Transcribed Message

Word From The Holy Spirit, February 4, 1996

[A revelation concerning prayers of the past, the break down in the spiritual covering and the solution of how to live in these new, dangerous times.]
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Word From The Holy Spirit, January 27, 1996

I say, the enemy comes to tempt thee, daily. But thou must learn to resist him. Thou must realize that I allow thee, MY ones, to be tempted. I allow him to come against thee, that thou might grow, that thy wings might grow, spiritually to a stronger mode.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, January 25, 1996

…a time of perplexities, a time of Job’s troubles, a time of disharmony, a time of failures, a time of problems, a time of destructions, a time of heartaches, a time of deaths, a time of afflictions, a time of diseases, a time of problems we have never faced upon this earth, saith the Spirit of God.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, January 20, 1996

For MY people, be not afraid. For I, the Lord thy God, AM standing by thy side. I say, be afraid when thy people are willfully coming against MY Spirit. When MY people move against ME, when they come against what I wish for them to do, *THEN* is the time for them to be afraid. But, I say, as long as MY people are trying [there is nothing to fear].
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Word From The Holy Spirit, January 18, 1996

I AM very concerned at thy walk, thy talk, thy communication, thy pathway that thou has walked. And I AM here this night to encourage thee, to strengthen thee, that thou may be called and be found a faithful steward in these last days.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, January 14, 1996

A Teaching From the Throne Room about the Mind and the SPIRIT
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Word From The Holy Spirit, January 11, 1996

…oh MY people, there is a fountain of wealth in the hands of MY ones. They do not understand what I have given to them. Many take this blessing lightly. They think about it as ways of men’s hearts, the weighing of men weighing hearts in the natural areas. But I say, I give to MY people an artesian well of MY joy.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, January 6, 1996

For I AM here this night to strengthen thee, MY ones. I AM here tonight, even though there is just a few, to encourage thee this night.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, January 4, 1996

Behold I say to thee this night, be not afraid where thou art. I say, the enemy comes against MY people continually. Do not thou know that the enemy is even at thy door, many times? And MY people must learn to be wise. MY people must learn that *THAT* is why I have given thee MY Spirit! And, that is why thou must be FULL of MY glorious HOLY GHOST, the Spirit that I have given thee, saith the Spirit of GOD, the Spirit that lives WITHIN YOU, that thou might be clad [clothed], that thou might be directed in these last hours for a mission, that I have called thee MY people to invest thy hearts, thy time, thy direction, thy education, thy will, thy heart, thy whole being into following ME.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, December 31, 1995

But MY people must be dedicated to ME; allow ME to re-mold, to restructure. I say, MY people need hours in prayer. MY PEOPLE NEED HOURS in reading MY Word. And I say, many of MY people, it is just a moment here, and a moment there. And then they want ME to really bless them. I say that blessing comes as they serve and come CONTINUALLY, coming to MY well, that MY well pours upon them blessings from eternity, from on high. And I say, MY people must realize the most precious gift that they can give to themselves in this day is devoting themselves to ME.
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