spirit, December 31, 1995
But MY people must be dedicated to ME; allow ME to re-mold, to restructure. I say, MY people need hours in prayer. MY PEOPLE NEED HOURS in reading MY Word. And I say, many of MY people, it is just a moment here, and a moment there. And then they want ME to really bless them. I say that blessing comes as they serve and come CONTINUALLY, coming to MY well, that MY well pours upon them blessings from eternity, from on high. And I say, MY people must realize the most precious gift that they can give to themselves in this day is devoting themselves to ME.
I say, speak to thyself oh man, oh woman. Tell thyself that thou art going to seek MY face. And do not let the flesh control thy mind, no longer. But I say, the Spirit must take preeminence over the old man, the old ways, the old habits, that thou would come to the banqueting table, and fast and pray, believing.
Seek MY face and call upon ME. Does not MY Word say that these things can only be done through fasting and through praying? And I say, fasting is not always just food, saith the Spirit of God. It is in MY Word; it is in taking of ME, that the fast would be as unto ME! That fast is taking MY Word, taking MY Spirit. It is not just the flesh!
MY Kingdom is not meat nor drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost [Rom. 14:17]. I say, yes, the flesh needs to take place. But I say, there is even a greater desire. And that would be a spiritual fast, that all of your eye would be singular to ME. And through that there would be an artesian well of MY glory flowing through MY people. And it would be there CONTINUALLY! Does not MY Word say that? [See John 7:37-39]
And I say, MY people must be told that they must spend ENERGY of their own flesh, that they might take that energy to engage in the ministry to profit their body that the body might be coming under the control of the Spirit.
Many of MY people do not take time to pray. MY people do not take time to read MY Word. MY people are so busy going to and fro. And MY people don’t take time to listen! MY people are always speaking. And I say, they are speaking swelling words because they do not take time to pray. They do not take time to hear MY Word. I say, the words are coming out of their mouth. It is going in from flesh! And I say, flesh cannot produce MY blessings. And MY people need to have a spiritual intake, a spiritual intake of MY food. And that food is prayer. That food is reading MY Word and seeking MY face, and MY MIND staying upon thee.
Cannot thou understand this MY people?? Cannot thou understand what I AM saying?? I AM speaking to thy hearts. Thou must invest thy TIME, thy devotions to ME.
I say this last days that good, meaningful people that want to love ME, do not know how; because, I say, their day is so full of activities of this World that they have not learned they must take time to seek ME! But I say, the activity of most of MY people is not done intentionally. But their mind, their places, through twenty-four hours a day, is mostly in the World. Very few minutes is in MY Spirit.
And through that MY people are very lean. MY people are very disturbed, because they have never taken. And they are anemic. They have not taken any vitality. They have not eaten MY Word! They have not processed their time through devotions and seeking MY face. They have not taken hours speaking in the Spirit, that MY Spirit would come upon them, that they would take TIME, that I the Lord thy God! And through that there is a loss of time, saith the Spirit of God.
Many people in this last days when they see someone that is engaged many, many, many days, many, seeking ME for years; and yea, when MY Spirit comes upon that one, they don’t understand that one. And they erase him out of their minds! And they don’t want him in their presence. When **I** say, that is the kind of people that *I* want to go forward in the last days, that they might have an artesian well experience. That they would have an experience that MY blessing would be upon them. And I would furnish them. And I would move upon them in a very special way.
But I say, MY people do not take time to invest in the ONE that can help them. They want instant power! And they want instant, from someone putting a blessing upon their shoulders and saying, “You’ve got it!” And I say it takes devotion! It takes dedication! It takes time, coming close to MY heart, saith the Spirit of God.
Through that time that thou would spend, individually, SINGULAR, with ME, I can create a vessel to praise, to honor. But MY people must realize IT TAKES TIME. It doesn’t *TAKE*, just in a moment. That is false hopes, saith the Spirit of God. I say, you must invest, taking time serving ME. And through that thou will grow.
And I say, if MY people can get that in their minds, I AM able to bring them BEYOND where they are. Because I say, most of MY people are in the “mind area.” Most of my people are NOT in the “Spirit area.” They have never developed to that degree! But I say, the spirit-man needs to be the dominant one in these lives. I wish the spirit-man would be more powerful: the heart would be more precious than the mind.
The mind is the part of the self. And I say, everything that comes to the mind, the mind has a memory. But I say, the SPIRIT is something that comes as thou would glean and give thyself totally to ME, TOTALLY. MY people do not hear this. And they don’t understand this. But I say, that is why MY people don’t have that artesian well of MY SPIRIT within them.
For I LOVETH THEE. And I loveth those round about thee. And I AM not here to judge thee, MY people. But, just to let you know what is taking place, why many of MY people are where they are. So, thou can pray and thou can understand this day.
And I do not force MY people to study MY Word! I do not force MY people to pray. That has to come from MY people. And if MY people will come to THAT degree, then I can move upon them for intercessory prayer. Because I know they ARE dependable. I know that their plans are in MY hands. And I say, after they spend time with ME, then I upgrade them. And I put them in the intercessory prayer. And I bring them into greater ministries. For it is MY delight to come upon MY people as they learn to grow in ME, not in man, saith the Spirit of God.
MY people are Mine. I have paid in full, [from] the very creation, that I might have a people that would live out through the eternities. And I have sought for men and women, from the very foundation of this World. And I say, even that time, from Noah’s time, very few was saved.
And I AM seeking forth a people in this last days that will move out by MY Spirit, that would count the cost. Count the cost in serving ME. And I say, if MY people do not mean business, count that cost. For I AM calling for a people that will mean business with ME, that love ME, and be very courageous in these last days.
And for those that will be very courageous, I the Lord thy God shall move upon them with MY gentle touch, and I shall shelter them through the times of opposition. I shall shelter them through the times of oppression. And I say, even though the enemy might come in his fierce heat, thou would not even feel that heat! Thou would be like Daniel, of old, in that lions’ cage. The lions did not touch him.
And I say, when the enemy comes in, MY people, this last days, I will do a new work, for those that will believe, that I AM the true, the living God, that lives within the heart of MY people!
I no longer live in the sanctuaries, the temples of men. But I live in the hearts of MY people! I live in the heart! And I come there to make MY abode, among MY people.
This night, I AM calling thee, this night. Open thy heart wide! Open thy heart wide! Receive ME with gladness! Receive MY Son! Receive the Son with gladness, saith the Spirit of God. Receive that gift that God the Father has given to thee this night. Open thy heart and thy arms wide and I shall strengthen thee. And I shall move upon thee, saith the Spirit of God.
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