Transcribed Message
Word From the Holy Spirit, February 16, 2004
I the Lord thy God am here this day in a very special way. I say My Nation, this Nation that was born [birthed] by ME, saith the Spirit of God, I say many, many, many leaders have arrived, many, many denominations, many settings, many callings, many diversities, many *DIFFERENCES* in MY people. But I say those that CLAIM to know ME as Lord and Saviour, many of those, in these days, are living. Yea, even in a greater depth [they] follow ME. But I say they follow ME in word only.
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Rescue Mission, December 27, 2003
[Brother Freedom delivered this message to perhaps 80 people gathered in the Rescue Mission. These are street people, the forgotten ones. But God cares greatly for them. **Brother Freedom delivers this message totally by the Spirit. The Scriptures pour out of him. He has his Bible in hand, but does not turn to any Scripture because the Scripture comes extemporaneously by the Spirit of God.]
Brother Freedom proclaims, “God is good! Isn’t HE?”
The congregation responds with “Praise God! Amen! Yes!”
Brother Freedom responds, “Do you love HIM??”
Someone shouts, “All the time!”
Then Brother Freedom launches into the message of the hour:
God is worthy of all our love, all of our praises. And truly HE is a friend that sticketh closer than any brother. [See Proverbs 18:24b] HE is someone that wants to help you! I don’t even want to say “someone.” HE is “IT” that can help you! HE is THE ONE that can save you. HE is the ONE that can keep you. HE is the ONE to help us, to enable us, and to develop us after HIS image.
PRAISE YE THE LORD!! GOD IS WONDERFUL! HIS righteousness is glorious! HE wants to pour upon us a blessing this night. And I appreciate MY God! OH, I love HIM so much! GLORY! HALLELUJAH!
[The anointing begins to fall upon Brother Freedom. The Holy Spirit begins to lift him into Heavenly places with a new touch, a new freedom and a new power to proclaim the good news! Very few preachers receive the true anointing from Heaven. But they could if they would seek for the anointing of the Holy Ghost.]
I had a time just coming up [here] in the car. I didn’t know whether I was going to make it out [tonight because of the power of that anointing]. God is REAL! And I have served the Lord approximately 62 years. I was nine years old when I met the Lord.
And what a wonderful time it has been. I went through Korea. God was with me there!
I was in a water hole. [Freedom, at nine years of age, stepped into a very deep water hole in what was mostly a shallow creek.] It was near the Sacramento River. Probably some of you heard about it. Anyway, I was on my way out of this World. And another young fellow was there [and pulled Freedom out]. But God’s grace saved my life.
And that next Sunday I wanted to give my heart to the Lord. I wanted to give my heart, so I DID! And from that time on it has been a pathway of blessings. God helps us.
Last month when I was here my wife was being put in the hospital. [Freedom did not even know that his wife’s condition had deteriorated while he was preaching and a daughter took his wife to the hospital.] That was just before Thanksgiving. [Freedom’s wife was discharged from the hospital improved a few days later.] And on Thanksgiving night I took her home [from a family get-together]. [And her oxygen suddenly ran out], and I thought she died in my car.
God is an ever present help in a time of need. [See Hebrews 4:16] It says HE hears us when we call upon HIM. [See Psalm 50:15] And God gave me a peace, through that time, that was so wonderful. You know when we really need God, WE NEED HIM!! There comes a time when any of us, we need that special touch. We might say, “Well I can make it by myself.” But I have never seen anybody yet that didn’t have things that can sort of stop you. If we think we are too big for God we are kidding ourselves.
Father God this night in the name of Jesus we just pray for your miraculous. We pray for the God of Heaven. Lord I praise YOU this night. I pray that YOU would open the windows of Heaven. Touch! Move upon us in a very special way. And Father we pray that you would touch every heart here this night, everyone, the problems the things that we face. We know that YOU are desirous to help these ones. And Father we pray that YOU would touch these ones that need that special touch this night. Lord God deliver us where we need that deliverance. Help us when we need that strength, Father God. Heal us when we need that healing, Father God. Oh, touch our hearts this night. Let us not be ashamed of THEE this night. Let us put our hearts forward and call upon YOU this night in the wonderful Name of Jesus. YOUR Word declares I will call on YOU and YOU will answer and you will show us great and mighty things that we know not. [See Jeremiah 33:3] Father your Word declares call unto YOU and you will answer us. And Father we pray for the peace of God to BLESS YOUR ones this night. Bless this group. Father this is the most wonderful night of the month, every night when I come here, Lord God. I LOVE these people. And I pray that you would prosper these people. I pray that you would make a way for these people. I pray that you would keep them in the hallow of THY mighty hand. And Father we know that YOU are coming back soon. I believe your coming is very soon. And I believe you are coming after the redeemed, those who have made themselves white before YOU, that they have purchased through the gift of Jesus Christ, that eternal life, Lord God. Father we pray that YOU would FAVOR this night, TOUCH this night. I pray that YOU would send forth THY angels, as ministering spirits, as ministers for us this night. I pray that YOU would bind all the evil effort from the enemy. Father I pray that you would bind everything that is evil, and you would loose the Spirit of God. Lord I claim that touch from Heaven this night. I pray that you would touch this night in a very powerful [way], bring victory tonight. Bring healing this night. Bring salvation, whatever the need is this night, I claim that it will come forth, I say for these ones that need that special touch. Lord God that YOU will meet their need this night, in the WONDERFUL Name of Jesus. Amen and Amen. Amen!
You know I really believe tonight that God is speaking to us in a very special way. And this day I really feel that God has spoken. The Bible says, “…in the last days perilous times shall come.” [2nd Timothy 3:1] And we are seeing that. Problems are facing us we don’t really know how to deal with, many of us. But God is the answer!
The Bible says in Hebrews the Ninth Chapter and the Twenty-seventh verse, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:” [Hebrews 9:27]
It is appointed!! There is going to be an appointment for everyone of us here tonight. But God says in the book of James in the Fifth Chapter and the Seventh verse, HE [God] longeth for the fruit that comes from the Earth. [See James 5:7]
In Psalms it says that God sees us as “precious” in HIS sight. The death of the saints is “precious” in the eyes of God. [See Psalms 116:15]
Now as far as us human beings are concerned it is hard for us to understand what HE says here. We don’t want to die! And most people don’t want to die! I agree. We don’t want, in the natural, to die. But there is appointed for all of us, whether we want to believe it or not; there is a day that is appointed when we are supposed to be judged. And I want to bring this part out because I want to set a foundation that without God it is hard to accept the fact of some day leaving this body. It wasn’t fit to be that way. In Genesis God made this body in the IMAGE of HIM. I was reading it today. We were made in the “IMAGE” of God. [See Genesis 1:26]
God made us in HIS likeness and in HIS goodness, that God could bless us, that HE could touch us by HIS mighty awesome hands, that the Spirit of God would be on us. We would be a vessel of praise.
We come into this World and the Bible says until we accept Jesus Christ we have the fruit of the enemy within our lives. It is there as a natural man, the seed that died in the time through Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve sinned and we received that bondage, from that.
Bringing it in to our time right now: WE NEED THE HELP OF GOD MORE THAN WE’VE EVER NEEDED IT BEFORE. We need the blessings of God. God longeth for HIS saints to come home [Referring back to James 5:7].
Did you ever “long” for something to come to pass?? Did any of you ever grow any crops? Did you long for that day when you would have apples, when you would have tomatoes? Think about it. Did you “long” for that time, or did you just say, “Well, it is going to come to pass.”
But God “longs” for us to come Home to see HIM!
The Bible says, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in ME. In MY Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I AM, there ye may be also.” [John 14:1-3]
Jesus says it was needful that HE go away. For if HE went not away the Comforter would not come. If HE went away HE would send the Comforter. The Comforter would be our guide, would live within us: The Holy Spirit from Heaven!
And God is greater! God would not leave us without comfort. God is to bless us. HE wants to help us, strengthen us over these times. God realizes we are dust. In Psalm 103 it says God realizes that we are made out of dust! [See Psalm 103:14] HE realizes what we are!! And God is mindful for us. But yet there comes a time when we must seek God, and we must call upon HIM, because we are in the place that God has promised us.
But the part that I am trying to bring out: there was two people that never faced death: Enoch and Elijah. But here tonight I want to bring this into a place that you are a candidate of not finding death yourself.
The Bible says in First Thessalonians, the Fourth Chapter it says, “For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with HIM.” [1st Thessalonians 4:14] Those who have died before us, they are going to come forth when the trump of God sounds. [They will burst forth from their graves with new bodies at the sounding of the trumpet of God.]
“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord HIMSELF shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” [1st Thessalonians 4:5-18]
These words are comfort! We are living in a day were we need comfort. “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High…” [Psalm 91:1a] We have a peace of God. If you are a child of God, tonight, you have something within you that is GREATER than what is facing the World! You have a GREATER power. You have a weapon on your side. If God be for you who can be against us. [See Romans 8:31] “Nay, in all these things we are MORE than conquerors through HIM that loved us.” [Romans 8:37] Your redemption draweth nigh! Look UP!! [See Luke 21:28]
The Bible says, “CALL!” [See Psalm 50:15 and Jeremiah 33:3] We need to speak to God!! God wants us to recognize that HE is the Lord. You know many times we go month after month and we never even acknowledge God! We don’t say, “Good Morning Lord!” We don’t pray unto HIM! We don’t call upon HIM!
The Bible says, “I will bless the LORD at all times: HIS praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt HIS Name together. I sought the LORD, and HE heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.” [Psalm 34:1-4]
I’m feeling the Presence of God coming in here tonight! God wants us to trust! We need to trust in the Lord and do good! “Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.” [Psalms 37:3]
The Bible says, “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.” [Psalms 37:1-2]
Without God we are going to remain basically [left behind]. A lot of us, are going to miss out on the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ!! I believe it is going to take something special tonight to NOT TO HAVE TO DIE!! And I believe that coming is very soon!
Here tonight, brothers and sisters, I believe it is WORTH living for! It is worth taking a little time to LISTEN!! It is worth it to take a time to call upon God, to see what God has for you! And it is very sober, because there are many, many people that have known the Lord, but are going to miss out on that Day!
God has shown me for a lot of years it is going to take something SPECIAL!! Oh Glory!! I feel the Lord! I [have] got to restrain here tonight! God wants to bless us! HE wants to help you! HE wants to fortify you! HE wants to KEEP you in the hallow of HIS mighty hand!
There are weapons that are forming against you. The Bible says the enemy cometh to kill, destroy and to steal [See John 10:10] If you have an anger problem, if you have got a swearing problem, if you have any of these problems you need to come, NOT TO ME. But you need to bring them [these problems] to JESUS! Because I don’t think that those that say you are a Christian tonight and do these things, to practice them; I believe you are on treacherous ground!
I can give you Scripture after Scripture! The Bible says without holiness no man shall see or please God! [See Hebrews 12:14] I believe we are giving false hope to people, allowing them to believe a lie and to be damned! The Bible tells me the Lord knows perfectly that THAT Day cometh as a thief in the night! And when they shall say “peace and safety,” sudden destruction [cometh upon them].” [See 1st Thessalonians 5:3]
God wants to bless HIS people! There are people that are NEVER happy, no joy. The Bible tells me the “joy of the Lord” is my strength [See Nehemiah 8:10b] Do you believe that?? [Several answer in the affirmative.]
“Peace I leave with you, MY peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be AFRAID.” [John 14:27] “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.” [Psalms 121:1]
These are NOT vain words I’m telling you!! It is out of the WORD OF GOD! God wants to help you here tonight!
[All over the audience there has been much coughing. Brother Freedom has now started to struggle with a cough too.]
God wants to strengthen me here tonight!
But these two men [Enoch and Elijah] that God picked were picked special. Enoch walked with God! The Bible says, “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God; Strengthened with all might, according to HIS glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering WITH JOYFULNESS; Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be PARTAKERS of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of HIS dear Son: In WHOM we have redemption through HIS blood, even the forgiveness of sins:” [Colossians 1:10-14]
God wants to TRAIN us. YES! HE wants to move upon us.
I didn’t realize that God was such a help. When I was young I prayed for years and years. I wanted a closer walk with God. And one day God says, “I’ll take you up on what you prayed for!”
And I found out God is MORE than any of your brothers. HE gives you a love that you cannot duplicate with anything upon this Earth. There is NOTHING that duplicates the love of God. People can hit you in the face, you don’t even feel it when God’s love is there.
When God’s love is upon you, you can take criticism. You can take these problems we have to face many times. And you will give back LOVE, because it is God in you! “…greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [1 John 4:4b]
And if you expect to give NOT back love, God will deal with each one of us here and it is a very sobering thought!
I believe that God keeps HIS appointments! And I have observed the Word of God clear back to the Old Testament. And according to what I believe God must come very shortly. We are very close to that time.
And the Bible says, that if HE did not shorten that day the very elect would not be saved. [See Mark 13:20] What does that mean? It means that there has come to be more loose, LOOSE living! I believe it means just what it says! I believe that in the last days that people are going to literally say they have God, and they are not going to really have the Lord!
You know, our lives represent what is in us! We are read like a book. Oh, praise ye the LORD! We are like a glass that people can see through. If there is nothing in there we won’t touch people!
But I will guarantee you that if God is inside of you there is no way that anyone will miss what is in you. You cannot say anything and they will know you have SOMETHING that is VALUABLE!! I’m not going to even say, “special.” But it is something VALUABLE in you and it is the Spirit of God! And if you don’t have it you SEEK for HIM.
It says, “Seek ye the LORD while HE may be found, call ye upon HIM while HE is near: “ [Isaiah 55:6]
Do you know what is going to happen to this Earth? I’m just going to say a few things and this may be HARD preaching to some tonight. BUT it has to be said, because God has told me it must be said!
If we don’t take heed to the things that we have heard we are in trouble. “Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip.” [Hebrews 2:1] Or the reverse, if we do not take heed to the things that we have heard we are going to be in trouble!
The Bible says, “…lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run WITH PATIENCE the race that is set before us,…” [Hebrews 12:1]
God BLESS you!!
The Bible says, “…be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not IN VAIN in the Lord.” [1st Corinthians 15:58]
The Bible says, “…and be clothed with HUMILITY: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.” [1 Peter 5:5b] “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that HE may exalt you in due time:” [1 Peter 5:6] “Casting all your care upon HIM; for HE careth for you.” [1 Peter 5:7] “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are ACCOMPLISHED in your brethren that are in the world.” [1 Peter 5:8-9]
God has a plan for each one of you here tonight. God has a special spot for each one of you here tonight. And God CARES for you! The Ninety-first Psalm goes with what God has for us.
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of The Most High shall abide under the shadow of The Almighty.” IT SAYS, “I will say of the LORD, HE is my REFUGE and my fortress: my God; in HIM will I trust.” [Psalm 91:1-2]
The Bible says, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him.” [Isaiah 59:19]
And I believe the enemy has come in to our lives.
[A bad cough has attacked Brother Freedom just as it was attacking so many in the audience who were also coughing. And this coughing had, in the course of the message, come on Freedom such that he had to stop to cough again and again.]
You know God wants this said tonight. The enemy is coming against it, but God is going to raise up a standard against the powers that face us. And as long as God is here upon this Earth, until HE withdraws HIS church, whenever this takes place. If HE would come tonight those who were ready are going to be caught up to meet HIM in the air. The dead in Christ shall rise first. That was what was said in God’s Word. And they will rise first. They which remain upon Earth, who have made themselves pure before God are going to rise up and meet HIM in the air! And so you will ever be with the Lord. [See 1st Thessalonians 4:17]
You say, “Well, I don’t care what you are saying here tonight! It don’t really make any difference to me!”
But I will say there will be a time when you will remember this night! There will be a time that you will remember. I know a lady that died. And she went down into Hell, and God allowed her to go down in Hell. And she said how awful it was. It is an AWFUL place! You think Earth is bad! This is NOTHING compared to what Hell is!
I don’t generally preach this way! I don’t generally talk this way! But God has spoken to my heart this day that I MUST talk to you about some things here.
God has an open slate for each one of you here tonight. There is none of you that have done anything that God can’t forgive you! HE wants to forgive you! The only unpardonable sins are those that come against the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit. And I know that the only way that you can come against HIM is blaspheming against HIM. And you here tonight have never come that way. If you have then it is between you and God.
But God has given us strength through the power of HIS Son. God has given “…Jesus Christ the righteous: And HE is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” [1st John 2:1-2]
We can cast all of our cares upon HIM for he cares for you! Having a Saviour that will be with us NOW, and be with us through the time of Eternity; to me there isn’t ANYTHING that can compete with what God has for us!
There are insurance plans. Anyone here ever have an insurance plan?? Some have. That insurance plan, when you have it, you have got to keep paying the premiums, because if you don’t it goes void.
[The Holy Ghost begins now to move more strongly. Brother Freedom’s cough begins to lessen. He can now speak with less resistance. We could hear the change in Freedom as the Spirit of God increases the anointing. And that anointing comes the very second that Freedom utters the Name of Jesus in the paragraph below.]
And God insures us through HIS Son, JESUS. Who has paid with a price that we could not pay. Jesus paid a debt that HE did not owe. But HE did it FREELY that we might LIVE, that we might have more abundant life.
The Bible says, “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I AM come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” [John 10:10] Jesus has come that we might have MORE ABUNDANT LIFE! God wants to give you MORE ABUNDANT LIFE this night!
The Bible says, “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” [1st Thessalonians 5:22] “Rejoice in the Lord”…, [Philippians 4:4] “Rejoice evermore”…, [1st Thessalonians 5:16] “Pray without ceasing.” [1st Thessalonians 5:17] This is a list of things. “In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” [1 Thessalonians 5:18]
God has a purpose for each one of us here tonight. God has a special PLACE for each one of us. And God loves you in a very special way.
Last year I was in real trouble! One morning I was called upon to go up and run a D-7 Caterpillar dozer and pull a chain. And on the other end of this long chain was a ten thousand pound steel ball. That chain went down over the slope and there was about 300 feet of chain. And so it come down. And the ball would take off this brush that was on top. They wanted to cut these fire guards through there.
So I said, “Well, I’ll come up there and do it a day or so for you, to help you out.” So I had to run the dozer around this gate. I had to back up and come around this gate. So I pushed off some dirt in there. But to my surprise it was a lot steeper than I thought.
And that is the way life is, a lot of times. It is worse, sometimes, than we think. And I thought the Caterpillar was going to roll with me in it. And I said to myself, “Why did I even think about coming up here?! Yeah, I’m way over age. And I don’t really have to be up here today. I don’t know why I even come.”
I thought it was all over.
[Brother Freedom had been called to run a bull dozer on a steep mountain in a process that was designed to knock down the under brush so as to lower the great fire danger. This huge 10,000 pound ball, about the size of a VW BUG car, was hooked to the far end of a chain. The chain was connected to the back of the dozer. The dozer was high up the mountain and the chain and ball were rolling along down below. Each link of that chain weighed many, many pounds. By pulling the ball and chain through the brush the huge chain cleaned the mountain side of brush. But Brother Freedom got himself into a terrible position unknowingly. Suddenly the bull dozer he was seated on was at an angle so steep that the dozer was about to tumble down the mountain. –Bro. Clint]
And the Spirit of God spoke to me instantly and says, “STRAIGHTEN UP! You can make it out! STRAIGHTEN UP!“ And the Spirit called my name!
You know, I straightened up! Believe it or not. And that Cat [Caterpillar bull dozer] came around and I got out of there, but it was with GOD’S intervention!
This happens time after time! God is the answer here tonight! The enemy has tried to keep me from speaking this night. But God wants to BLESS you! The Spirit of God was here. I prayed all the way up here tonight, constantly, until I got here. And I can feel HIS presence, oh my, going down through my whole being!
You may not be able to feel what I feel, but God is here to BLESS you! The enemy has stuck his ugly head up this night, but he is NOT prevailing!
GOD will prevail! And even if I get to where I can’t whisper, I’m still going to say, “God is God!” “If God be for us, who can be against us?” [Romans 8:31b] “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, NOR ANY OTHER CREATURE, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 8:38-39]
“Greater is HE…” [1st John 4:4b] Hallelujah! GLORY! GLORY! GLORY!
We need to have victory in this heart. We need the joy. And I’ll tell you what is wrong. We have got men of God, of the clothe, that are not preaching IT! Shame, shame on them! I don’t care who we are, we need to resurrect life in us. And we need to adapt our self that “If God be for us, who can be against us?” [Romans 8:31b]
[An even higher level of anointing now touches down on Freedom.]
It has been my delight to represent my GOD this night! I have failed HIM up to this moment, but I’m going to represent HIM with all I have. It goes every time of day: I’m going to represent my GOD to the fullness! If people don’t like it, then shame on them! Because they can have IT, if they want IT! If they ask, my GOD will supply every need!
“But my God shall supply all your need according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” [Philippians 4:19]
Do you love HIM?? [There were some hearty positive responses.] Do you know HIM?? If you don’t [know HIM] you need to ask HIM into your heart this night, that you might HAVE fellowship with HIM, because HE loves you! And HE has died for you. HE has given you FORGIVENESS! HE has given you REDEMPTION through HIS love.
I am tired of seeing people play church. And here this night I know that you people here want to have something wonderful in your heart. I don’t even want to go to some places because they don’t want to have the Spirit of God. They don’t want HIM to move upon them.
But God wants to move MIGHTILY in this last days. God wants to REFRESH our hearts, our lives, and move upon us as only HE can. There is no thrill that you will find in life like it is serving Jesus! There is NOTHING that thrills my heart, HALLELUJAH, like JESUS!!
I cannot get too wild here, or they will be kicking me out and never give me a time back. But I will guarantee you IT’S REAL!!
I could get a little more wild here tonight if I wanted to, but I am refraining from that.
[One of the wonderful things I’ve noticed about Brother Freedom is that he does not believe in forcing the gifts of the Holy Spirit down people’s throats. He has learned that the Holy Spirit is beyond any gentleman, and the Holy Spirit has no desire to push people where they are not prepared to go. And so Brother Freedom knows how to minister to people who really haven’t come to the place of fully understanding the depths of the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Brother Freedom doesn’t push people. He just loves them. That is the Spirit of God working in Brother Freedom. –Bro. Clint]
You know God moves “…Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.” [Zechariah 4:6b]
I’ve seen God do mighty acts! And I’m like David. I went to Bible school, started to, and they said, “The best thing for you to do is go in the Army.” So I had to go there anyway. I went to Korea. Never had any more Bible school.
[Now the anointing goes up another notch.]
But I am very satisfied with what God has done with me! If I would die tonight…GLORY!! GLORY!!….I know there is a better place!! I KNOW THERE IS A HEAVEN TO GAIN, A HELL TO SHUN!!
I want you out there to KNOW that I love GOD with all my heart, with all my soul!!!! I LOVE HIM! And HE is strictly DIVINE! HE is strictly WONDERFUL!! HE is a WAY MAKER! HE is a PEACE MAKER! And my whole life, it has always been hard when I struggle and so tonight it goes in form what has happened! But God, right now, is REAL in here!
You need to boot him out of your life! And not allow him, no more, to come into your life, that you might be SANCTIFIED by the blood of Jesus Christ!!! That if God would come this night that you would not be left.
I’ll tell you, for those that are left it’s going to be terrible! Because the Bible tells me that in that time someone will take your life, or you will keep your life and you will be forever damned!
That is terrible! But that is what is going to happen. It is in Revelation. It is going to come to pass.
But I believe, here tonight,…I’m not here to scare you. But I believe we are very close to that time.
But God wants to BLESS you!! HE wants to love you!! HE WANTS TO MOVE UPON YOU, AS ONLY HE CAN!!! HE wants to SATISFY you! HE wants to ADORE you! HE wants to HEAL you! HE wants to minister HIS love to you this night.
Glory to God!!! I’m sorry that something happened to me the first part [referring to the spell of coughing]. But God straightened me out!!!
And I’m here tonight. I hope that God can straighten you out! I’m thankful that God straightens me out **CONTINUALLY**!
And GOD BLESS you!
Before I leave I want to pray for you.
Father God, in the Name of Jesus, this time goes so fast here. And Father I pray for a mighty blessing on these here tonight. I pray that you will fortify them with the mighty power from Heaven. And I pray that you would speak to the hearts of your people right now, in Jesus Name. That if they do not know YOU, I pray that YOU would deal with them, that they might make a decision this night to serve you, Lord God. The Bible says that we need to seek you while you may be found. [See Isaiah 55:6] And Father, your Word declares if we will seek THY face that YOU will hear and answer our prayers. Father, this night we pray for this beautiful people, this mighty people, here this night. And I pray for a mighty blessing upon them. I pray that YOU will go with them, and be about them, in the wonderful Name of Jesus. And if there is any here tonight that want to come forward, Father God I PRAY that YOU will move mightily, in the wonderful Name of Jesus. Lord, I apologize for my condition of my throat here tonight. But Lord, I feel the unction here, right now, to FUNCTION by the power of God. We give you glory and honor, in the WONDERFUL Name of JESUS!
Hallelujah! GLORY! GLORY TO GOD! [There is rousing agreement from the congregation!]
Saturday Breakfast in the School of the Spirit
A couple of weeks ago I was asked to re-level this piece of land. So they brought this old 613 [An old Caterpillar scraper]. It was in bad shape. It was bad and it got worse as the day progressed. It had a laser beam that helps control the leveling of the field. And that laser beam was broke and wouldn’t work. It worked sometimes, but other times it wouldn’t work. And the floor of the scraper got to where it was cutting the ground low on one corner, and they wanted me to still finish the day out. And I told them, “It is an impossibility!” And they wanted me to carry dirt ahead of the bowl, which it is not made to do that. So I tried that and it pulled holes out of the ground.
And I told this owner, I said, “This is not going to do it.” And I was praying all the time when I was operating. So he says, “Well, let me call [make a phone call]. Just go ahead and work until dark.”
And I went and it got progressively worse! And I just had a big mess, it looked to me like. If it looked any better it was only in the eyes of someone else, not my eyes.
He got a hold of a contractor in town who had a [newer] 623. It had a laser beam on it. So he said he thought he could get it. He called me that night and said he had gotten it. So I went back the next day. The 623 had a laser beam that I could see. It worked! And there were all these blessings. I said there was a real reference point, because the old machine was like our “old man,” that we cannot succeed with. We are just making it worse day by day with the “old man.” We are getting worse and worse and worse. With the old man we get farther and farther off of where we should be level. We are un-level in the “old man.”
And that 623 had all the features that we have when we have the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. We have HIS presence, because the indicator on that 623 works that says whether we are high or low. A green light on the laser indicator means the 623 is leveling the field perfectly. But if you have one yellow arrow that goes down that means you are a little too high. But this 623 measured within a couple of inches of level. So you kind of keep that machine in the green light position. If you get out of that you don’t know where you are. If you get out of the laser beam you have no lights to tell you what is going on.
So anyway, the 623 came in and I started and, you know, it was no task at all, to do the work. All I had to do was just to keep that bit on the green light. And that is the way life is!
When we have our eyes upon Jesus, we have the gift of God. We have to keep it within that realm that God can speak to us. If we get beyond that realm into sins we get into these problems that brings us out of that level. Then we are fooling ourselves if we say, “I’m in the Spirit of God.” God is only in that “grade level.” And we have got to start moving in the “grade level.” [This analogy is speaking not of a school grade, but grading or leveling ground].
We have got to get in THAT area, then God gives us pardons, “You are up too high. You are down too much. Come up!” That is for us to adjust, to stay on that level.
And the Bible says, “…whatsoever is not of faith is sin.” [Romans 14:23b] If we miss the course it is sin! So we are actually in sin when we get out of God’s level.
Through these machines God revealed a GREAT truth. And with that new machine there was no problem at all! I mean it was joy! It was joy unspeakable. And the first day it was so terrible. My legs were cramped up. The seat on that old machine had no padding. And it cut my leg! And my neck hurt trying to see where they had put that broken indicator. That indicator was sitting clear up on top of the boom of the scraper where I couldn’t even see it! And then when I would get to a certain spot in the field it didn’t even work because it wasn’t mounted right. There were all these wrong things on that old machine.
But on the new machine everything was perfect. All the equipment worked. Everything was in good condition. The seat had a floating cushion suspension. That new machine had all the comforts. And that is the way it is with God! Oh, the glory of God. I feel HIS presence right now!
The Spirit of God is to touch us! We need to get in this. This is a GREAT truth! We need to get away from that old bad machine, “the old man.” We need to get updated. We need to have the power, the anointing of the Spirit. Glory!
I better not go any farther because this…WOW!!
The presence of God was all over Freedom. He had to stop because the Restaurant was not prepared for Brother Freedom if he should get any more blessed.
Rescue Mission Nov 2003
Hallelujah! God is good! God is faithful! Are you HAPPY? [The congregation breaks out in “yes” and even a cheer or two.] Glory to God! You know God wants to bless HIS people. God wants to touch HIS people! God wants to make HIMSELF REAL to us.
When I found out, quite a few years back, I come to the Lord when I was nine years old. And a week before I actually made a decision for the Lord, I found myself drowning. I was in water up over my head. I was little. And I thought it was all over with. And there was a bigger boy there that could swim. And I didn’t even know he was there. And he come. And he says, “Relax!” That is the first thing I remember. And he grabbed me around the neck and he drug me out. And I said [to myself], “You know, I want to give my heart to Jesus! I want to make sure that I know Jesus!” Because at that second I thought it was all over with. And I am saying, that here tonight, because we don’t know about tomorrow. But we know WHO holds our hand.
And “…greater is HE that is in…” US, “…than he that is in the world.” [1 John 4:4b] You know, if you know Jesus you are on the PLUS side. If you don’t know HIM, God has a place for you because HE LOVES you. And God wants to make HIMSELF real to everyone that is in this room.
The Bible says that God “…is not slack concerning HIS promise, as some men count slackness;…” [2 Peter 3:9a] But before I go any farther I want to pray, because, you know, what is coming up is Thanksgiving time. And I BELIEVE in Romans the First Chapter it says because they were not “thankful,” he named some other things but that was the main reason, that God turned them over to a “reprobate mind.” [See Romans 1:21-28] They did some things, but [they weren’t thankful].
But thankfulness is very [important]. You know I have kids. Anyone have children here?? [Many respond they do]. You know it just does something WONDERFUL, WUNDERBAR [in German] when they [your kids] say, thank you. And when we say “thank you” to God, oh hallelujah.
God loves that AROMA as we say, “Heavenly Father, Jesus, Holy Spirit, I LOVE YOU! And I PRAISE YOU! And I thank you that I still live in a free Land. I am thankful that I was born in this Land of the United States. I am THANKFUL because even though we may go through problems, I believe it is the best country in all the World.”
I went over seas and fought for this Land. I was in Korea. And I remember there that I thought I would never make it home. But praise be to God, I told the Lord then. I said, “If YOU will bring me through I am going to LIVE for YOU the rest of my life!”
And I don’t know whether or not there might be one here tonight like me, that you promised, when you were young, that you might live for God? Well, you know, God is going to hold us to that, our commitments.
The Bible says don’t make a vow unless you want to keep it with God, because God says, “Hey, you know what? You promised ME, way back there in 1952 that you were going to serve ME. Where are you at, tonight??” [Psalm 50:14 says, “Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High.”]
That happened to Adam. Adam found himself NAKED before God, because Adam had sinned. And God had to say, “Where art thou?”
Before I pray, I want to say that we are going to pray that God is going to move upon your hearts here in a very WONDERFUL, and a very GLORIOUS, and a very POWERFUL way. You know, before I pray I am also going to tell you a story.
I had a brother. He was in Reno, Nevada. It was on a Saturday morning. I went to a prayer breakfast. I had this telephone call. My wife told me, “They say that Earl is dying. He will be dead before we get there. We must leave.”
So we hurriedly took off to Reno. But I prayed all the way. And at that time I did a lot of praying. I still do a lot of praying. When I got there my Dad, who was still alive then, said, “Earl is not going to make it! He should have been gone a couple of hours ago. But he is still hanging in there.”
And I told my Dad, “Why can’t I go in and see Earl?” He said, “Well, I don’t think it would hurt nothing.”
I said, “I want to go in and pray for him. I want to pray with him. I want to be WITH him at this time.” Earl was the middle child. Earl was such a wonderful young man. And I went in the room there and he was unconscious. They said that he would never regain consciousness again.
And I started praying. And I prayed, in the Spirit. And in two hours and fifteen minutes I felt, by the Spirit of God, to quit praying. And when I opened my eyes Earl’s eyes opened. And he spoke. He said, “I’m okay.”
And I have seen these kind of things take place time and time again! And I believe that we serve the God of miracles! We serve the God of blessings!
You know if you have a hard time in life, you need to go to Jesus! HE’s the ANSWER! I’ve gone through terrific hard times. But HE has ALWAYS, constantly been the answer. HE’s the ONE that has been abiding! “If ye abide in me, and MY words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” [John 15:7]
I can hardly speak the glory of God is so upon me! God wants to really minister HIS love. You know I love each one of you out there in a very special way. Glory be to God!
You know I’m not a pastor! But I LOVE God! And God has proven HIMSELF. I’m just like David! God has proven HIMSELF to me! HE let me see that HE could do ANYTHING! HE is a God of miracles! HE can touch a piece of steel. You know, if HE can touch one of those crazy old Caterpillars [dozers, scrapers, graders, loaders, excavators, etc], that ain’t got a heart in it; but if GOD can do THAT, what can HE do with US that HE made!? HE knows ALL about us.
[NOTE: Before you read the prayer that came next out of Brother Freedom’s lips, you need to know that when Freedom prays, a miracle often takes place. It is not him! It is God working through this lowly servant of the Most High God! This prayer may seem long to you, who simply read it. But let me say that I was there. And this prayer was ALIVE! Many in that meeting knew that something different was taking place. And some even recognized that God was bending down close to catch every word that went up as a sacrifice. And some who were even more sensitive new that the Holy Spirit was formulating this prayer in some awesome way. Some knew that God the Father was hearing just what God wanted to hear, that this prayer was a key that would open a door for mighty workings of God. When the Spirit of God prays through Freedom it is awesome what happens. So, please, as you read this prayer know that it will take the Holy Ghost to anoint these words on your computer screen. Without the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon you, you will miss what we who were there experienced. May God touch you, dear reader, as you go on in this miraculous prayer and message. — Brother Clint (Brother Freedom’s assistant)]
Father God, in the Name of Jesus we just praise YOU this night. We thank YOU Lord for this WONDERFUL time. We thank you GOD that YOU make Yourself REAL to us; the God of Heaven, that you are WITH us right now. YOUR Word declares that YOU will never leave us, YOU will never forsake us, that YOUR eye is on the sparrow. And as YOUR eye is on the sparrow, so much MORE will YOUR eye be upon us. Oh, we praise YOU this day, wonderful LORD. We thank YOU, Lord! And we pray for YOUR people this day. We pray for a mighty BLESSING, and we are THANKFUL for all the many, wonderful things that YOU have done for us. We thank YOU for the HEALTH, the STRENGTH, for we have YOUR presence here tonight. What a GLORIOUS time! And Father, we have a faith and belief that YOU are coming back some of these days, that we are going to meet with YOU, and be in HEAVEN, Lord God! What a glorious time! What a wonderful day! What a positive day, that is coming forth very SOON, Lord God. The just MUST live by faith. The Bible says the dead in Christ shall rise. And they shall be caught up in the air, and not them only, but those that love YOUR appearance, Father God. And Father we pray for those who have went the way of the grave, that they are going to be caught up to meet YOU in the air. What a TIME it is going to be! What a glorious day! And we know that day is very soon. But Father, while we are here, YOU want to bring that glory into our hearts, while we are here, that greater is HE that is within us than he that is in the World. Oh, we praise YOU this day! Oh, love divine! Oh glory to God! We praise YOU this day! Wonderful Lord we THANK YOU this day for THY blessings, for THY faithfulness, oh for THY blessings evermore. And Father, I pray, Lord God for that one right now, in the Name of Jesus, that YOU might touch every heart in this room. Father we pray for the families. We pray for the needs they have here this day. We claim and believe for a mighty touch from Heaven, Lord God. We pray that YOU would bind the powers that the enemy would come against them, here this night. And we loose the power of Jesus Christ. We loose the power of the Holy Ghost from Heaven to touch everyone from the very crown of their head, to the very sole of their feet. Touch them this night afresh and anew. We thank YOU! We praise YOU this day. We pray for our NATION this night. We pray for our leaders this night! We pray for the City of __________ this night. We pray for those that need a mighty touch this night. We pray for YOUR pastors. We pray for the church! We pray, Lord, for a mighty touch from Heaven. We pray for revival, for your people this night. We all need to be revived. We need a new power, a new strength, Father God. We PRAY Lord God, oh hallelujah. As that manna wasn’t sufficient, they needed a new manna. We need NEW manna this night! We need a new touch from Heaven this night, we declare, Lord God. We ask YOU to touch us, fill us ALL, afresh and anew, by the power of God, Lord God. Oh, glory! Father we know there is nothing like YOUR touch from Heaven. Oh, we praise YOU this night, oh wonderful Lord! Oh, hallelujah! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life! And we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. That is YOUR Word, Surely goodness and MERCY shall follow us ALL THE DAYS, ALL THE DAYS of our life.
Here this night, all of us say, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me ALL the days…” [The congregation repeats the words after Brother Freedom]. “And I shall dwell” [they repeat] “in the house of the Lord” [they repeat] “FOREVER” [they repeat].
Do you believe that??! [The congregation answers with amens and “Yes!”]
The Bible says, “The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely GOODNESS and MERCY shall follow me ALL the days of my life: and I will DWELL in the HOUSE of the LORD FOREVER.” [Psalm 23:1-6]
We have a covenant with God. God says, “I will never leave you! I will NEVER forsake you!” The Almighty God is forever WITH us! HE longs that we would call upon HIM! The Bible says in Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto ME, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” [Jeremiah 33:3] The Bible says that “…ye have not, because ye ask not.” We …“ask amiss…” [See James 4:2-3]
Many times when we pray we don’t really fail because God cannot hear and answer our prayer, but we fail because we are WITHOUT faith!! And through that God passes over us! HE passes us on by! And surely we didn’t get no blessing because we weren’t acting through FAITH! The just must walk by faith!
And when you call upon God, God IS there! We must determine that God is there. The Bible says in Romans the Twelveth Chapter that HE gives us a “measure of faith,” here tonight. [See Romans 12:3] If you don’t know Jesus, God can give you that faith that you can believe that HE will save you, that HE is able to KEEP you, that HE is able to HELP you, that HE is able to meet your NEEDS. HE is able to walk by your side. And HE is able to counsel you. HE is able to be your way-maker. HE is able to be your faithful friend that will stick closer than a brother. [See Proverbs 18:24] HE is on your side! HE is the Alpha, the Omega [the A and the Z], the beginning and the end! ALL things are made by HIM. All things ARE for HIM! HE is REAL! HE is available! Hallelujah! GLORY BE TO GOD!!
I’ll tell you, I’m getting tired of people that have no zeal for God! They have a form of godliness, but they deny HIS power. The Bible says, “from such TURN AWAY!” [2nd Timothy 3:5b]
I am here to bring confidence that God is REAL, a GOOD GOD that can take an old wore out NOTHING like I am and MOVE upon it. If HE can do that, what can HE do with YOU out there this night! There is NOTHING impossible with GOD!
I was putting a water pump on a Caterpillar 941 track loader the other day. It was the hardest water pump I ever put on because I had to force it to get it down in the hole where it fits. It was that tedious a job! The loader frame was right in my way. But I got it all hooked up. I put water in the cooling system. It looked like it was going to be all right. So I thought, “I’ll go ahead and put the anti-freeze in now.” A truck was coming to pick the loader up. All of a sudden, right at the lower hose water started pouring out.
The Bible says, “…look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are ETERNAL.” [2 Corinthians 4:18] “For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a FAR more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;…” [2nd Corinthians 4:16-17]
As I looked at that leaking cooling system I got fooled! I was praying. I said, “Lord, I pray in the Name of JESUS!” And I didn’t see it dry up. And I am ashamed of myself. I almost doubted! And I says, “Lord, what’s wrong?” And the Spirit of God had to get stern with me. “Look UP! It is not from here that it is coming! What do you think it is coming from?”
And that water was coming from clear up on top of the engine! It was coming down and it had found a pathway exactly where that hose was, clear down here. That is where the water was! And as soon as I fixed that upper leak there was NO problem!
In a lot of things that is the way in life! We are looking at what we think is the trouble, but it is NOT even the trouble!! A lot of times we think, “Well, that person don’t have time for me!” And we get sort of miffed. And we get to where we don’t want to talk to some one, because of our idea. But really, a lot of times, it is OUR problem!
I overlooked something! I’ve overlooked to have prayer that morning. I’ve overlooked to have time with God. I’ve overlooked to have TIME, no longer that I would walk in anger, that no longer I would be determined to walk in my old man, through the problems that I have faced. That I would be an over comer.
The Bible says, “He that overcometh shall inherit ALL things…” [Revelation 21:7a] If God be for you who can be against you? [See Romans 8:31] “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.”
“Blessed is the man that walketh not NOT in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.” Blessed is the man that DOESN’T do those things! “But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in HIS law doth he meditate day and night. And he shall be like a TREE planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall PROSPER.” [Psalms 1:1-3]
But it says the ungodly shall perish! [See Psalms 1:4a] “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” [Isaiah 40:31] “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” [1 Peter 5:7]
God is saying, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take MY yoke upon you, and learn of ME; for I AM meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find REST…” IN YOUR SOUL. [See Matthew 11:28-29]
Hallelujah!! PEACE! “…MY peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” [John 14:27]
GOD has PROMISED to prosper you with PEACE! HE has prospered you with JOY! If you don’t have JOY, you need to go down and get another talk with God! I’m making it simple!! You need to talk to JESUS, through the power of God!
God has given you ALL authority! The Bible says, “…be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” [Ephesians 6:10-11]
There are problems! That old “fellow” [the devil] don’t like us! He wants to do you in! He wants to do me in! The Bible says he comes to, “…steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” [See John 10:10] That is what he wants! He has been a liar. He has been a cheat from the very beginning. And he is out to get you.
God made Heaven for HIS people. And the enemy is the only one that God made Hell for. If we go to Hell it is because we want to. Because God wants us to come to HIM [the Lord God]. And where HIS Spirit is there is LIBERTY. The Bible says, “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” [2 Corinthians 3:17]
I would rather have GOD in my life, hallelujah, than have all the RICHES of this World! I want to FEEL what I FEEL [right now]. It is a blessed hope, the blessed assurance that JESUS is mine. What a fore taste of glory divine. I am an heir of salvation! OH HALLELUJAH!!
God has given you that you might be the CHILD of the KING, that you might be a witness for God. But also that you would have a joyful noise. It says, “Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye LANDS.” [Psalm 100:1] [The congregation breaks out in praise.]
How many is happy?? [More praises from the people] “…happy is…” the man, “…whose God is the LORD.” [Psalm 144:15b] Happy is the woman! HALLELUJAH!! Glory to God! Hallelujah! Are you excited? I’m excited for Jesus!! I’ll tell you I’m excited for Jesus!! Are you excited?? Hallelujah! Glory!! Give God the Glory! [The congregation begins to exalt in God. Brother Freedom is jumping for joy. And seeing a 71 year old man of God jumping like he is on a fast “pogo stick” is something special to behold!] Hallelujah! Glory! Glory! Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
[When Brother Freedom’s mouth opens and pours forth so many Holy Scriptures it is as if God is opening up with a “Palm-Palm” gun on all evil and sinful things. Darkness departs the room and the Holy Spirit moves upon the congregation. And so a picture of a “Palm-Palm” gun is very appropriate at this point in the message. –Bro. Clint]
Do you know how old I am?? Praise God! God is renewing my strength! HE will renew a right spirit within you! Hallelujah!
The Bible says, “Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. HE giveth power to the FAINT;…” HE GIVES POWER TO THE FAINT! “…and to them that have no might HE increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall WALK,…” Brother Clint, and they shall “…NOT FAINT.” [Isaiah 40:28-31]
Hallelujah! Glory to God. [The audience is having a time of praise still!]
We need to be STRONG in the Lord! The Bible says, in Second Timothy 15, if you want to get strong “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” [2nd Timothy 2:15]
You know there was a time in my life that I didn’t have enough days of work, that [was because] I had to read a lot of Caterpillar Service Manuals to understand all that I was supposed to do. Do you understand what I’m saying? Are you with me? But this here [holding up the his Bible] gives us a clear road map for Heaven!
It says, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from WHENCE cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth. HE will not suffer thy foot to be moved: HE that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, HE that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” [Psalms 121:1-4]
And HE says that HE will keep us in the night, in the day. God is glorious! HE is wonderful!
The Bible says, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself STRONG in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him.” [2 Chronicles 16:9a] “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; THEN WILL I HEAR…” This is GOD speaking!! “…THEN WILL I HEAR from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” [2 Chronicles 7:14]
What a contract!!
The Bible says, “And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them,…” And HERE TONIGHT I challenge you here tonight: “…come out from among them and be ye SEPARATE, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” [2 Corinthians 6:16-18]
Here a few years back on a Saturday morning I was supposed to go up into the Mountains to fix a brand new 528 skidder. I was working for a Caterpillar tractor dealer. And they said it had an engine problem. But the Lord spoke to me and says “I want you to go to prayer breakfast!” And I was between “a rock and a hard place.” And I said, “Lord, I want YOU to bless me.” And the Lord said, “I didn’t ask you.” [God gave a command!] “I want you to go to that prayer breakfast! Do you have faith that I AM able to to finish that job up there? “ I said, “Yes I am believing. I believe you do [have that power]. YOU can!”
But I hemmed and hollared around. So I went to the prayer breakfast. And I thought, “Well, it’s pouring down rain. Something is going to happen. It’s going to be like a flood up there, and I’m not going to get to that skidder anyway.” You know how we think in a situation like that. You know, I really wasn’t into what they were doing that morning at the breakfast. But, I was there!
Finally I thought, “Lets get this meeting going because I got to go up there. And I’ve got to get to high elevation,” where this machine was at. And it was raining down at the prayer breakfast, so it was going to be snowing up the mountain.
When I got up there, boy the logger wasn’t very happy, to say the least. I was late!! This machine had a new “sleeve metering” fuel system and a 3306 engine. And it had this miss [in the engine] real bad. I didn’t even start it up.
So I had envisioned that I was going to have to pull the engine out and all this that a mechanic has to do. I thought, “Oh, my goodness!”
So when I got out of the service truck, so help me, snow was coming down. The Lord says, “Now I AM going to ask you to do something else.”
I said, “What is it? I’m already in it now! I might as well go all the way, Lord!”
And the Lord says, “Take your right hand. Walk up to that radiator. I want you to put your hand on it. And take your left hand and raise it up. And I want you to pray. And when you do I will show you exactly what is wrong with it!”
I says, “……OKAY?!” I said, “All eyes forward,” because I says, “I’m the one!”
And I did that. Instantaneously I knew what was wrong with that machine. I could see! I can’t explain it!
The Bible says when we trust God, God loves that, when we put our faith, our determination, whatever it is going to cost on the line for HIM. I didn’t have no name anyway. But when I give God, and put my full trust in HIM God checks me.
It is like in the Old Testament when Abraham took Isaac up to be offered. Pretty soon the angel of the Lord told Abraham, “Don’t take his life! I already have a sacrifice.”
And God, I’ve seen HIM many times, everything that you do with God, there is always an obstacle. That obstacle was, “Was Brother [Freedom] going to be determined that God was God?” That was the first obstacle down in the valley. The second obstacle was when I got there. “Was I going to act foolish, put my hand up on the radiator, up about so high; And put my other up in the air and pray to God from Heaven that I love?”
HE was worth ALL and everybody else!
But when I prayed God’s faithfulness didn’t stop there. God just showered BLESSINGS upon me!
And I took that pump out within about three minutes time. It was a pump that was stuck. It had a broken spring. God had all things figured out. And that morning the logger said, “You know, [Freedom] you are really lucky!”
And I says, “NO, not lucky!” I said, “It was God’s way!” He [the logger] says whatever it costs I’m going to take you to [Town]. He says, “We got a pickup we never had before.” The big boss had bought his son a four wheel drive pickup. And the son didn’t want the pickup. So the loggers took the pickup up there. So in that pickup we cut across the country in the snow. And we got back, and that machine was running in two hours and forty minutes!
This is TRUE!!
And I have seen this time after time! I would have probably went up there with out God’s help. I would have pulled the hood off first. And then I would have got down there and got really serious and started pulling the head off. And then I wouldn’t have found nothing. There is a lot of other things that I could have done, AS WRONG, or going beyond that STUPID! And, “STUPID” would have been on my forehead, because I did the wrong thing!
But in a lot of things in life we become STUPID without GOD! We need God’s BLESSING! We need God’s faithfulness! We need HIS All-SEEING EYE on our shoulders ALWAYS!
The Bible says that HE cares for the sparrow! How much more does HE care for you???!!
Someone here tonight, right now, God is showing me that you have walked many years. And you feel right now that you are hitting a crisis. But God is telling me by the Spirit of God that HE wants to TOUCH you! HE wants to re-organize your’s and HIS walk together, that God loves you. And HE called you with a very special calling.
There are others here tonight that God wants to BLESS you. I feel the demonic, the bad powers have come against many. But God wants to set you free! Whom the SON has set free is “free indeed.” [See John 8:36]
God wants to set you free this night! God wants to bring holiness to your life! God wants to bring BLESSINGS into your life! “…be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is NOT IN VAIN….” [1st Corinthians 15:58] Your labor is NOT in VAIN! Your walk, your talk is not in vain with God!
One of these days, very shortly, we are going to go to another realm. And I’ll tell you I want my name written down in the Lambs Book Of Life! Maybe I’m selfish! BUT I WANT TO GO TO HEAVEN!!!! I want to go there by and by! I want to serve God down here and do the very best. [The congregation is getting excited]
We all fail God! But God wants to BLESS us! In Psalms it says he sees us as FRAIL! [See Psalm 103:14] God sees us, in ourselves, as VERY frail.
But when we allow the Spirit of God to come and take us over, from the very crown of our head to the very sole of our feet, it is no longer US. But the Bible says, “…GREATER is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [1 John 4:4b] It becomes a challenge on God’s side that you can go against the enemy himself, but GOD WILL BE WITH YOU. And HE will fight your fight. HE will go and BLESS you, that you might be a son of God, that you might be a daughter of God, that you might be VICTORIOUS over death grave and Hell! That you might live a prosperous and a glorious life unto GOD! That God wants to BLESS you here tonight!
I love you! God loves you!
I wish we had more time. But God is REAL! Here tonight I know that HE is VERY faithful! And God will complete what is lacking. Hallelujah!
The Bible says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” [Philippians 4:19] “Now unto HIM that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the POWER…” [Ephesians 3:20] You have a POWER that works within you. That is when you speak with your tongue. GOD HEARS THAT CRY!
I can’t understand it! God knows EVERYTHING!! And you know that is why I got to where I wasn’t afraid of the enemy. But I have to be afraid of the enemy if I get where God would dismiss me. Then I am NOT able to match up with the enemy! But as long as I stay suited up with God, I am more than a conqueror! You are more than a conqueror through HIM that loves you [See Romans 8:37]
“HE that spared not HIS own Son, but delivered HIM up for us all, how shall HE not with HIM also freely give us all things?” [Romans 8:32]
God wants to bless you tonight. You can feel your cup running over!
I’m going to close with this: “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.” [Psalm 23:6]
Father God I pray for a mighty BLESSING upon everyone in this room. I pray that you will BLESS every heart here, every soul. And Father I pray for the liberty of JESUS CHRIST to be REAL! I pray for a mighty unction from God to function through the power of the Holy Ghost. We need that special touch this last hour. And I pray that YOU will set your people free. TOUCH them. Re-arrange their lives to the glory of God. Let them see that you are REAL, that you are FAITHFUL! There is a JOY. The joy of the Lord is our strength. Father God I thank you this night. I pray that none will be afraid of what they heard here tonight, that they will sense that I love them, that YOU love them. I care for these ones. Now Father God I know that YOU care a million times beyond our imagination. How much YOU care. And Father I pray that YOU will BLESS these wonderful people. I pray that you would BLESS them. Let them know that there is ONE person that loves them, and that is GOD! God loves them! But I, [Brother Freedom] love them TOO this night! I pray, Lord God, that YOU will move in their hearts in a very special way. In this Thanksgiving day I pray that you will BLESS them! Let them have a GOOD Thanksgiving. Let them be blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed, blessed by GOD. And we thank YOU and the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen [The congregation broke out in joyful applause. Brother Freedom stayed for quite a time praying for many who came forward seeking a touch from the Lord.]
Word From the Holy Spirit, November 11, 2003
[Note: Brother Freedom and I were just sitting in my living room visiting on Veterans Day. We were in the midst of our own conversation. Freedom was in the middle of saying something when his eyes snapped closed. His voice stopped abruptly…then a language, unknown to either of us, poured forth for about ten seconds. Just as abruptly the following words from God’s Throne room issued forth. I must say that we were like two railroad men sitting in a dusty station, making small talk, when suddenly the telegraph key came alive. I try to always keep a small tape recorder ready, because we never know the instant that the Holy Ghost is going to pour forth a telegram from Heaven’s shores. After it was over Freedom had little recollection of what was even said. Here is what God telegraphed through the lips of HIS servant.]
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Rescue Mission Sermon Oct. 2003
This is another fantastic message poured through Brother Freedom at the Rescue Mission in our area. There were about 100 street people present and God came down and obliterated a terrible heaviness off of the service by the power of the Holy Ghost. Read this message and be touched! — brother clint
God is good! [The congregation responds “All the time!”] God is forever, surely blessed beyond anything that we can imagine. HE is beyond any description that we have! You know that is a wonderful [thing].
I was reading the Bible today that talks about all the things that God is. But HE is SO special! And God is very special to me this night. And I love the Lord with all my heart. But I appreciate each one of you here tonight.
I pray that God might reach out and touch you this night. And if there is needs here tonight I pray that in your heart you will seek God for whatever that longing is. Whatever your need is God is the answer!
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Weekend Warriors or Combat Hardened
This sermon was preached at Faith Hope and Love Ministries, October 22, 2003
I appreciate God for HIS goodness. I don’t know how many more years I have, if God doesn’t come before. But especially this last year has been beyond imagination, what God is doing. I can’t even tell you all. Brother Clint and I know some things that is only between our hearts. Brother Gary you know some of those things. I don’t want to boast. I never want to boast. That is one thing that we cannot do, because God is ALL sufficient. And we glory in HIM. We don’t glory in anything that we do. We just glory for HIM, with HIM. Because boasting makes us ugly. And we don’t want that.
That is what God spoke to me this day, yesterday, for about a week. And this is one of the things that saddens God’s heart. And I hope I can give it here tonight with love, with joy.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, October 4, 2003
(This was released in the Restaurant, suddenly and quietly)
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Word From the Holy Spirit, September 30, 2003
I say before this World, those ones that do not include ME, and those that do include ME, ALL are faced with the element that is upon this Earth. And I say there is an element upon this Earth that is coming in. It is directed by the adversary.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, September 27, 2003
…to give over themselves to what I have for them. And thou must pray. Thou must seek ME! Thou must work in MY vineyard as only I can let you, help you and direct you, because I say many souls are at stake this night. Many have FORGOTTEN the Way. Many have gone in the old man. And I say many at that encounter, as when they met ME in that day as Lord and Saviour. Truly, what the Word went out this night, they made a direction, and they have NEVER advanced forward. They have lost ground, actually.
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