Word From the Holy Spirit, June 16, 2001

[I would say to you] MY people this day, MY Word declares: cast all of your cares upon ME, for I care for you.

I say, this day, look to ME, look not to this World. But, call upon ME. Look to ME, and I shall comfort thee. I shall PROTECT thee. And I shall be with thee forevermore.

For I say, THAT coming, and MY Day draws nigh when no man shall be able to labor. I say that day of labor is soon coming to pass. And that which thou has labored shall be a reward for it. And I say, that reward shall be with thee. And I say it is beyond time of labor. I say, it is a time when the trump shall sound. It is time when: the close down of this hour.

It is a time of people to be READY; people to look to *ME*, and their joy, that they would take on that garment of praise, that they would have MY joy within their hearts, that they would have the laughter within their being. And, I the Lord thy God shall move upon them, and they would be moved upon by *ME* in such a special way that when the hardness and the elements of this World shall come to pass, round about them, that they would not even FEEL what is taking place.

And I say, the World will see this, and they will not understand what is taking place. They will not understand that it is by MY Spirit. It is by MY Word of God. It is by MY Word that has given: that I the Lord thy God shall help MY ones. And I shall be with them through the times of struggle. And, I shall support them, if MY people would call upon ME.

But, I say, MY church is very NEGATIVE in this last days. I say, MY church plans their OWN feast days. They plan it in the moments. They have everything figured out from the first to the end. Their programs are so programmed that they know what is going to be before they ever do their day.

And this day, I wish for MY people to come to that time that they would allow *ME*, the Spirit of God, to know. I *WILL* *NOT* hurt MY people! But MY people will not allow ME, even in their services, to take over.

I am calling for those this last days that will be a peculiar people, that will be peculiar in the way that they will not be upset by the things of this World. But, they would be upset if they would fail *ME*! And they would have that kind of a consecration. That they would know, when they feel that they have hurt *ME*, that they would be hurt within themselves. That they would *KNOW!* And that people: I, the Lord thy God, shall strengthen those ones. I AM calling forth a people in this last days that would be JOYFUL. For I will give thee the joy. And My joy is forevermore. Ye shall receive STRENGTH! And ye shall see a STRENGTH forevermore, if I, the Lord thy God shall be upon thee.

I say confusion has come against MY people! Confusion has come in, and crept in such a way that MY people have lost their way. They have LOST their way. They have LOST that true countenance. They have forgotten, that I the Lord thy God [have] once chosen them. And, they have forgotten how to get to ME.

And, I say this day, that is why MY church needs to PRAY! My church needs to take GREAT thought about this, that they would pray for those who are weak. They would pray for those who are less fortunate. For, they would pray for those who have had that first love, and that first love has lost their way. That they would be that one that would pray for them. That you would do intercession for them, that they might be turned about, and they would be retained, and come back from the direction that they have fallen back, that MY people might be a BLESSED people, that MY people would know *ME*, in such a very special way, that I the Lord thy God should use them.

For I say, MY reward is with ME. I say, MY coming is soon. I say, there is going to be a great time of feasting. There is going to be a great time of blessings. But I say, some shall be missing. SOME have lost that way.

MY people, this day, take great thought in where thou is going. Take great thought in where thou has arisen to. For, I the Lord thy God, have given thee strength. Yea, even in the natural, I have allowed thee to be a profitable [one]. I have allowed thee to have good health. I have allowed thee to have the Sun in the day, and I have allowed thee the coolness of night. I have given thee food. I have given thee shelter. I have given MY church MUCH. I have given thee MY Son! I have given ALL, saith the Spirit of God.

And I have given in such a way that I AM coming back. And I AM coming back very soon, for a HARVEST of all things. And I say, those that are READY, shall receive a great reward. But I say, for those who have LOST their way, they shall lose out in that Day. And they shall go on beyond that [Day].

And I say, for MY church there, [it] would be better that they had never been BORN than to go through THESE things and miss out in the last hour.

For, I AM coming SOON! And MY people must be ready. MY people must call upon ME. MY people must *SEEK* ME. And, MY people must learn to pray in the Spirit, that they might be a profitable people. That MY people might trust ME this day. For I say, the World does not see *ME*.

And I say, there is going to be things about thee that is going to come to pass, very shortly. I say, there shall be hordes of wrong, evil doers, that will even come into thy cities. And I say, there shall be gangs. There shall be ruthlessness. There shall be slayers. There shall be things that thou does not want to see.

Thou MUST pray that THAT day MUST be *SHORTENED,* saith the Spirit of God. MY church must pray that THAT day will be SHORTENED! Because, if I did not shorten THAT day, MY Word declares, that even though the very elect would not be able, to be able to stand.

I say, there is going to be a power that is going to be unveiled upon this World that I say [it] will take MY grace; it will take My Spirit to be able to fight it OFF, unless I would shorten that day!

PRAY!! If thou would pray that this World might be changed. It is [thy] responsibility that I have given the task of MY church, that they would NO LONGER be WILLFUL in their own selfishness! But, they would wait upon ME, that MY church would not look at it’s own greediness, their own selfish ways. But, MY church would look to the harvest field that is truly ripe, that their neighbors are going out to a devil’s hell. There is MANY that is going BEYOND [the Day of escape]. But I say, thou CAN make a difference, saith the Spirit of God. And thou CAN believe.

And I say, confusion must be dismissed among thy ranks. And if thou can get rid of confusion, I the Lord thy God, shall re-assemble these. And, I shall reassemble thy way. And I shall *ANOINT* thee. But, thou must get rid of these weights that bring thee down, that I the Lord thy God shall [move].

And I say there is going to be FIRES. There is going to be problems that thou has *NEVER* seen. There is going to be, oh, *HORDES* of things that thou has never faced. And I AM the answer.

I AM not here to scare thee. But, yet, thou must FEEL that the only safety is in ME this day! For I AM here to strengthen thee! I AM here to HELP thee. I AM here to LOVE thee. I AM here to finish what I have started within thee, saith the Spirit of God.

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