Word From The Holy Spirit, September 10, 1995
That thou would understand that thou art living in a time when much is covered up. Much which you see, much what you hear is not what really is, saith the Spirit of God. For I say that many, even of leaders in this Land, yea inwardly are like raving wolves. They are wolves within.
But I said, MY people must have the radiance of MY blessings in them. MY people live in a house, like a glass house, saith the Spirit of God. I say, what is in the heart the World sees. But I say in the opposite, of those that bearing many, that say they bear MY Word. In reality they are like an egg that is covered with a covering. And I say inwardly that egg is decayed. That egg is very decomposed, within. But I say outwardly it looks like a coloring. It is colored. But I say if thou should break that egg, yea the smell would be terrible. It would be not the aroma of good. But, it would be the aroma of very bad smells saith the Spirit of God.
And I say this is what is taking place in this World. There is many, there is many that are saying they are ME, they are of MY seed, they are of MY blessing. But I say within they are decayed. They have lost their love. They have lost that sweet smell of MY Spirit within them. They have been victims of the powers of darkness. They have been victimized and lost their first love. They have lost their first estate. And they have lost that vision. They have lost that vision of eternal life. They have lost that great vision that people would be saved. They have lost the importance of ME and of MY Word, saith the Spirit of God.
For I AM coming to a people that rely totally upon ME, that rely upon MY Word, that rely on MY Spirit to guide them, to direct them. For I say in the hearts of men, I do not force MY people, to either to serve ME or to reject ME. I give them a space of time, even after they know ME as Lord and Savior. And I give them a time that they would progress toward ME, or they would progress the other direction. And I say many progress, actually, to the other fulcrum. They go to another power. Many go backwards.
But MY desire is for MY people to go forward. MY people are to grow and to learn that I AM HE that calleth; I AM HE that giveth insight; I AM HE that giveth strength. I have given all Men MY Word. And MY Word was written many years ago. MY Word was given as Myself, saith the Spirit of God. And it was given that MY people might be a profitable people, that they might glean from MY Words, that they might learn ME as Savior, that they would know the God of Heaven, that it was in MY Word that would speak: study to show thyself approved unto ME a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the truth.
But I say, in that, many doctrines, many beliefs, many religions has come forth. And I say through this one Word that many, many, many people are saying many different things. And I say, does not that speak something to thee that THAT is why they need MY Spirit? For MY Spirit is ME! And MY Spirit must guide and move upon MY people. MY Spirit is the ONE that moves through the Word. And MY Spirit guides in the Word. And MY Spirit teaches in the Word. MY Spirit edifies in the Word. MY Spirit brings clarity.
MY people need to realize that they need clarity of ME, saith the Spirit of God. They need a motivation by ME. And they do not need their own instructions. They do not need the things that they have been taught as from the World level. But they need to come to a higher level. And I say this is what baffles mankind. This is why mankind cannot understand that: why I need to be in the picture, that why I AM not able to bring the leadership.
And I say that many of MY people who have gleaned MY Word and learned of MY Word, yet they still will not allow MY Spirit to be the guiding force. They will not allow that guiding force of MY Spirit to be united with the Word. That uniting of the Word and the Spirit becomes power, and it becomes Truth. And I say, does not MY Word say, “the truth shall set you free?” Does not MY Word say that MY Word is powerful?
And is not MY Word like a two edged sword, even piercing, dividing asunder of the things that need to be set apart? But I say that is why it [the Word] needs MY Spirit, it needs the move of MY Spirit, it needs the gentle touch of MY Spirit, it needs the direction of MY Spirit to speak to MY people.
For I say MY Word is powerful. And, it is powerful in a very great way, but yet you need MY Spirit also. Does not MY Word say the letter killeth, but the Spirit brings forth life? Do not I say grieve not MY Spirit whereby ye are sealed to the day of redemption?
I AM moving in a time that men has never seen, a time of disclosure of this hour that is going to come to pass. There is a day coming very shortly, saith the Spirit of God, that will never be as it has ever been as the foundations of this World, a day of destruction, a day of plagues, a day that man has never seen, a day that is very risky to the children of this World.
I say if mothers and fathers could see what is taking place they would not want their children to be born. It would be too risky for a parent to say, “I will bring forth a birth” in the day that we are living. For there is a day of uncertainties before MY people, a day of uncertain events that shall take place, a day of catastrophic events, global problems, things that is going to take place that thou cannot understand.
And I say these will come to pass. I say even the stars will fall from heaven. I say there shall be a day that the Sun will grow hotter. And there shall be a day that the winters will grow colder. There will be a day that has never been upon this World. I say, the volcanos will rise. And I say the earthquakes will shake. And I say that hearts of men will stop. And there shall be plagues upon this Earth that has never been. And there shall be problems as AIDS and things that will come upon this World that they have never seen.
And I say the hearts of men shall fail them because of sin, the problems shall be faced in this World! And I say the only exit unto MY people is to those that will come, and come close in MY Spirit. And that exit will be in *ME*. That exit will not come as a man that would look to the World.
The leadership of MY churches: I say many are looking to great denominations. They are looking to a man that has arrived to a certain position. And I say they come in the mornings. They come to wait for a man that will speak to them. And they rally and they speak MY Words and they even sing MY praises and they call. But yet, it is all the attention of a man. And, yea, though that man works and brings a message out of MY Word, and he takes great pains of bringing what he thinks in his own heart. But I say that is not enough!
MY people must be walking in the Spirit! They must no longer fulfill the lusts of the flesh, that they might be able to know that I AM the living God, that I AM able to predict things. And the things that I predict will come to pass! I AM able to say, “to the left! to the right!” and it will move as I say! It will say as to the left, to the left, to the right to the right. I AM able to go to the rear, to the front, or to the top or the bottom. I AM able to examine. I AM able to lift up. I AM able to disclose. I AM able to bring to pass. I AM able to stop. I AM able to start. And I AM the only ONE that can do these, saith the Spirit of God!
Does it not seem reasonable to that, that I AM able to call people that will move in the Spirit? And they will move as I predict! They will move as I project! And they will move as I speak! And they will move as I say! It is a different time saith the Spirit of God.
I say the wavelengths of this World are so in tune with this World. And they know, they hear voices. They hear voices in their living room. They hear voices in their car. They hear voices, and through those voices, as programmed by programs. But, I AM programming a people in this day that will not be, no longer, in the program of the World. But their tuning will not be to this World. And they will not even hear this World, no longer. And their hearing will come from ME. And their leadership will come from ME. And their seeing will come from ME. And their whole development will come from ME. Not with man! And not with the process of man. And not with the projection of man.
For MY Word is able to do a work. MY Word is able to change the hearts of MY people. MY Word is able to set a man free. And MY Word is able to do a work that no other work can do. MY Word is powerful! MY Word is to do a change of hearts of MY people. For MY people need to come and to know ME. MY people need to rally this day, that MY people would not be put down to the levels of this World.
MY people have been defrauded. MY people have lost as a statue stands. And they become lifeless as a statue. And people are seeing statues of many people that are lifeless within. And they see many monuments of churches. They see statues of men that are arising. And these statues walk, but there is no life! They are as that statue of a person that has once been, but is not here.
And I say MY people are like that. They are like a statue that is standing, and he is dumb. He does not know whether the wind blows or whether the Sun rises, or the Sun sets. He is defenseless against the predator that would come against him. He is standing there in all the things of this World. And I say that is what is taking place in MY church. They do not know. They do not know when the wind blows. They do not know when the Spirit says speak. They do not know this. They are dumb! And they cannot understand that I AM moving through MY Spirit.
Before this World there is problems. And I say, before I come there shall be greater things that shall come to pass. There shall be a density of problems, a collection of greater things than you have ever seen, saith the Spirit of God. But MY people must be dedicated. And that is why MY people must come out from this World. And MY people must be dedicated to ME and MY Spirit. MY people must walk in love. MY people must walk in honesty. MY people must no longer walk in anger. MY people can no longer envy. MY people can no longer walk in jealously. MY people must no longer be selfish. MY people must not be arrogant in their own selves.
But, MY people must come out from that, to be allowing MY love, MY Spirit and the fruit of MY Spirit to be alive within MY people, that MY people will not, no longer, when I come back to this World, be lukewarm, or cold. But, they would be hot! They would be moved! They would be happy. They would be joyful. And they would move in MY Spirit, as only I can move, saith the Spirit of God.
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