Rescue Mission Sermon, February 22, 2003

It is going to be hard to fulfill, but God is able to do it. You know I really believe here tonight, each one, [that] there is different needs. And I believe that God spoke to my heart this afternoon that HE wants to touch each one of you. And I am not going to walk down through the crowd. I’m not going to do nothing. And I don’t even know what the need is. But God knows. And HE is here to TOUCH you, afresh.
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Rescue Mission Sermon December 28, 2002

I’m the most likely NOT to succeed! And I guess I’m the kind of person that God speaks about that HE takes the nobodies and does something with them.   [See 1st Corinthians 1:27-29]   And I have really found a strength in the Lord Jesus Christ. I’ve served the Lord actually [sixty-one years]. I’m seventy years old. All my life I’ve served the Lord.

When I was nine years old I was drowning in Stonycreek. Another fellow named Leonard B_______ saved my life. I was going down. I knew I was gone! When I got up I made a dedication then that I was going to serve God. The next Sunday I gave my heart to Jesus Christ. And I’ve never been sorry. It has been a blessing.
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Rescue Mission, October 26, 2002

Well, without the Lord’s help I can’t do anything. I’m not a very good speaker. I am not really too much of anything. But, I’ve learned a secret long years ago: that my help comes from the Lord. It says our help comes from above. [Psalms 121:1-8] And I believe in that help tonight.
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Jesus Is The Pattern For Us Today!

Sermon Preached at the Rescue Mission, September 28, 2002

Praise the Lord! God is good! He is worthy of all praise and honor. [The audience began to applaud.] Glory to YOU God!

Father, in the wonderful name of Jesus, we come to you asking for this night.
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Rescue Mission Message August 24, 2002

I want to say that I love each one of you in the Name of Jesus. I don’t love you with the love that the world has. But I have the love of God. God is so rich, so full that HIS love abounds within HIS people.

And I CARE for each one of you here tonight in a very special way. And my desire is this night that you might be TOUCHED in the very crown of your head to the very sole of your feet; that your life would be flooding by that miraculous power of the Holy Ghost, or the Holy Spirit, which ever way you want to call it. It’s the same: the Holy Spirit of God that dwells within us.

The Bible plainly says, “…greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.” [John 4:4b]
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I’m not really anything. But, I know Someone who is everything! And I learned that when I decreased HE increases. Oh, Glory! I’ve seen a lot of men come to Jesus Christ over the years, a lot of women too, by the power of God’s Spirit. And I believe in the Spirit. I’ve seen many Caterpillar machines that God totally healed. Hearts have been healed and lives have been touched. And I believe in the move of HIS Spirit. The Bible says, “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” [2nd Corinthians 3:17] And, there is peace, there is joy.
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