[We had a very unusual time at the Saturday morning breakfast on March 20th. Usually five or six men gather and join Brother Freedom for breakfast. And the men gathered. But the Holy Spirit came down in a magnitude never seen before at the restaurant. We have been meeting for [...]
A Numb Church
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Sound file: 20120212_7.mp3 Time: 27:28
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Scripture Reading: Psalm 39:1; Ephesians 2:1-5; 1st John 2:15-17, 20, 27-28; 2nd Peter 1:4-10
The recording opens with some anointed comments from Brother Freedom that he shared prior to the service itself. He testifies about how good God is, how much Brother Freedom trusts God. God does amazing things. His war buddy from Korea remembers that Brother Freedom was not like most soldiers. Freedom was different.
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Get Your Linkage Right
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Sound file: 20120207.mp3 Time: 15:27
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Scripture Reading Psalm 91
Brother Freedom opens up some deep truths from Psalm 91. He points out the importance of proper linkage in a piece of equipment. So also we need to have our spiritual linkage correct. When we are doing things out side the order and direction of the Lord we will have untold problems and difficulties. But when we are in step with God’s will and direction things work out properly.
The Extreme Value of The Anointing
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Sound file: 20100107.mp3 Time: 28:58
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Scripture Reading: John 14:12-18; Acts 1:8; Acts 2:1-4; Acts 2:39; Romans 8:6-11
The greatest gift is salvation. But Jesus left to prepare us a Heavenly home. Jesus said,
“Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send HIM unto you.” [John 16:7]
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8 Words From Heaven!
Brother Freedom continues to hear so much from the Lord that he cannot contain it. It just passes through him. Often he will say to me, “Brother Clint, the Lord said something so marvelous today.”
I have discovered that I too cannot retain those words for very long that Freedom shares with me,
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The Atomic Bomb is Ahead
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Sound file: 20120124.mp3 Time: 30:31
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Brother Freedom has an opening prayer in the Heavenly Language and then also in English. He prays that God will bind all unrighteous, and he prays for the move of God upon the message.
Brother Freedom declares that he wants to see each listener to the Holy Ghost Calling web site in Heaven,
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Watershed Prophetic Message
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Sound file: 20120122_7777.mp3 Time: 25:11
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Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:33; Isaiah 26:3; Romans 6:11-13; Romans 8:26-39; Jeremiah 10:23, 24, 13, 20 and 21; Romans 9:31-33
Brother Freedom greatly senses the awesomeness of God Almighty in the service. He prays for the listeners in all regions to sense the same presence of God…
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Thoroughly Furnished
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Sound file: 20120108.mp3 Time: 38:05
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Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:1-5 and 11-17, Especially 2 Timothy 3:17
That the man of God may be thoroughly furnished. We can be “thoroughly furnished” by Heaven! God provides all these things for the believer, for us! The World was made for us because God wanted fellowship with what we are. We can’t grasp the great love of God, that HE was willing to build this World, that HE might receive some who were willing to give their hearts to HIM.
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Washed IN, not Washed OUT!
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In our modern day many people are getting too busy, so busy it drives them away from the Lord God. The modern church is trying to make it in itself, without the Spirit of God.
God’s people don’t want to get close to the Lord for fear of HIM. They follow their peers rather than following God Almighty.
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Welcome to the New Web Site!
Thank you for coming by to see the new site! We are very pleased that now the treasures poured through Brother Freedom are more accessible and searchable. The light green title portion of each post can be clicked on to expand the post so you can see 100 percent. Check out all the tabs above and notice that to the right a snippet of an anointed prophetic word appears each time you refresh this blog page. Blessings from Brother Clint, Brother Freedom’s assistant.
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Scripture Reading is James 1:1-18
Numbskulls is a message that we have divided into three parts. Notice the three play buttons above for Part A, B and C.
In Part A Brother Freedom testifies of his healing from an issue of blood.
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