99% Will Believe A Lie and Be Damned
Sound file: 20130326.mp3 Time: 12:16
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Traditional Christians, bound in the teachings of men, are in grave danger! Many are not prepared for the “twinkling of an eye,” the rapture, the escape to Heaven of purified and sanctified believers. Carnal saints can’t go because not only their spirit goes, but the mind and body go into Heaven. If the mind has impure thoughts within it, the glory of God would burn them alive. Purity is developed down here on earth. You don’t get purified in Heaven. You have to know God down here to know HIM up there. This knowing is referring to a marriage an intimacy with God! We must seek God now! To be raptured is as Enoch and Elijah were taken directly into God’s presence. They were people of great purity and intimacy. It is a high honor to be raptured. But those left here must face torture and execution by a vial world government.
A Church Full Of Programmers
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Sound file: 20130324.mp3 Time: 31:21
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Scripture Reading: John 14:1-31; 15:26; 16:13; 1st John 1:7-10; 2:1-2;
Jesus is the Great Provider! He prayed the Father to give us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit (the Holy Ghost). Oh, church where are you?? You are not walking by the Spirit of God. You are walking by the flesh. Our strength is in the Lord, but without the fullness and guidance of the Holy Spirit the church is simply a replica,
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The Churches Are Wrong Side Out!!
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Sound file: 20130224.mp3 Time: 23:20
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Scripture Reading: Revelation 1:1-20; 2:4-7; 3:15-18
In this message Brother Freedom calls to our attention the horrifying condition of the visible church. The church has missed God’s will because it has been working without the direction, guidance and control of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Third Person of the Trinity. The precious Holy Spirit has been designated as the governor of Jesus’ Church on Earth. But long ago the church evicted God’s Spirit to some back room. But the Spirit of God is not even in that back room. HE has vacated most of the churches!! Time is very short. Each believer must now seek God. We cannot depend on the mechanical church to get us to God and Heaven. The church is doing laps around Mount Sinai just as Israel did long ago. The church is not obedient. It is not thankful. It is rebellious. It believes itself to be totally on top of things when in fact it is down at the bottom of the sea of sin. God help us!! Please listen to this Holy Spirit inspired message poured through Brother Freedom.
Technology Advances As Godliness Regresses
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Sound file: 20130205.mp3 Time: 28:43
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Scripture Reading: Titus 2:1-15
God is doing a work right now that is beyond what men can see or truly understand. Many are “running around” on God in the same manner as some men cheat on their wives. We cannot compromise because compromise always brings losses. Compromise puts us into the area of the flesh. We must move in the Spirit of God, not in the fleshly and mechanical ways used by the churches of this era.
God is the ONE who planted the secrets of technology in the minds of men. Yet, mankind takes all the credit for the advancements of technology.
The Holy Ghost churches are still back in the last century. They never made any step upwards that lasted. They made compromises and changes, but they gained no advancement in God. Their mission went cold. But God is looking for a powerful church without spot or wrinkle. God wanted them to be used to bring deliverance to mankind. God had a plan for man, but man refused God’s plan.
SELF is what is wrong with the modern church. It is so selfish that it sinks!! Selfishness will self destruct. Please listen to this message and hear the truth that has been hidden and buried by the modern church.
A Moment When God Won’t Hear
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Sound file: 20130127_7777.mp3 Time: 32:53
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Scripture Reading: Revelation 2:4-5, 7; Revelation 3:2-3, 15-18; Revelation 21:1-8
God has spoken to Brother Freedom and told him that his physical condition is a parable of the condition of the modern day Church of Jesus Christ. On Saturday night, prior to this service, Brother Freedom suffered excruciating spasms in his leg. He was in agony and cried out with all his heart to the Lord for help. But God did not answer. Heaven was brass to his prayer. The next morning as the pain subsided God spoke. The Lord told him that God did not answer the night before as a parable of the place the church is rushing toward. The church has slipped so far backwards that it is soon to come to the point where God will not even hear its prayers.
This message is a “must listen.” The Holy Spirit of God comes down upon Brother Freedom and God shows many things that all believers need to know. This message is from Heaven. Brother Freedom was so tired. He only got three hours of sleep, but God took over his lips and poured out a message for your heart!
Like a Flood The Enemy Comes In
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Sound file: 20121206P_7777.mp3 Time: 31:30
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Scripture Reading: 2 Thessalonians 2:2-12; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
In this message Brother Freedom relates a very powerful truth revealed to him just in the last few days.
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The Anointing Breaks The Strings of Darkness
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Sound file: 20121118_7777.mp3 Time: 28:50
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Scripture Reading: Romans 8:24-29; Psalms 34:1-9
This is a watershed message! Six minutes into the recording the Spirit of God suddenly takes over and begins to speak directly. For about three minutes God speaks directly. Brother Freedom had no recollection of even of what was said. He was so amazed at what God spoke, when he later heard the message replayed some days later.
Learn about the “Gravity of Sin.” The Holy Spirit so anoints this message. When Brother Freedom heard the message he said, “I didn’t know that. I’m learning something from this message.” The Holy Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit are so needed in the life of God’s people. But the modern church has no clue. The modern church is so smart that they know little about the depths of holiness, purity and glory. But God wants to give these lavish gifts to HIS beloved. Please hear this message. Click the play button and be blessed.
America Has Lost It’s First Love
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Sound file: 20121101_77.mp3 Time: 23:26
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Scripture Reading: 2nd Chronicles 7:14; Proverbs 1:23-31
Brother Freedom has been feeling the powerful effects of Hurricane Sandy which recently struck the northeast of the U.S.A. The Holy Spirit has impressed Brother Freedom that chaos is breaking out upon this Nation. In all our knowledge and learning we cannot see that shaking our fist in the face of God brings judgment and grave problems. Brother Freedom saw this first when our Nation came under the attack of foreign powers in the Nine-Eleven event. Then Hurricane Katrina was another judgment when our Nation pressed Israel to turn Gaza over to another people and to remove themselves from that area.
As Brother Freedom says,…
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Wake UP!! HE is coming soon
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Sound file: 20121025_77.mp3 Time: 20:44
Scripture Brother Freedom Reads From: 2nd Peter 3:7 and following
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Brother Freedom begins with a prayer poured from his lips in the Heavenly Language. Then he hears the Lord saying, “Wake up! Wake up! For HE is coming soon.”
Brother Freedom senses that Christians are very motivated in what they are doing, but he is not sure he is in agreement with many of them.
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Too Caught Up In Good Deeds
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Scripture Reading: Matthew 24:1-13; Luke 21:31-36
This message is all about a terrible trick of the enemy. Satan gets believers to get so over zealous and involved in good deeds and church work that they fail to give a thought to the eminent “twinkling of an eye” or Rapture that is about to happen. Paul hints that the Lord is coming for those that are looking for HIS return. [See Titus 2:12-13; and Philippians 3:20-21]
This world is going to get so evil that holy men and women of God will need to be removed to Heaven for their safety. The testing of the evilness of this world is going to be that horrible as God pours out a time of testing to shake sinners to the core, until there will not be a single atheist on planet earth. Nevertheless, these anti-God people will still shake their fists in God’s face. They are that determined to reject God Almighty.
In this message Brother Freedom foretells that if the November 2012 election does not make a major change back toward goodness that within three months the Country will find itself in even deeper trouble.