Transcribed Message

Word From the Holy Spirit, September 28, 1995

I say, men will not know how to plan the way for men or women. I say, there is violence arising even in this United States, saith the Spirit of God. And I say, there is homosexual spirits that is arising with more power. And I say, they have even identified themselves as churches of ME. But, it is not MY Spirit that grants them that. They must be saved! They must be changed!
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Word From the Holy Spirit, September 23, 1995

…to identify Myself here that I liveth, and MY Spirit lives, and MY Son lives! And WE move and WE go with MY Spirit. But I AM here to touch MY ones.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, September 21, 1995

For I AM here this night saith the Spirit of God to minister MY love to thee this night, to touch thee again saith the Spirit of God. For I have called thee! I have called thee many times, yea, that thou would engage thy selves in MY Spirit. For MY Spirit is speaking to you this night. MY Spirit is drawing thee. MY Spirit is wooing thee. MY Spirit is speaking to thy heart. Come to ME. Come to ME, saith the Spirit of God, and I the Lord thy God, if thou shall come, I the Lord thy God shall baptize thee afresh with MY Spirit. And, I shall give thee of the presence of MY Spirit, of that former time.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, September 16, 1995

…to behold thee MY people. I have granted thee a way into MY kingdom, and MY calling is there. I have called MY people from afar off. I have called them as far as the Lord thy God shall call. And I have given them an entrance that they might come into MY heavenly land, that I would dwell with them, even while they are upon this Earth, that they would converse and they would talk with ME, that I would talk and converse with them, and they would be MY child.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, September 14, 1995

I AM here to touch thee MY ones. I AM here when there are times of many standards in the World that thou livest in. For I say, there is many voices saying many different things. And I say there is many messages in this Land.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, September 10, 1995

That thou would understand that thou art living in a time when much is covered up. Much which you see, much what you hear is not what really is, saith the Spirit of God. For I say that many, even of leaders in this Land, yea inwardly are like raving wolves. They are wolves within.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, September 7, 1995

I AM here to love thee, to encourage thee this night, saith the Spirit of God. I AM here to minister MY love to thee, to touch thee, to heal thee, to move upon thee as only I can, saith the Spirit of God.
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Word From The Holy Spirit, September 3, 1995

There is very troubled times before thee. Be careful with thy mouth. Be careful with thy heart. Be careful what thou declares. But I say, because of out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, September 3 (b), 1995

Where is thy faith? For I say because of faith here, there has been a change in the elements of this weather this Summer saith the Spirit of God. Thou hast felt the coolness. I say many parts of this United States have had extreme hot weather. And I have kept MY coolness. There is a cool wave, yea, that has been upon thee. For MY eyes are upon thee.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, August 31, 1995

For I the Lord thy God enjoy this saith the Spirit of God. Come exalt ME and praise ME and I will do great things among thee. Come, worship ME and praise ME for thy countenance must be lifted up into heavenly places. And it is MY delight this night to lift thee up. And lift thee up from this World’s standard to a higher realm, to a higher place, where I can touch thee MY ones. Come close. Seek ME, and ye shall find ME. For I have MY arms outstretched to thee for I loveth thee. I loveth thee! I care for thee. I AM sympathetic with thee. I even stand where thou hast been. And I AM here this night to bless thee MY people. Rejoice in ME! Rejoice in ME!
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