Transcribed Message

Word From the Holy Spirit, September 19a, 2003

…MY chosen ones, MY chosen ones who have decided, who have tried to walk where I have called them to walk, find themselves in this last days not looking for MY coming. They are looking for a way that they know of. And I say the way that they are looking for does not come through the ability of man, by man’s intellect, by his knowledge, by his understanding. But I say these things that I have just spoken, by the intellect the knowledge, actually interrupt MY work many times, saith the Spirit of God.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, September 19b, 2003

…My family would not be naked. I say many of My people, because of the sin that is upon their lives, because of what they are doing: they are sewing discord in their own selves. And through that I cannot look upon them. They are such as naked.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, September 17a, 2003

But I say, MY people that have called on MY Name, have sought ME and have accepted ME, many, many, many are BOUND! They are bound to the things of this World.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, September 17b, 2003

Behold I would say to thee this day, MY beloved, MY ones that I love, saith the Spirit of God, My people today are living below their privileges. I have given them a place, and a height, and a depth that they might walk IN MY BLESSINGS. But I say MY people are walking BELOW what I have given to them.
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Rescue Mission Message

God is worthy of ALL praise, all glory. Isn’t it WONDERFUL what God can do? You know what? I am amazed seeing what God can do with a nobody that I have been. But I praise God that “…we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.” [Romans 8:37] HE loves all of us!

Praise ye the Lord! You know many years back I was working right in this City here. I was REALLY having problems. Basically [these problems] were things that I had to face day by day. I started praying and seeking God, asking HIM WHY?? Why was I going through such heartaches? I don’t know why I am saying these things but I am.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, July 31A, 2003

My people are not very wise in these days, saith the Spirit of God. In their own eyes they are real wise. They are real prosperous. They are real…where they think they should be.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, July 31B, 2003

I would say unto thee I AM a jealous God, saith the Spirit of God. And I have a right for that right. I have a right to be jealous because I have a people that I love! I care for them. I long for them! I have prepared a Heaven for them. I have prepared an eternal home. I have prepared a lifestyle that is beyond any imagination, beyond anything anyone can imagine. I have given them MY glories.
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To the Whole Body of Christ

[This is a super powerful revelation with two distinct words from the Throne Room.  This message really and truly embodies the overall message that Brother Freedom has been sent by God to give to the modern church.  If you take this message in, with the help of the Spirit of God, you will see the true perspective of God Almighty on the modern church.  Conditions are desperate in these last days.  Please pray that God will open this message to your heart!]

What I have to share is probably… I don’t know. I hope everybody can receive it.

But I really believe that there is in a Christian realm two forces at will in the day that we are living in. There is a realm, a whole lot, and that is why there is people that say there is comfort in numbers, and all that it gives them, POWER through numbers.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, July 20A, 2003

My child I have seen thy cry and I know thee and I know in MY heart. And I the Lord thy God shall come upon thee. And I shall ARREST those ones that come against THEE! And I shall bless thee. Be not afraid for I the Lord thy God shall come upon thee in a mighty way. And I shall HELP thee.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, July 20B, 2003

There are many skeptics in this Land today. And I say these skeptics, many of them, are those who I have done the most for. They started out well, but through a process of time they have changed directions. They thought it wise that they would be studious, that they would know it in their heart. But I say I want a people that know ME in the Spirit.
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