Transcribed Message

Word from the Holy Spirit, May 19, 2001

…learn to rest in the Lord your God. Learn to call upon HIM when HE is near. For I AM seeking those in these last days who will seek ME, will call upon ME.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, April 21, 2001

Behold, I say unto thee MY people. Be not afraid of the things that thou has seen, the things that thou shall see to the times that I shall take thee home. For I say, there is many things that will break the hearts of many people in this World.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, April 7, 2001

I say unto MY people, yea, there is a World around about thee that is walking in darkness. And I say, MY church was given, that MY people would walk as a torch in their hand; that they would walk in darkness and would expel that darkness with that light that is within them. And, they would proclaim MY Word, MY message to this World. For MY church has grown cold in these last hours. I say, the torch has gone out, of many of the hands of MY disciples. Of MY followers, I say this day, that torch is not lit.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, March 31, 2001

MY people, thou must come and learn to wait upon your God. Thou must not come unto thine own wishful thinking, or processing the thinking of thy life through thoughts. But I say this day, MY people must come and trust *ME*, because I say before this people, yea those that are in this room, and those round about this World today, are living in very perilous times. I say, you will look to the right, to the left, that you will see that there is lovers of flesh. There is parents that do not really, truly love their children. And vice versa: there is children that do not love their parents.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, March 24, 2001

….I say man in this World and many of my followers do not see that Day coming. But I say, those signs are everywhere, beholding my coming. I say, cannot thou seeth the wickedness that is upon this Land? Does not thou see all the terrible atrocities that is coming this way? I say, there is plagues of damnableness that is coming upon this Land.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, February 16, 1997

Spoken Through Brother Freedom at Faith Hope and Love Fellowship
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Word From The Holy Spirit, October 6, 1996

…be not afraid of the evil intentions that would come upon thee. For I say, the enemy walks very freely in this region. I say, his controls have not been stopped. They have not been diminished. He is gaining! And I say, I AM seeking for a people that would walk to the degree that I have chosen for them. I AM looking for a people that will walk in MY presence. As MY Word declares, as MY Word speaks, so many times: that I have chosen those for the battle that is before them.
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A Word From The Holy Spirit, September 15, 1996

…very difficult times, saith the Spirit of God. I have caused thee that thou would be born in a time when there would be much opposition, saith the Spirit of God. I say, in a time when the enemy would walk at will, and he controls many, and he controls many, many of MY subjects, MINE that have been Mine, he has the controlling power within their lives today.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, March 14, 1996

For I AM here to work within thee, MY people. I AM here to encourage thee this night. Why does thou look so gloomy? Why does thou hesitate, oh man? Why does thou get so concerned?
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Word From The Holy Spirit, March 9, 1996

I say, many of this Land are not looking [at] the time, the season, which the door and the hour are pertaining to! I say, there is a door, an entrance into another room, into another time. But I say, through the blindness of hearts, through the blindness of lives, through the subjections of many vain thoughts, of many vain imaginations, I say, few are looking for that Day, when the Savior shall come through the clouds of glory.
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