Transcribed Message

Word from the Holy Spirit, March 20B, 2003

My people, MY ones that have known ME do not want to humble themselves. They want to place theirselves up on pedestals, places of importance. They want the eye, the attention of their congregation, of their FRIENDS. They want the admiration of those round about them, showing who they are and who they stand for. And they place themselves in the place of VERY much importance.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, March 18, 2003

For I would say unto thee MY ones, I AM the Way. I AM the Truth. I AM the Light. And I have given a path that is very sure, very lighted by MY Presence. And I say those that are in darkness can come to this light. And they can come OUT of the problems they are facing.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, March 14, 2003

For I would say to thee MY ones, rejoice because I say for MY people before them this day is BLESSINGS! There is good things for MY ones. I AM giving GOOD things to MY ones, saith the Spirit of God.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, March 6, 2003

…people to desire ME, to be thankful for all the things that I have done for MY people. I wish MY people to be happy. And I say many are sad. And I say I wish MY people to live in good health. And I say many need healing. I say I wish for MY people that they might have MY joy. But I AM seeing them down hearted. I wish for MY people to walk in MY love. And yet I see them hating, and all these things not of ME.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, March 5, 2003

[On this day Brother Freedom and I [clint] were traveling South on the Interstate. The Holy Spirit was moving so strongly on Freedom that several different prophetic words were poured through him by the Spirit of God. I’m glad I had my tape recorder with me. God helped me to run the recorder in one hand and drive with the other. Praise God! As you can see by the dots at the beginning of the first prophecy I didn’t get the recorder started in time. The Spirit moves on Freedom suddenly and sometimes with little warning. Praise God for the Holy Ghost!]
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Word From the Holy Spirit February 27-A, 2003

For I loveth thee MY ones. Be not afraid of the time and the season thou art living. For I say in this hour MANY are very fearful. Many are very frightened. Many, many are afraid what is going to take place for tomorrow.
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Word From the Holy Spirit February 27-B, 2003

For I would say to thee MY ones this day, if I would take thee strolling with ME this day, if I could show thee the grandeur, the glories that thou could see, and I could show thee what is taking place where thou livest, yea thou would be afraid.
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Word From the Holy Spirit February 24, 2003

For I would say to thee MY men this day, for these that hear these words. I have come that thou might have life, and [that] thou might have a more abundant life. I have given thee MY grace. I have given thee MY pardon. I have given thee forgiveness. And I have given thee the Land that thou walkest on. I have given thee MY strength. And I have heard thy cries day by day, hour by hour, moment by moment.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, February 22, 2003

Behold I would say to thee MY ones. Behold many things that thou faces is not totally correct. But I say be careful how thou brings change to these problems.
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Rescue Mission Sermon, February 22, 2003

It is going to be hard to fulfill, but God is able to do it. You know I really believe here tonight, each one, [that] there is different needs. And I believe that God spoke to my heart this afternoon that HE wants to touch each one of you. And I am not going to walk down through the crowd. I’m not going to do nothing. And I don’t even know what the need is. But God knows. And HE is here to TOUCH you, afresh.
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