A Freak Of Darkness

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Sound file: 20130827.mp3 Time: 16:20

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This message has a very significant prophetic word within it.  That segment with the word has been transcribed so that you may read it as well has hear it.  It is loaded with warning and truth.  Here is that segment, but please, also listen to the entire message.  In the rest of the message you will hear the warning about “A Freak Of Darkness.”  The prize is too great and the punishment is too awful.  We must not miss God’s way.  Below find the transcribed prophetic word.

I say in this last days troublesome times are coming, days of struggling, a day of heartaches, a day of great abuse to others, a time when people are not serious what goes on. It is all just “newpaper-eyes.” It is not going to their heart what is even going on. But I say I am looking for that special person, that one that wants to grow in MY Mighty Spirit. They start from nothing and attain eternal life. But, I say those that will not grow in ME are going to lose their identification in this last days. They are going to lose the direction they should be headed. From that they are going to get confused, and they will get so confused they won’t know where they are headed. And they will lose their way. And the shock of this losing their way, they will turn themselves into nobodies. They know that they have missed the pathway, but they have went ahead in self, forgotten their God and they become lost. They get afraid. They are fearful and they are struggling because of darkness within them. But I say MY people are moving out from MY power. They go forth in MY leadership. They go forth in MY great liberty. They go forth in MY anointing that rests on MY people. And their anointing doesn’t come from self. It comes from the Divine power of the Holy Ghost that is within them. They will be led in a clear path that will lead them to Heaven itself, but all other roads, all other things that men sees in this time are going to deliver them to darkness. They may they started in light, but they are going to end up in darkness. And their eyes are going to be darkened. They lose vision and they are walking in self. But, I say self is being educated by Satan’s satanic forces that draw on the power of God from the self in the department of the way that is lost. Through that they become directed by the powers of darkness. What a privilege, MY people, to come out to be chosen by God. HE has chosen a peculiar people. HE has chosen a zealous people, a holy people, without spot or wrinkle. And that means what it says it says, said the Spirit of God. HE is going to have a holy people, a people that walk in HIS direction. They are not walking in what they know, what they see, but they are walking in the presence of God. They are not going to take nothing but the best and that is God’s department, chosen from God HIMSELF as a candidate for everlasting life. When they accepted the Son, which is Jesus Christ, in their heart, their whole life would become a new creation. Because they slept for a while and dared foolish imaginations, and tried to follow the vanity of life itself, they become losers and they start walking in darkness. And they are still doing in the name of the Lord, because they once followed the way of the Lord in that avenue, but no longer can you do that without getting heavily damaged. But MY people must awaken, must find out that they are challenged by the powers of darkness. Everything starts revolving on everything getting worse and worse for the individual that forgets God. He has already forgot his first love. He is lukewarm. He is not hearing the right message because he is walking directed by the wrong spirit. I say there is only one answer for all you got, all you hear, all you face, you got to remain in the Holy Ghost. And there is no substitutes in the way. There is no place that you can come out and just think for yourself. It is leadership of the Spirit of God. Keep your eyes on ME saith the Spirit of God and ye shall live. If you stay alive you are going to live. If you get alive to sin you are going to die. God is here to save you. God is here to bless you. God is here to encourage you. But yet people dare to go against their God. There is a time very short that all things that consist are going to be directed by whatever their calling is from. It’s got to be a great separation is taking place right now. And that separation is going to take you from the ways of the world, or the way is going to take you away into the world. We must “choose you this day whom you will serve.” I believe that God wants to bless you in a mighty way. Amen.

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