Transcribed Message
Word from the Holy Spirit, September 15, 2001
For I would say to thee this day MY coming is very soon. The World does not see ME as Savior. They see ME as a man that came forth some 2,000 years ago. And I say, many cultures, many kindreds, many tribes, many nationalities have taken a new way to Heaven.
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Inspired Sermon Right After 911
The Lord has been speaking to me and showing me that it would be unfair to all of you if I didn’t have some “real” problems that I have to face.
We have a tendency, as human beings, to compare–to say, “Well, he’s got it easier. That’s why he’s doing better.”
That is what they told about Job. The enemy said of Job, “You know, God, if you would take down all these protections Job would curse You too. It’s because you are so good to him–that’s why Job loves You.”
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Word from the Holy Spirit, September 1, 2001
I would say to you this day MY people. For I have called thee, this day that thou would not be afraid, thou would not be fearful. But, I say, thou would have that peace, that MY people would have that joy, that MY people would be continually looking to ME, looking and searching for ME, continuously, that they might know that fulfillment, that river of life that comes from Heaven’s shore.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, August 18, 2001
….[there] is a way that seems right unto man, but I say many are missing that mark today. They have missed what I have spoken unto them. They are missing even though they are moving in MY Name. Yet, they are missing out on MY blessings. They are missing out on MY mighty hand, that wishes to rest upon them in a mighty way.
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Sermon poured through Brother Freedom
I have learned a long time ago that it is a great honor and a real high responsibility what we speak. And I believe this very heavily for all of us.
The Bible says let your words be few, “quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to wrath.” [James 1:19] And I believe there is a real responsibility. And I believe that is basically why the church, I am saying THE CHURCH, the world-wide [church], hasn’t seen the glorious ministry; because, there has been a lot of words, that really, weren’t by the Spirit of God.
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Sermon Poured Through Brother Freedom
…that the church might be a powerful force, that God would use in these last hours, anointed by the Spirit of God, that they might lift those up that are bound. As Paul said, He came to set the captive free. [Eph. 4:8] And THAT is the position of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, that we not move in our own flesh, but we move after the Spirit of God.
And after the Spirit of God, God says “go ye,” and ye “go ye!” And you listen. And the Lord says, “stop,” you STOP! And you speak. You speak as the Spirit of God.
I remember once I had a dream. And I was in this congregation of good people. And I saw this blue snake crawling under the chairs.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, July 28, 2001
For I would say to thee, MY people, by the Spirit of God: many of MY people are falling, in this day, in their own wiseness to their own hearts. They believe they are beyond mistakes. They believe they are holier than their God. And I say, much of the World, the Christianity in this World, has come to a realm, that they are GREATER. They know ALL things. But I say, within their heart, it is hard as stone. Their heart is HARD with stone. It is deceitful and wicked. Can no man know this, but by the Spirit of God.
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Word from the Holy Spirit, July 7, 2001
I the Lord thy God shall re-erect thee. And I shall establish thee that thou will be a profitable people. For I say, MY church this day has lost out, that Way. They are walking in confusion.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, June 16, 2001
[I would say to you] MY people this day, MY Word declares: cast all of your cares upon ME, for I care for you.
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Word From the Holy Spirit, June 2, 2001
Be careful in this last days. Be careful what you saith. Be careful to the replies that you give out. I say, when thou is asked a question, give great thought to thy answer. For I say this last days MY church must be responsible. MY church must be in that place that they have victory, that the joy of the Lord is in their life in such a degree that I will move upon them. And I will use them. For I say, there is much discouragement among MY people, among the World this day.
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