Transcribed Message
Word From the Holy Spirit, August 27, 1995
Yea, I say the enemy is at thy door daily. He is there at every hour. He comes to come against MY ones. And thou must realize that thy soul is very precious in Mine eyes. And those round about thee, their souls are very precious in MY eyes.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, August 24, 1995
For I AM here this night with MY love. I AM here with MY power. And I AM here with MY witness of MY Spirit. For I AM not slack concerning MY words or MY promises. But I say, whatever I say must come to pass. And I say, let your yea be yea and or nay, nay, whatsoever [is more] cometh, of that is evil.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, August 17, 1995
For I have a ministry for thee, MY ones. And I say MY words have been strong, saith the Spirit of God. And I say many times I have watched thee to see if thou would buckle. But I say thou has stood strong. And I AM here this night to encourage thee that I have plans for thee MY ones. And, I have a place for thee. And, I have a work for thee. And, I have a calling for thee. I have an anointing for thee.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, August 10, 1995
I have chosen many. I have seen many saith the Spirit of God. I have seen MY people even from the foundation, the day of Adam and Eve, MY people. I remember that day as yesterday saith the Spirit of God. I remember when Adam fell and Eve fell. And I remember when sin came in this World. And I remember when these things have come upon. But, I AM refining people.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, August 3, 1995
[During the early part of the meeting Brother Freedom gave the following interpretation of an unknown tongue that someone in the meeting released by faith.]
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Word From the Holy Spirit, July 27, 1995
I AM not slack concerning MY promises as some men count slackness. But I have heard your cries. I know where thou livest. I AM with thee day by day. Does not MY Word say that I will never leave [thee]; I will not forsake thee? Does not MY Word say that I have not given thee the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind? Did not I go before MY people? Will not I shelter MY people? Will not I keep MY people under the hallow of MY hand?
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Word From the Holy Spirit, July 20, 1995
I AM here this night to touch thee, MY ones. I AM here to bless thee! I AM here to arrange thy life, to minister MY love, to touch thee from the very crown of thy head to the very sole of thy feet. For I say if thou shall come to ME this night with an open heart, if thou shall come with ME with an open heart, yea if thou will give ME, I the Lord thy God shall move upon thee in a very special way. I shall move upon thee with MY loving way.
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Word from the Holy Spirit Concerning the work God is Raising UP, July 16, 1995
I AM here this day saith the Spirit of God. For I say, MY men, read this day from the Spirit of God. I say MY people, if the structure is wrong the building will fall. And I say, the structure of MY ministries even in this City is wrong, not upon the solid rock. It is NOT upon that solid rock. It is on sand. It is on the shifting sand.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, July 13, 1995
MY people are running like sheep, running to and fro. And they have lost their direction. MY people are wandering through the valley, through the wilderness. And MY people are lost. And MY people are going out enslaved by the powers of the enemy. They have been taking their lives. They have been going and wandering so long. MY people have been wandering so long. And I AM calling forth a people right now that will be very courageous.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, July 6, 1995
For I AM HE that liveth, and I AM HE that hath an appointment with each one of thee this night. For I say there is an appointed time for each one of thee that thou would walk in victory. That thou would not, no longer, be defeated. That thou would walk being blessed by ME saith the Spirit of God.
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