Transcribed Message
Word From the Holy Spirit February 19, 2003
For I the Lord thy God am in thy midst. And I say, MY people that have known ME, and [that I] have paid in full, yea this day have gone backwards, saith the Spirit of God. They are losing that first love. They have LOST that first love. And I say many, many, many have started well and will not finish the race.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, January 28, 2003
…grant thee MY love. Those that will look to ME and call upon MY Name, yea I the Lord thy God shall bring MERCY upon them. For I say with in themselves: there is no good thing with in man!
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Word From the Holy Spirit, January 23-A, 2003
For I would say to thee this day it is not by might, nor by power, but by MY Spirit saith the Lord our God Almighty. For I say this day that men of this World, with all their might, with all their strength cannot do what the Spirit of God can do. But I say they are trying.
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Word from the Holy Spirit January 23-B, 2003
…they have been dreaming many years. But they realize those dreams are in themselves. And in those dreams they have vain thinking.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, January 6, 2003
[NOTE: This message, poured through Brother Freedom, was given to believers that are struggling with issues in their lives. This word will greatly encourage those believers who stumble again and again in their walk with God. There is *GREAT* hope in this message and *GREAT* up-building. Many believers will be blessed by this word from Heaven. — brother clint]
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Rescue Mission Sermon December 28, 2002
I’m the most likely NOT to succeed! And I guess I’m the kind of person that God speaks about that HE takes the nobodies and does something with them. [See 1st Corinthians 1:27-29] And I have really found a strength in the Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve served the Lord actually [sixty-one years]. I’m seventy years old. All my life I’ve served the Lord.
When I was nine years old I was drowning in Stonycreek. Another fellow named Leonard B_______ saved my life. I was going down. I knew I was gone! When I got up I made a dedication then that I was going to serve God. The next Sunday I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. And I’ve never been sorry. It has been a blessing.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, December 13, 2002
…[the World is] looking for wise men. And I say the time of the year: it is tradition about the wise men. But I say, I will tell you of a wise man. He is the one that hides his life on that Solid Rock. And he shall put his aim, his fortress, his whole being upon that solid ground.
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Special Word from the Holy Spirit to the Whole Church of Jesus Christ, December 10-B, 2002
Before thee MY men, and before all Christians, to all saints, to all those who have been able to come to the Son, the Saviour of this World, to all that have sought HIM, to all that have spoken that Name, the Name of Jesus. I say, they have all come forth from their old ways, the old pathway, the things of old. And I say, they have been on that first step. They have been on a pathway toward eternal life.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, December 10-A, 2002
For I the Lord thy God am able to do all things, saith the Spirit of God.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, November 23, 2002
For I say, to thee MY ones, I say, the way is growing harder. I say, the way to eternal life, few that be that find it. Come to that ONE, to the Reservoir. And I shall fill those that will come and seek MY face.
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