Behold I say to thee this night, be not afraid where thou art. I say, the enemy comes against MY people continually. Do not thou know that the enemy is even at thy door, many times? And MY people must learn to be wise. MY people must learn that *THAT* [...]
Power For Any Situation
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Sound file: 20120605.mp3 Time: 15:08
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This 15 minute message will lift your spirit. Brother Freedom quickly goes into the many aspects of the powers of the natural world compared to the powers of the Spirit of God. So many believers have so little idea of the amazing powers available to the saint of God for proper purposes. God will grant us the power we need to do the work HE has called us to do. But HE doesn’t over power us. That brings pride. But so many Christians operate without the fullness of the Spirit of God. As a result they are extremely under powered and are an easy target for the powers of darkness. Listen to this wonderful message and be blessed.
God Wants US In The Back Room, Not HIS Spirit!
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Sound file: 20120515_777.mp3 Time: 32:31
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Scripture Reading: Ephesians 4:17-19, 22-32
The recording opens with a prayer in tongues followed by more prayer in English. The portion of the prayer in English has a powerful message within it. Then the main service begins with Brother Clint opening the meeting. Brother Clint points out that the ministry is here to touch you the listener. We do not collect offerings or ask for offerings. Do not send us any offering. This ministry is here for your benefit and to fulfill the call that God has put upon Brother Freedom. Brother Freedom has been raised up to be a John The Baptist of this modern era.
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Stalemate Prophecy and Message
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Sound file: 20051208.mp3 Time: 45:07
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This powerful message has been taken from the Holy Ghost Calling Archives and brought to your attention today, June 12, 2012. This message contains the powerful prophetic word that a time of STALEMATE was coming and truly it has now been fulfilled. Way back in 2005 God spoke through Brother Freedom that this was going to happen. Today countries around the world, in Europe, The United States and elsewhere find themselves in a place of STALEMATE. Nations are going over the brink, but their leaders cannot get the steering wheel turned to abort catastrophe. Nations are going over the cliff of debt and misery, but they cannot change course. We are in a world of STALEMATE. You must listen to this prophetic word and then the rest of the message. Churches are in STALEMATE as well. Brother Freedom reveals where the problem lies.
Spiritually Clumsy
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Sound file: 20051110.mp3 Time: 53:11
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This message was recently processed. It was recorded some years ago with a broken microphone. Only recently has the technology been available to clean the recording of loud clicks and pops.
Please make sure and listen at least up to minute 38 in this message. A powerful prophetic word is poured through Brother Freedom’s lips as the Holy Ghost takes over totally for a few moments.
During the 30 years prior to this message Brother Freedom testifies that
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Example of a Sudden Word
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Sound file: 20070508bSUPER77.mp3 Time: 2:04
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Brother Freedom doesn’t control the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit controls him. Here is an audio sound byte of one of those precious times when the Spirit of God takes over Brother Freedom’s lips. Our service is over. I have turned the digital recorder off. But, suddenly Brother Freedom is overcome by the Spirit of God and begins to speak powerful words from Heaven. I grab the recorder and turn it on, missing a few words. But what is captured is so short and so powerful. You can feel the very heart of our Glorious God Almighty. Listen and be changed by a Word from the Throne Room!
Cause God Is God, HE’s a Caring Father
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Sound file: 20120527.mp3 Time: 32:49
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Scripture Reading 2nd Corinthians 1:3-4; 2nd Corinthians 6:16-18
This message brings out the amazing love and care of the Heavenly Father. You will learn of some of the tricks of the evil one. Most believers do not understand how fantastically brilliant the evil one is, how he can so easily take a human being out. Satan’s IQ is so far beyond that of a human being that we are so unwise to try and take him on in our own ability.
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Asleep with Map & No Compass
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Sound file: 20120503_777.mp3 Time: 36:20
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Scripture Reading: Exodus 23:20-30; Deuteronomy 4:14-20; Hebrews 5:9-14; 6:1-6; 13:21
The message opens with some preliminary comments on the fact that the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is asleep. They have had a bad stroke. This message will get them back on track if they will listen. Brother Freedom feels how the powers of darkness are so strong upon the earth in these later times. But when he is in the living room to minister the anointing of the Holy Ghost comes upon him and he is touched mightily Nothing competes with the presence of the Spirit of God! Every believer has a unique and individual calling of God.
This is a watershed message. It is spectacular!
The church is asleep! The church has lost its first love for the Lord God. God wants to re-instate each believer, to bless them.
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Without The Renewing of the Holy Ghost You Are ZERO!
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Sound file: 20120424_777.mp3 Time: 36:14
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Scripture Reading: Nahum 1:7; Psalm 33:6-13; Psalm 91:9-16
This recording opens right up into a prayer in the Heavenly Language followed by a powerful prophetic word from the Throne Room of God. Brother Freedom is so taken over by the prophetic word that he is in awe and overcome by the power of God at the end. Brother Freedom intercedes for lost mankind, for God’s mercy.
Then the service opening occurs and the reading of the Word of God followed by prayers.
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The Mystery Of The Spirit of God
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Sound file: 20120403_7.mp3 Time: 30:17
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Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31
The service opens with Brother Freedom sharing recent revelations God gave him concerning the church and the purpose of the anointing of the Holy Ghost in the work of the church.
God’s power is centered in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. After Brother Freedom read Isaiah (years ago) he saw by revelation that all of the power of God was centered in the Spirit of God. He knew that he needed the fullness of the Spirit of God in order to have power to do the works that God desired.
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Overcomer Via The Spirit of God
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Sound file: 20120318_777.mp3 Time: 36:05
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Scripture reading: Acts: 1:4-8; Acts 2:1-4,38; John 14:12-18,26
This message has a prophetic word direct from the Throne Room of God at the end of the message, so listen to the whole thing. You won’t get truth as pure as this anywhere else except in the Bible itself!
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